Heroes Prison

Vol 4 Chapter 908: past

"Boss, come with a pot of spicy snail shells, a basin of crayfish, a beer." At this time, Li Qiang said to the boss of the stall, his tone was familiar, and the boss seemed like an old friend.

"Oh!" The boss of the food stall is a middle-aged man, shirtless, sweaty, and frantically frying a large pot of snail shells, taking time to answer Li Qiang.

The three Huang Yi found a place closest to the riverside and sat down, leaning on the back of the plastic chair and waiting while smoking.

It didn't take long for the boss to bring it with him.

The snail shell is steaming, the aroma is overflowing, and the red peppers are full. The snail shell has chili oil flowing on it, reflecting the attractive luster, and the color and fragrance are complete.

"Come here! Snail snail!" Li Qiang swallowed, reached out and picked up a snail, and put it in his mouth.

His movements were very sophisticated, he swiftly tapped, and the flesh of the snails came into the mouth, leaving only an empty shell, which was thrown into the river by him.

Huang Yi and the monkey were hungry for a long time, their stomachs were cooing long ago, and each picked up a snail.

Huang Yi rarely eats snail shells, but this snail shell is well-made and can easily be scooped out. That snail meat is very delicious, it's just spicy, the meat is tender and chewy, it's simply delicious.

"I have eaten spicy snails in many places. I have eaten in five-star hotels, but they are not as good as this one! The more upscale the place, the harder it is to eat. If you want to eat real delicious, you have to Come to such a small place. "Li Qiang sucked the snails over and over again, and said with emotion that his lips were already covered with pepper oil, and he was enjoying himself.

"It's much better than the food in our school cafeteria!" The monkey also ate vaguely, saying vaguely.

Soon, the boss brought another pot of crayfish and a carton of beer. The table suddenly became rich.

Li Qiang skillfully bit open three bottles of beer, each giving Huang Yi and the monkey a bottle, and said, "Come, toast!"

The three picked up the bottle and touched it, and drank directly into the beer bottle. The cool river breeze came. Coupled with cold beer, the summer heat was quickly dissipated.

"On such a hot night, sitting with three or two friends, sitting on the waterfront, sipping spicy snails and eating crawfish. Drinking beer, this is a fairy-like day!" Li Qiang put down the bottle and enjoyed Said quietly.

"Brother, are you going to sleep all night tonight?" The monkey asked while peeling the crayfish.

Li Qiang nodded and said, "All night! I'm going to be a soldier tomorrow. A train ticket at eight o'clock in the morning, and a legend in the evening, you can't play in the army."

"You're leaving tomorrow?" The monkey was startled slightly, a hand grabbing at the crayfish stopped in the air, staring at Li Qiang blankly.

"Yeah!" Li Qiang looked a little murky. "I don't have a diploma. I've been doing odd jobs in recent years. It's not the way to go. It's at least a way to be a soldier."

"Then I will work overnight, to accompany you for the last night," said the monkey, turning his head to look at Huang Yi, and said, "Brother, will you stay overnight tonight?"

Huang Yi slammed a snail, threw the empty shell into the river water, and nodded his head: "Okay! It doesn't matter if I play Legend or Warcraft."

Li Qiang poured a big sip of beer and looked at the vast river. Lamented: "After playing the legend for five years, my youth is deserted, and I ca n’t play it in the army. I will return to the army later, I do n’t know if there is a legend. At that time, I will also find my wife to marry and give birth to a baby. Efforts Make money. "

The monkey smiled and said, "Even if there are legends, I don't know what to change. Domestically produced games are used to make money. It's still World of Warcraft. For a few cents an hour, everyone is fair."

"This is true. Playing legends now is not as fun as it used to be." Li Qiang said, a reminiscence emerged in his eyes. "At that time, he blame, lit candles, held arrogant hands, wearing 1-1. Helmet, wearing 0-1 clothes, drinking a bottle, but playing with a passion. Now, as long as you are willing to charge money, you can afford all the best equipment and nothing fun. "

"Now the people who play games are also very utilitarian. When playing games before, people are very good." The monkey scooped up a snail and looked at Li Qiang and asked: "Qiang, the most memorable thing you play in the legend What's the matter? "

"The most memorable thing!" Li Qiang looked at the river under the night, and said quietly, "My most memorable thing was many years ago. Remember that time, I was a little 31-level mage who was playing magic Strange, there is a 22-level little female mage. She is called the booklet. She is so small, she will often be killed by the blackbird, she will die constantly, and keep coming, from the demon city to the hall of overlords. It ’s been a long time, but she ran back every time she hung up. Then I took her to upgrade. She followed me for two days and two nights. I love her so much. We fell in love in the game. That was my first time. Online dating. But one day later, she never went online. Every time I go online in these years, I first check to see if she is online, but I have never seen it. Now I miss her! It was 2001 It ’s a year of things, hey! It was so good at that time, I really want the one called the small book. "

The dim yellow light of the food stall shined on Li Qiang's face, and his eyes stared at the river so much that he seemed to be immersed in the long past. A gust of night wind blew, and the river turned ripples like Li Qiang's gaze.

The monkey also seemed to be reminded of the past, saying: "I used to play World of Warcraft when I was in the tenth level. One night, when I saw that the death mine could be cleaned online, I ran outside the death mine. I want to make a copy with the team. I just clicked a pass and formed a 60-level full-level priest! The priest didn't talk much. I knew I was the first time to copy and took me. When it ’s more dangerous, I ’ll briefly say what to pay attention to. In this way, the two of us brushed an overnight copy. When I went offline the next morning, I told him goodbye, he He said he would not see him again. He wanted to leave the game. He said that we had a fate, so he gave me all the gold coins. The next day, I did n’t see him go online, and I have never seen him again. So, every time I see a priest player feels very special, I have played Warcraft for so long, I have played other professions, but even if I have n’t played priest, I do n’t know why.

Li Qiang looked back. Re-opened a bottle of beer and said, "Come here, toast, I'm leaving tomorrow, have a good drink tonight, and wait for me to return to the army. Monkey you should also go to college outside, I don't know if I can Can't see. "

After all, the three had another drink.

The night was getting deeper and deeper. The food stalls were already empty. The tables of the three of Huang Yi were already filled with empty wine bottles. There was only a little residue in the pot of snails and crayfish. All three were fed and sat contentedly on plastic chairs.

"I'm full, let's go!" Li Qiang said, turning to look at Huang Yi and the monkey. "The two of you go back to the Internet cafe first. I'll go back and get my luggage. I'll go to the Internet cafe to find you all night. In the morning, I went straight with my luggage. "After that, he stood up and settled the bill with the boss.

Huang Yi and Monkey walked towards the Internet cafes under the light of a street lamp.

The night was already deep. The nightclubs on both sides of the road had already been closed. Only the footsteps of the two of them spread far in the deserted night.

There are few cars on the road and occasionally a car passes by. The dazzling lights of the lights dazzled the shadows of the two, like a dream scene.

"There are strange things in the world, and they sell ridiculous dreams to comfort frustrated people, and those who hear them buy like wind. Don't ask when dreams wake up. Tu Le is in a dream, what is life like? A hundred years a dream." The monkey suddenly groaned A poem, looking at the empty streets, said: "Sometimes, I really wonder if this world really has a parallel space. In that parallel world, everything is still the same. It ’s like The emerald dream in World of Warcraft maintains the original appearance of the game world, and our memories are there. "

"Parallel world ... the emerald dream? Is there such a place?" Huang Yi suddenly hesitated and turned to look at the monkey.

"Yeah, the Emerald Dream, a legendary place in World of Warcraft." The monkey nodded. "Our World of Warcraft, called the Azeroth continent, has an identical Azeroth continent in the Emerald Dream. However, the Azeroth continent in the Emerald Dream has not been interfered by the player, and everything has maintained the original appearance. If life is only seen for the first time, the Emerald Dream will maintain the appearance of World of Warcraft. I am in today I saw a post on the Internet saying that there is a task in the Emerald Dreamland, which is very interesting. I will do it later. "

As soon as Huang Yi's heart moved, he immediately thought of the sword.

He was thinking before, how can the sword have the ability to enter another server to obtain those legendary epic equipment.

It now appears that if the Second World also has a place similar to the Emerald Dream, even more complete, more complex, and more like a real world than the Emerald Dream, and Li Jian just happens to know the entrance to such a place, then he can obtain the same Equipment is not surprising.

Huang Yi touched his chin and said, "I'll see your task later."

"Okay, I have to explore it anyway." The monkey nodded.

After a while, the two returned to the Internet cafe. At this time, the internet cafe was empty, and only a few players were all night, and their three computers were still hanging there.

Huang Yi and the monkey sat back to their respective positions, but this time, Huang Yi did not play, but watched the monkey do the task of the emerald dream.

"The task of the Emerald Dream can only be done by Druid. It seems that other professions cannot do this task ..." Monkey controlled his character while explaining to Huang Yi.


The following words are free of charge:

Someone asks ~ www.readwn.com ~ Are these chapters my game experience in these years? Some are indeed my experience, but some are others' experience of playing games from the Internet. In fact, I have n’t played much of Legend and World of Warcraft, especially the Legend, I only went in once. World of Warcraft, my most advanced number is only more than 60 levels, but also brought by others.

The descriptions of legends and World of Warcraft in the text, including place names, skills, occupation names, etc., are all written while I check the information. I personally think it should be quite true and accurate. I do n’t know if there are common sense errors. Maybe Some friends are very familiar with these two games. If you see something wrong, please forgive me.

The experiences of monkeys and Li Qiang were all I saw on the Internet. I remembered my memories of playing other games, so I wrote them in. Although the games played are different, the feeling is the same. Friends who have n’t played the game may not understand that feeling. The friends who played together gradually leave, and the scenery is still the scenery of the year, but the person is gone. I wrote a special story about my game before, called "One Man's Game". I posted it in the related works, and also posted it on Sina Weibo (@ 黄华 溢). Interested friends can check it out. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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