Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 919: Been to the Underworld

In this way, Huang Yi did not dodge or evade, forcibly carrying and chopping each other, pouring out his super strong attack power.

Skeletons have used one super attack skill after another. Some skills are almost killing. If they are played by a team, they are likely to die. However, Huang Yi is invincible, no matter how strong the attack is, it will not work for him, but his attack can cause heavy damage to it.

"Bone spurs assault!" Another twenty seconds later, his health has been hit to the blood skin state, making it one of its strongest skills!

His body suddenly sprayed with dense bone spurs, covering the sky and attacking in all directions!

Most people will be sieved under this attack, and they will not be able to carry it. They can only choose to avoid it. But the bone spurs hit Huang Yi's body, but they made a "ding ding ding" sound, and they bounced out, all of them were immune.

Huang Yi's Guardian Wings are simply out of reach!

Huang Yi glanced at the skull for the last glance, holding the golden axe in his hand to draw a gorgeous trajectory, and slammed the skull's neck fiercely!

"Ka-cha!" It seemed as if the final sound was made, a sudden breaking sound was made around the neck, and a head flew far away.

At the same time, Huang Yi's invincibility was over.

This super 250 level was just killed in less than a minute. If it was before, even if Huang Yi's strength increased greatly, it would take a long time to use a variety of skills to win. But now, relying on the wings of freedom and guardian wings, he easily won.

"[System Tip]: Congratulations on clearing the 240-story single-player mode of the Tower of Gods. The clearance time is 18 minutes and 23 seconds. Become the record creator of this layer and you will get a generous reward!"

Huang Yi received a long-lost system prompt, and he set a new record and got a new super reward.

Huang Yi stole his weapon. Looking at a box ahead, that is the reward for setting a world record. He stepped forward expectantly and reached out to open the box.

There are four things in that box. The first three are very familiar, namely an experience dan, an energy stone, and a soul spar.

He already has several pieces of things like soul spar. But I never knew what its origin was, and no one researched it on the forum. It has been a mystery until now.

Huang Yi looked at the last item. This was a gray translucent bead, the size of a fist, and a faint white mist emitted from the whole body. Linger around, gather together.

The system shows that this item is called [Pearl of the Underworld].

Huang Yi blinked his left eye. Only a while ago, his medicine bottle gave birth to a medicine called "The Tears of Hades", and later he dropped that medicine into his left eye, so that his left eye had the ability of the Eye of the Underworld Can have all kinds of powerful visual abilities in the underworld.

But he didn't know where the underworld was and how he could get there. So this eye of the underworld has never been used.

Huang Yi took a deep breath, carefully picked up the bead, and checked its effect—

[Pearl of the Underworld] (Special Item)

The treasure containing the power of the underworld can be incorporated into any piece of equipment, so that it has the ability to absorb the soul of the underworld. As long as the equipment absorbs enough souls in the underworld, it can be promoted to the highest level of epic. This item can only be used by people who have been to the underworld. You have met the conditions for use.

When Huang Yi saw the last sentence of the item description. Suddenly the body shivered and stood on the spot! I almost thought I was wrong!

In this way, items can only be used by people who have been to the underworld, and he actually meets the conditions of use!

He actually has been to the underworld!

"How is that possible ?!" Huang Yi held the pearl of the underworld and murmured incredibly!

The underworld has always been an extremely mysterious place. No one knows how to get there, and he has been searching. However, this pearl of the underworld shows that he has actually been to the underworld!

He stared at the Orb of Underworld in his hands. I quickly remembered my past. It's been almost two years since he entered the Second World. He can't remember how many places he has visited. Now it seems that one of them is the underworld!

After he entered the second world. The first place I went to was the Hero Prison, then a female cat was born in a city, and then I went to the forest to wander ...

Every scene of memories, like a movie, is playing in his mind. Every time he thought of a place, he carefully recalled it to see if he had missed any details.

After thinking about it for a while, Huang Yi shook his head helplessly and chose to give up.

This is really too difficult. In the past two years, he has visited countless places and can never remember. And he really can't figure out which place can be connected with the underworld, it seems that every place is quite normal.

But this was at least an important clue, and he didn't have to look around as blankly as before.

Huang Yi lowered his head and capped the pearl of the underworld in his hand. This bead is a very powerful treasure that can be incorporated into any of his equipment. As long as he absorbs some souls from the underworld, he can be upgraded to the equipment level.

He almost didn't hesitate and decided to incorporate this pearl of the underworld into his [Ancestral Waist Drop].

Eleven of his twelve equipment parts are legendary epics, with the exception of the waist drop. The waist pendant is the last part of the ancestor jewelry set. It is only a 100-level orange, and the attribute bonus is very low. However, due to the ability of [Level Enhancement], it can be increased by 20 levels in ten seconds, which has been used by Huang Yi until now.

He has just merged dozens of skills just now, but the [Level Up] of this ancestor's waist was retained by him and has not been merged.

Huang Yi took off his ancestor's waist pendant and immediately chose to incorporate the pearl of the underworld.

In a short time, Bai Guang masterpiece, the pearl of the underworld quickly melted into a ray of light, submerged in the waist of the ancestor. The appearance of the ancestor's waist pendant has not changed, but if you look closely, you will find a light on the surface, which keeps flowing.

"[System Tip]: [Ancestral Waist Drop] incorporates the pearl of the underworld, and has the ability to absorb the soul of the underworld. As long as enough souls are absorbed in the underworld, promotion can be achieved, and the highest can be promoted to epic equipment."

This waist pendant is still orange, and its attributes have not changed, but its potential is huge. Once you find the underworld, you will have the opportunity to be promoted to epic. By that time, all the equipment in Huang Yi's body will be legendary and epic, so basically there is no need to find new equipment.

Huang Yi used the experience dan on the spot, and then teleported, resetting the mystery, and breaking the record again.

After the second experience Dan was used up, his level rose to 251, firmly occupying the first place in the world ranking list. However, after that, it will be very difficult for him to upgrade. He is a **** class and needs more experience than a rare class. If there is no such thing as magic dan or experience dan to directly upgrade the level, just kill the monsters and level up by yourself, I don't know how long it will take to level up.

In addition, he also needs to bring Xiaolong to upgrade, and Xiaolong is also a big household with experience. He is the number one in the world rankings and will be kicked out after a while.

Leaving the Tower of the Gods, Huang Yi strolled through the streets of Sun City. At this time, the streets were full of lights, and countless players shuttled among them. He walked aimlessly through the crowd, but remembered every place he had been to.

The last word of the underworld pearl had a great impact on him. He actually went to the underworld without knowing it. Where is it?

"Xiao Bai, do you see the leaderboards? Killing God set a world record for the lower 240 floors. I don't know what good baby I got."

"Even the best baby, you have to have the life to enjoy it. Now that the threat of the seven devil kings has not been lifted, I don't know if killing the gods can not turn the tide and keep our island of the sun."

Along the way, Huang Yi heard many players talking. It's been a few days before he killed the twelve Destroyer, but the master of the Devil has not yet arrived. The more it is, the more nervous the crowd becomes. This is like the quietness before the storm. Once the master of the Demon Clan arrives, it will definitely cause sky-high waves. There is almost no difference between Sun Island and Yiye Flat Boat.

While walking, Huang Yi came to the city hall of Sun Island. At this time, the meeting room on the second floor was brightly lit and someone was having a meeting.

He thought for a moment, simply opened the door of the conference room and went in.

There were more than a dozen individuals in the meeting room, which were basically high-level leaders of the Legion of Heroes. Several superb masters such as the blade, the dragon thorn, the sword, and Yang Yuheng were there. In addition, there are high-level guilds such as Shitu, Sunset and Overlord, and high-level guilds such as Tang Yunfei and Wang Zhi.

At this moment, they were discussing fiercely, and the atmosphere was filled with tension. Seeing Huang Yi coming in, everyone couldn't help but stop talking and turned to look at him.

"Yi brother ~ www.readwn.com ~ You are here! Congratulations on your successful three turns and a world record of 240 floors!" At this time, the sunset first congratulated.

"What are you talking about?" Huang Yi found a place casually and sat down.

"We are talking about the masters of the Demon Race." Wang only said, looking at Huang Yi expectantly, and said, "The Masters of the Demon Race may come at any time, and we must be fully prepared. Yi brother, your strength Great increase, are you sure that you can defeat the Demon Masters above 290? "

As soon as this word came out, everyone in the conference room looked at Huang Yi with anticipation.

"It's hard to say, you'll have to fight before you know." Huang Yi shook his head and didn't give a positive answer.

"What if we can't do that, what should we do?" Tang Yunfei, the vice president of the Sun Society, asked nervously.

Huang Yi turned his head to look at the night sky outside the window, and said quietly, "I can't say any more, I have made some arrangements. Now everything is ready, only due to Dongfeng." Welcome to the starting point () to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets, your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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