Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 921: Invasion of the Demon Race kicks off

In the middle of the hero continent is the famous abyss, like a huge wound on the earth.

For a long time, the abyss has been the most dangerous area of ​​the hero's continent, and there are some top-level sacred warcrafts in it. When Huang Yi came here to absorb the dark atmosphere, he must use absolute invisibility to hurry, lest he be found by the Warcraft inside.

However, the strength of players has been growing, and now the players in Tianyu are no longer in the minority. This extremely dangerous abyss is no longer forbidden for players. A steady stream of players come here every day to explore and hunt down Warcraft. The incomparable Lords of Warcraft fell head after head.

In the abyss, there is a steep mountain peak, and on the steep cliff, a brightly lit city is established.

The buildings in this city are all made of bones, and from a distance they look like the remains of a fierce beast.

This city is called the Black Demon City.It was originally a city, but now it has been occupied by players, and it has become the main city of a small guild called "Fresh Wind Home".

The chairman of this guild is "Old Horse's Sky". He is quite economically savvy and has worked hard for some time. Now he has built this dark city into a supply city for the abyss. As long as the player wants to come to the abyss, the first is Teleport here.

At this point, the Dark City is as lively as usual, with its gates open and bustling players in and out. In the city, the most prominent building is a black minaret that plugs into the sky and is the tallest building in the city. At the top of the minaret was a sharp eye, patrolling the city back and forth. It's like a sky eye watching everything.

At the top of the minaret, a middle-aged man was sitting comfortably on a rattan chair. Holding a glass of red wine in his hand, tasting comfortably, watching everything in the city.

The middle-aged man is the owner of the city, "Old Horse's Sky". One of his hobbies is to stay on top of this minaret and watch his city gradually become more and more prosperous, just like watching his children grow up.

A young man was standing beside the middle-aged person. The young man is playing with a sheep skull in his hand. He muttered boringly: "Old horse, two days ago, the Legion of Heroes issued a warning to us, let us pay attention to the movement of the gate of the Demon King at the bottom of the abyss, and said that there might be a Demon coming, it looks normal now!"

The old horse took a sip of red wine and narrowed his eyes, showing an expression of enjoyment on his face. After a while, I turned to look at the young man and smiled, "Little gray wolf, you are anxious. Is n’t it better if the masters of the clan do not come? If there are masters of the clan from the bottom of the abyss, Then our Dark City is over! We are not the Heroes Guild. They have super strong guardians. We don't! "

The young man named "Little Gray Wolf" threw the sheep skull in his hands, squirted his lips, and said indifferently: "I would like to have a few Demon masters, this abyss is no longer challenging. I After ascending to the realm of heaven, we haven't played it heartily yet! And even if we ca n’t fight the demons, it does n’t matter. The darken sky of our Dark Demon City is so strong that even the masters of the realm of heaven can resist for a while, afraid What are they doing! "

"Boom!" As soon as the voice fell, the earth suddenly shook violently, as if a huge earthquake had occurred!

The sky of the old horse and the little gray wolf suddenly fell into a slump, and they fell directly to the ground. Red wine spilled everywhere!

"What's going on?" The two were shocked in their hearts and quickly turned to look outside!

The next moment, the two of them stood still, staring round and widening their mouths, and could not close again!

At the end of the line of sight, an endless black mist suddenly poured from the ground and went straight into the sky, like a volcanic eruption, overturning the earth and causing a strong shock!

The black mist quickly swept away in all directions, covering thousands of miles, covering the sky of the abyss!

In a short time, the Dark Devil City became dark, and the abyss, which was originally dark, suddenly became out of reach with five fingers, like the end of the day!

Countless players in the city raised their heads in horror, watching the endless black gas in the sky, not knowing what happened!

"That's ... the direction of the Demon's Gate! Here comes the master of the Demon Race!" The sky of the old horse swallowed his throat and screamed in horror.

Demon's Gate is the only area in the abyss that has not been conquered by players! The portal is connected to the space where the seven demon kings are located. Occasionally, players try to attack the door of the demon king, but this behavior will quickly attract some demons and cause the death of the body. Over time, the gate of the demon king has become a forbidden area, and players usually avoid that area automatically. Now, the endless black mist rushes up from the direction of the gate of the Demon King, and most of these are the masters of the Devil!

"So, what's that ?!" Just then, the little gray wolf suddenly reached out and pointed his finger at the distant sky.

I saw the direction of the black mist distant from the distance. Those mists trembled suddenly and violently, as if something was doing evil in the black mist. Suddenly, the tumbling black mist calmed down, and a figure of a mighty shore slowly appeared inside.

This figure is as tall as a mountain peak. Looking at it through the hazy mist, he can vaguely see that he is "primitive" with his upper body as if he were a primitive man, but the specific appearance is not real.

A substantial coercion poured down from the figure of this mighty shore. Some trees on the ground could not bear the coercion immediately, and they made a "click" sound, which exploded directly into wood chips.

At this moment, the figure of this mighty man raised his leg casually and took a step forward!

"Boom!" The next moment, the earth fell, and the original heavy earth was as fragile as glass, cracks appeared, and spread out in all directions!

The earth couldn't bear the power of this person, it broke!

"Quick, quickly open the canopy of enchantment, and quickly inform the heroic army!" The old horse lost his soul, and spit out a word.

The little gray wolf on the side immediately acted and quickly ordered the people below!

The Dark City quickly opened the sky curtain enchantment, and a layer of translucent light shield appeared in the sky to protect the entire city's players. The players outside the city were too late to withdraw, and were completely abandoned, fleeing in horror, like ants.

The huge figure in the distance seemed to be aware of it. He glanced down at the sky enchantment of the Dark City, and pointed at the sky enchantment!

A black smoke suddenly sprayed out from the fingers of the huge figure, quickly over the mountains, over the mountains, across the ground, and hit the dark enchantment of the Dark City.

"Ka-cha!" The dark sky enchantment of the Black Demon City is as fragile as cracks, and after only a few seconds of cracking, it breaks into pieces and disappears into the air.

"Come out! The endless demons, let us conquer this continent! Let darkness cover the world forever!" At this moment, a domineering voice sounded from the mouth of the huge silhouette, like a thunderous sound that rang through the world. between!

The next moment, in the vast sky, the endless black mist covering the entire abyss shuddered, condensing into hundreds of millions of demons, the devil wolf, the devil lion, the devil werewolf, the giant demon, the eyeless demon, the two-headed demon, Winged Demon, Heart Devourer ... From beast to human, various demons cover the whole sky!

In a short time, nothing else could be seen in the entire line of sight, only the dense demons, the devil dancing and dancing, fell from the sky! It's raining!

Numerous demons are like meteorites, and they fell into the black demon city. Each building was directly destroyed and turned into a ruin. The people in the city screamed and fled, but they were quickly drowned by the sea of ​​the demons, and they could not see the slightest shadow.

At this moment, the worst disaster of the Second World is happening in the abyss of this hero continent. The sky crumbled, the ground crumbled, and all the demons fell. It was a complete doomsday scene. Black Demon City is like a small boat in the storm, without even a little resistance!

"The Devil has invaded the Second World!" On the tower of the Black Demon City, the old horse's sky has completely lost his soul, no longer takes any resistance measures, and stands still waiting to die.

This time the scale of the Devil's attack was far more serious than he imagined. He thought that even if the Devil appeared, he would only send masters to the Sun Island to find God, the blade, and the sword. . Unexpectedly, hundreds of millions of demons are now pouring out directly, invading the entire world and drowning all beings.

Disasters of this scale, let alone a small dark city, even the entire hero continent can't resist it!

The prediction of the Demon invasion of the Second World has been talked about for a long time, but no one expected that this invasion would officially begin at this moment, in such a place!

"Boom!" At this time, a mountain-sized demons just fell on top of the minaret and smashed it with brute force. The sky of the old horse and the little gray wolf were suddenly drowned in the ruins.

After just a few breaths, UU read the book www. uukanshu. The entire dark city of com can no longer see the original appearance, looking at the black pressure, there are raging demons everywhere.

And there is more black mist in the distance, spewing frantically from the depths of the abyss, turning into countless demons, spreading out to the hero continent outside the abyss!

These demons have no way forward, no goals, but a flood that overwhelms everything and floods every inch. No matter it is a poor mountain or a desert, or a rich plain, whether it is a mountain or a ridge, or a grassland lake, every place is covered by the demons.

In a short time, the entire hero continent ushered in the disaster. City by city, village by village, in the blink of an eye, it turned into a ruin, and became the domain of the demons.

If someone looks down at the hero continent from a sufficiently high level, it will be found that the hero continent at this time is like a blank piece of paper, and the middle abyss is constantly spraying ink out, invading rapidly until it is saturated The whole sheet.

The Demon Invasion finally opened. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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