Heroes Prison

: [Free] Review of the previous article 183; 2 (Old readers must see, new reading ...

The following is a review of the plots of the third and fourth volumes. Old readers should take a look at it. You can generally recall the previous content and understand the updated content in the future. ¢ £ ding ¢ £ point ¢ £ Xiao ¢ £ said,

Chapters 224-227:

The best personal award of the second annual festival was won by the Chinese player Li Jian. This mysterious and mysterious man is a **** horse that was suddenly killed and actually defeated the best personal blade of the previous session. Huang Yi speculated that the sharp sword should be the first player in the world to complete a rare task with a gold ring.

After Huang Yi won the Best Newcomer Award, he once again made a request to Mr. Huang Sha to be released from prison, but was rejected. Huang Yi also proposed that all criminals in the world legally own virtual equipment so that this group of criminals can enter the second world. Mr. Huang Sha agreed to this request.

Chapters 228 ~ 250:

In Rose Prison, Huang Yi convened a meeting of all the criminals after a breakfast, announcing that they were about to enter the Second World. After this incident, Huang Yi finally knew that the Thunder God in the Second World was Ray Shen in the Rose Prison, and Ray Shen finally knew that Killing the God was Huang Yi. The two decided to conceal their true relationship from the outside world, causing the outside world to mistake them for a pair of enemies. The elite prisoners in Rose Prison have entered the Second World. They are rare talents in various fields. A total of hundreds of people have become rare professionals. They are scattered all over the world. They develop forces in various countries to create guilds. After the Sun Guild, it absorbed a lot of good brothers from the Rose Prison and developed rapidly.

And Huang Yi's strength also increased rapidly, and carried out the third evolution, and evolved into a sniff treasure cat. Has the ability to sniff treasure. Can sense the treasures in the nearby area. In an auction. He used this ability to sniff treasures and found the black snake, one of the three generals of His Majesty the King of Pirates of the Pirates. He asked Dugu to refrigerate and took a picture of a metal plate that the black snake wanted to take. Power, there is a mysterious creature inside, I don't know what it is.

Chapters 251 ~ 256:

After some hard work, Huang Yi finally created the Hero Guild. He decided to take the dragons as a secondary territory. At this time, there were still a huge army of skeletons outside Longdu, and Fengzhi still led his 200,000 orcs to entangle in Longdu. There are several guilds who want to compete for the Dragon City. One of them is called the Kingdom of the Wind. The president is Bing Feng Shui Soul. He and Feng Zhi are good brothers. They want to join forces to occupy the Dragon City. Huang Yi alone went into Longdu, planted a deputy battle flag, and grabbed the city from many guilds, which aroused the jealousy of several guilds.

Chapters 257 ~ 259:

In order to get rid of Huang Yi, Bing Feng Shui Soul and Feng Zhi attracted Black Wolf, one of the three generals under the command of Sand Pirate King, to pursue Huang Yi. crucial moment. Huang Yi released the prisoner of the heroic prison, King Sand, as the guardian of the territory. King Sand seriously wounded the black wolf. And killed the ice Feng Shui soul and the wind and the people of His Majesty, to keep the dragon capital, at this point the dragon capital completely became the heroic guild territory.

Chapters 260 ~ 290:

Huang Yi completed his first transfer, and his strength increased greatly. He cooperated with the master player of the Rose Prison, Overlord, to find the black wolf's nest, killed the badly wounded black wolf, and obtained the legendary weapon ghost axe. Huang Yi went to Dilonggu to grab a speed dragon and a raptor as horses, and incarnate to ride the speed dragon to the northern waters of the mainland, creating a second sub-territory and serving as a port. However, the harbour area has been occupied by a mermaid siren. Huang Yi learned the information of the mermaid siren from the mouth of the fisherman and found that the mermaid siren's lover is a corpse in the heroic prison. Huang Yi let the mermaid siren see At the corpse of her lover, the mermaid Siren was too sad and chose to die. At this point, this area was occupied by Huang Yi, and the Heroes' Guild began to build a large port here.

Chapters 291 ~ 298:

Huang Yi once again cooperated with the Overlord to find the remaining heart of the Sand Pirate King in the desolate sandy land. During this period, they met the Black Snake, one of the three generals of His Majesty the Sand Pirate. At this time, the Black Snake had betrayed the Sand Pirate King and recognized a mysterious python as the new master. Huang Yi overheard their conversation and learned that the mysterious python can promote the black snake to the level of heaven. Huang Yi was shocked by the strength of the mysterious python, but did not know where the other party came from. He released a criminal prisoner in a heroic prison and battled the Black Snake. At a critical moment, the mysterious python forced the Black Snake to explode, killing the criminal's clone, and successfully escaped. Huang Yi obtained the blood of the mysterious python and kept it well.

Chapters 299 ~ 300:

Huang Yi obtained dozens of Sand Pirate King's hearts in total. He borrowed the strange metal plate refrigerated by Dugu to disperse the extreme cold power of Sand Pirate King's heart. After he found that the metal plate absorbed the extreme cold air, The mysterious creature inside grew rapidly and turned into a small fetus. Huang Yi guessed that this metal plate should be the placenta of some kind of creature.

Chapters 301 ~ 302:

At this time, the world's best master Blade was physically and mentally exhausted and decided to retreat. He found Huang Yi and asked him to take care of the Xuanyuan Clan. After the blade retreated, it quickly fell in the ranks and was eventually surpassed by Japan's superb master Miyamoto Musashi. Chinese players scolded the blade and accused him of not hurrying to level. At this time, the Xuanyuan Guild announced the retreat of the blade, causing a global sensation. The legend who occupied the throne of the world's top master for two years ended his era in this way, and the world entered a new era.

Chapters 303 ~ 308:

The medicine bottle that Huang Yi bought with the achievement value before gave birth to a drop of upgrade potion, which can be directly upgraded by 1 level after use. He stayed and was ready to use it at more than 90 levels.

At this point, a conspiracy against him also started. Since Huang Yi killed Feng Zhi and others twice in Longdu, Feng Zhihua spent a lot of money inviting Thor to kill Huang Yi. Huang Yi cooperated with Thor to cheat the wind. To money. Later, Feng Zhi invited another one of the four major Chinese assassins to kill Huang Yi by ambushing the assassin, but he left only after a fight with Huang Yi's incarnation. He mistakenly believed that Huang Yi's incarnation was the body, greatly underestimated. The strength of Huang Yi.

Chapters 309 ~ 321:

Many prisoners in Rose Prison have already completed rare missions. Huang Yi chose a group of overlords, officials, sunsets, bright demons and other people to be high-level heroic guilds. The heroic guilds are on track.

At this time. Mirror fracture ambush Huang Yi again. But this time it was Huang Yi's body. The strength is far beyond the estimate of Mirror Break. It took Huang Yi to defeat Mirror Break in only a few seconds. Mirror Break joined the Hero Guild and became Huang Yi's men. Feng Zhi repeatedly saw unsuccessful assassinations, so he had to let the half-orc tribe chief behind him, the chief is a master of sanctuary. He personally abducted Qin Shiyu, and Huang Yi improved the incarnation ability. Headed to the Orc Horde and released multiple criminal prisoners in the heroic prison. The Orc Horde was disturbed. He finally found Qin Shiyu in the chaos and rescued her.

Chapters 322 ~ 335:

Huang Yi's level broke through to level 80, and he can proceed to the fourth evolution. He wants to absorb the blood of the mysterious python that he obtained before, but the intensity of that blood is too high to be absorbed. At this time, the minions of the Seven Demon Kings appeared around the world, and Huang Yi grabbed one of them. And use its blood to evolve to be eye-free, with the ability to absorb dark breath. Slowly begin to awaken the blood of Nefarem.

Huang Yi, who has greatly increased in strength, took hundreds of thousands of soldiers of the Hero Guild to fight against the half-orc tribe behind him, revenge for Qin Shiyu. The entire tribe was almost slaughtered, and even the chief of that sanctuary died in the hands of Huang Yi. Only the chief's son escaped with a small number of people.

Chapters 336 ~ 343:

Huang Yi's medicine bottle breeds a drop of s-level spike medicine, which can kill a player directly after use. Not long after he was happy, the news that he led his army to massacre the Orc Horde reached the half-orc sanctuary in the Central Continent, and the half-orc sanctuary issued a hunting order, calling on all half-orc players worldwide to hunt down Huang Yi. Some half-orc player guilds have formed an "anti-kill alliance" to jointly kill Huang Yi, Huang Yi walked alone and destroyed dozens of guilds, making the hunting order a joke.

Chapters 344 ~ 352:

Seeing that the hunting order was invalid, the half-orc holy land had to send a master of the sanctuary to hunt Huang Yi personally, and everyone thought that Huang Yi could never escape the hunt. At this time, Huang Yi finally cultivated a perfect battle soul, triggered a system announcement, and received national honor. He was not only not fallen, but also getting stronger and stronger under the pursuit of the half-orc holy land. In the end, he relied on the Guardian of the Dragon City to counter the killing of the Holy Orc in the half-orc holy land, and his rank jumped to the top in the world.

During the period, Huang Yi went to the treasure site of the golden holy dragon, and met the sand thief king who had been trapped for a long time. He asked the sand thief king some questions about the seven devil kings. The Sand Pirate's hatred for Huang Yi was so deceived that Huang Yi was called to rescue the soldiers. The King of Pirates gave Huang Yi a token and asked Huang Yi to go to the Demon's Gate in the abyss. Come and save him. Huang Yi pretended to agree.

Chapters 353 ~ 359:

After Huang Yi killed the sanctuary strongman in the half-orc holy land, the half-orc sanctuary sent out a raging anger, and suddenly sent a hundred sanctuary strongmen to hunt down Huang Yi with the pressure of Mount Tai. Looking at Huang Yi again, the players in the Dragon City even moved out, lest they be affected, the entire Dragon will almost become a dead city, with only a few live reporters left. Huang Yi used the hero prison and also released a hundred criminals as guardians, fighting with the holy masters of the half-orc sacred place and killing some of them. The holy masters of the half-orc sacred place retreated. However, Huang Yi quickly rose several levels.

Chapters 360 ~ 364:

One hundred half-orc sacred masters chased Huang Yi, while the acquaintance's colleague, Bing Fengshui Soul, led 15 million players from multiple guilds to fight against the dragon capital, and wanted to buy cheap, but did not expect a hundred half-orcs The sacred powerhouse was defeated and had to give up. However, Bingfengshui Soul also revealed some clues. Huang Yi speculated that behind the Bingfengshui Soul, there should be the secret support of the famous super-class guild in China, the famous court. The actual behind-the-scenes instructor is the giant of the famous court.

In addition, Huang Yi finally learned the super strength of the Orc Holy Land. Everyone was blaming him for being quick and offended the behemoth of the Orc Holy Land. He asked him to apologize and surrender, but Huang Yi never bowed his head, he was determined Defend to the end. He and Qin Shiyu went to the guild's old nest of the Bingfengshui soul to take advantage of their emptiness, but the strong men in the half-orc holy land were already ambushing them. Qin Shiyu was again held hostage.

Chapters 365 ~ 370:

The group of half-orc sacred strongmen, holding the hostage Qin Shiyu, came to the periphery of the Dragon Capital once again, and wanted to escape from Huang Yi. The ice Feng Shui soul also led 15 million players to look out of the territory. At a critical moment, Huang Yi upgraded the territory with a special method, so that the guardians of the Dragon City could rush out and once again trigger the scuffle of the strong men in the Holy Land. A large number of orcs in the sanctuary died, and the massive experience value caused Huang Yi's level to skyrocket. The remaining orcs in the sanctuary quickly used the secret method to teleport to the orc holy land. At this point, the hunting of the half-orc holy land is no longer valid!

In this battle, Qin Shiyu was rescued, and the 15 million players of Bingfeng Shuihun were killed by the aftermath of the battle and suffered heavy losses. After the battle, Huang Yi went to the Guild of Bingfengshuisoul again, and destroyed a large Guild of Bingfengshuisoul by relying on a traitor in Rose Prison. Huang Yi took over the other city's hard-built city, and received the other party's guild warehouse, and obtained a large amount of materials.

Chapters 371 ~ 383:

Half-orc holy land did not work after several kills, but was disintegrated by Huang Yi again and again, they finally could not bear it and issued an ultimatum—if Huang Yi did not commit suicide to level 1 within ten days, he would send a precious Tianyu Master-Mantian, chase and kill Huang Yi in person.

Huang Yi naturally will not wait for nothing, and his body finds the White Dragon King, and asks the other party to take him to the abyss in the middle of the continent. He wants to use the masters of the seven demon kings to deal with the heavenly powerhouses in the half-orc holy land.

And his incarnation went to the treasures of Rezes with the adventure group of the Heroes Guild ~ www.readwn.com ~. In the treasure, they found massive treasures such as legendary equipment, energy stone factories, and so on. Among them, Huang Yi obtained half of the epic equipment-Thunder left hand, the other half in the hands of the Central Continental Warriors Alliance. In addition, he also received the order of the guardian of the continent, became the guardian of the continent, and renamed the continent to the hero continent.

Chapters 384 ~ 393:

The White Dragon King finally came to the abyss with Huang Yi's body. This is the most dangerous place in the hero continent, but Huang Yi successfully entered the deepest part of the abyss by relying on the token given to him by the Sand Pirate King, and issued the name of the Sand Pirate King to the master of the heavens of the demons, the fallen messenger. Ask for help.

During the waiting period, Huang Yi transformed into an evolutionary form without eyes, and temporarily became a demon. After entering the door of the demon king, he discovered a big secret. The original Chinese master-undefeated, has joined. One of the Seven Devil Kings.

The final ultimatum time of the half-orc holy land is finally over, and the half-orc master of the realm of heaven-Mantian has finally been killed. At the critical moment, the fallen messenger appeared. He mistakenly believed that Mantian killed the Sand Pirate King and fought with him. Field, pretty bad defeat.

The hunting of the half-orc holy land was once again disintegrated by Huang Yi. (To be continued ...)

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