Heroes Prison

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Looking back on more than 800 chapters, I can review them all soon. △ Vertex Novel,

Chapters 783 ~ 788:

After Huang Yi killed the Angel of Doom, he gained a drop of magic power from the opponent, which can reduce the time of reincarnation. Huang Yi took this divine power to the group of research madmen in Filter Night, and let the other party strengthen the effect of this divine power, so that it can reduce the cycle time of five or six days.

On this day, Huang Yi's ontology finally came to the central continent. He entered the Royal Academy of Oskan, and found the dean marksman Ika, the vice president, who carefully arranged a course for him. In addition, Huang Yi also learned that Dragon Spurs was also studying in the Royal Academy of Oskan. Dragon Spurs performed well, especially in the matrix formation course. It is the only player who graduated with a perfect score.

At the same time, Huang Yi also learned that Qin Shiyu was going to assassinate the Vice President of the World Federation today. He couldn't calm down, and went to the city of roses he gave to Qin Shiyu. Next to a flower pond, he encountered a Incomparably beautiful woman, this woman with exaggerated smoky makeup, took the initiative to cause Huang Yilai. Later Huang Yi learned that only he could see the woman, and no one else around her could see her. The smokey woman revealed a mystery everywhere.

After sitting all night like this, at the moment of dawn, Qin Shiyu finally went online, and her assassination task was successfully completed! Huang Yi and Qin Shiyu haven't seen each other for a long time. They can't help but kiss together ...

Chapters 789 ~ 794:

Huang Yi began a course at the Royal Academy of Oskan. He was assigned to the position where Dragonthorn sat before graduation. The textbook he used was also Dragonthorn's textbook. Long Tiao wrote a lot of notes in the textbook, and Huang Yi learned more with less. He is a girl at the same table. The name is Si Chengcheng. Has been crushing Dragon Spike for a long time.

at this time. There was a system announcement from heaven and earth, announcing that Dragonstab had completed the hero trial, and became the first player hero, which caused a worldwide sensation. Huang Yi's heart moved, causing Si Chengcheng to send a message to Dragon Spike and arrange for the two of them to meet. Huang Yi finally saw the dragon thorn, an old-fashioned master with the same name as the blade. He knew that the dragon thorn's race was a dragon man of the Golden Saint Dragon family, and he used a drop of the blood of the Golden Dragon. Invite Dragonstab to join your army of heroes to fight the invaders together. Dragon Spike agreed, and kindly reminded Huang Yi to go to the hero trial after level 150.

Huang Yi decided to go to the Warriors Alliance to get the other half of the epic handguard, Thunder's right hand, but he didn't leave the Royal Academy of Oskans for a long time before he suffered an ambush and fell into a formation. The master of the half-orc holy land came out to ambush him. Huang Yi had a hard time cracking the formation, but it was still inevitable. At a critical moment, a woman in white transmitted him back to the Royal Academy of Oskan. Saved his life. This woman in white is the gentleman's companion— 柒. She also studied at the Royal Academy of Oskan. She learned that Huang Yi was going to the Fighters League and recommended a classmate who was an important figure in the Fighters League. Huang Yi met the classmate and offered his desire to get the right hand of Thunder. The other party revealed that the half of the epic equipment is no longer in the Warrior Alliance, but in the deserted land, which is a place occupied by the demons. It is extremely dangerous. .

Huang Yi decided to go to the library to learn about the materials in the barren land. In the library, he met an old friend and a forum celebrity—the poet. He learned that the poet had a way to contact Li Jian and let the other party arrange for them to meet.

Chapters 795 to 806:

After Huang Yi learned the news of the barren land, he went there. The deserted magic land has always been a popular adventure sacred place, and many players and hunt them inside to get the materials of the demons. Huang Yi went this time and accidentally met a team of half-orcs who resent him. He snatched the 199 Demon Clan that the other party was struggling to attack, and relied on this to enter the demon center of the barren magic land, the Magic Hall. Among them, and got the half of the epic equipment in it-Thunder's right hand, at this point, the equipment that still follows him is finally complete, promoted to the epic level.

In addition, Huang Yi found a dark stone in the magic pool of the temple, filled with rich dark power, which was originally a stone in the body of Ukar, the king of darkness, and there was a drop of blood of the king of darkness. The power of darkness is continuously exuded, providing a dark atmosphere for the entire magic hall, nourishing those demons. Huang Yi has absorbed these pure dark breaths, Nefarem's bloodline has been advanced, and the effects of some talents have been improved. Huang Yi simply took this dark stone away as his own.

Huang Yi sneaked into the various rooms of the Demon Temple, assassinating those healed top-level sacred demons, but was later discovered by the Demon Races. The entire Demon Temple suddenly boiled, and countless Demon races sought to kill Huang Yi. Huang Yi flees in the desolate and desolate land, and uses the power of these demons to destroy the half-orc team that hates him, and finally escapes.

Chapters 807 ~ 820:

At this time, tnt and Ganges once again launched a battle. In this battle, they obviously wanted to train a Japanese player named "Gospel Master". This player's level was 197, but soon he was promoted through magic. Level 199! If he first rises to the level of heaven, then no player in the entire hero continent will be a chess opponent.

At the critical moment, Huang Yi needs to find another master to survive this battle. He has set his sights on the world's first master among ordinary players, and is also the second in the world in the current ranking list-Yang Yuheng. Yang Yuheng is now level 198. It was not possible to catch up with Chess Master, but Huang Yi gave him a magic dan of 199. Yang Yuheng only needs to upgrade from 198 to 199 to use magic dan. . Yang Yuheng joined the heroic army of Huang Yi, and quickly went to the tower of the gods to level up, competing invisibly with Qi Sheng, and vying for the honor of the first Celestial player.

In this battle, Huang Yi disclosed to the outside the inside story of collusion with the invaders based on the information obtained when Qin Shiyu assassinated the Vice-President of the World Federation. His Majesty's Legion finally came to an end, almost all the guilds withdrew from His Majesty and joined the heroic army of Huang Yi. Since then, Huang Yi ’s heroic army has become the only pillar of Chinese players against the invading army. Seeing that he was gone, he fell into a complete madness, and he wanted to bury his subordinates so that Qi Sheng could quickly rise to heaven.

On the other side, Huang Yi also let Yang Yuheng come to the battlefield to kill and upgrade. Now it depends on Yang Yuheng and Qi Sheng who are the first to rise to heaven. The invading army sent a strong master to protect Qi Sheng and assassinate Yang Yuheng, while the heroic army sent a master to protect Yang Yuheng and assassinate Qi Sheng. You and I come and go, but no one can do anything. At the critical moment, Miyamoto Musashi led the army to come to reinforcements. He has joined the seven devil kings. The strength is super, and the gentleman actively blocked him.

However, the gentleman is only a fetus of the blade, and has not yet been fully cultivated, and is not an opponent of Miyamoto Musashi. Just as everyone was desperate, the blade suddenly joined the army and really returned from retreat! The return of his king, after joining the battlefield, suddenly showed almost invincible strength. The Legion of Heroes re-stabilized, and they were killed again and again by the heart. When they fell to more than 50 levels, they encountered reincarnation.

But at the critical moment, when the reinforcements of the invading army arrived, the heroic army was facing crisis again. Fortunately, at this time, Yang Yuheng finally rose to the sky, becoming the first player in the world to rise to the sky. He has earned 3 national honors in total. Then, it was named "God of Draenei" by the system.

Chapter 821 ~ 829:

This time, Yang Yuheng is almost an invincible person on the entire battlefield. There is an insurmountable gap between Heaven and Heaven. Innumerable invaders died in his hands. In order to resist Yang Yuheng, Miyamoto Musashi used one of his super magical abilities, sacrificed four levels, increased his overall attributes by four times, and sustained 400 attacks. . Yang Yuheng is no longer Miyamoto's Musashi's opponent and will soon be killed, but at a critical moment, Huang Yi sentenced Miyamoto Musashi, pulling the opponent to the void battlefield and isolated from the outside world. Without Miyamoto Musashi's invading army, he was quickly defeated by the heroic army, and even the chess sages were killed. Not only did they fail to rise to the heavens, they also lost a level.

In the void battlefield, Huang Yi was not Miyamoto's Musashi's opponent at all. He could only use the nihilistic skills of sniffing treasure cats to avoid Miyamoto Musashi. He was far away from the Oscar Royal Academy, and came to a valley, in which lies the archaic giant he was originally. This archaic giant has been captured by the Oscar Royal Academy, and is placed here for those scientists around the clock. Research has achieved fruitful results. Huang Yi found the leader of the Swire Giant research project, and was also one of the vice presidents of the Royal Academy of Oskan-Upwind, and obtained many research products of Swire Giant, which can cause significant restraint to the demons.

Later, Huang Yi went to the draenei shrine, borrowed their holy place to inherit the treasure—the crown of draenei ~ www.readwn.com ~, and shared it with the incarnation of the heroic continent through the transmission ring. This treasure was given to Yang Yuheng, and gave him some research products of the ancient giants. At this time, Yang Yuheng's strength has soared, and Miyamoto Musashi has almost no fight back.

In the end, Miyamoto Musashi died in the battle, and Huang Yi made up the final sword.

Chapter 830 ~ 831:

At the Oscar Royal Academy, the poet finally arranged a meeting for Huang Yi and Li Jian. Huang Yi invited Li Jian to join the national war and talked about the righteousness, but Li Jian did not care about the life and death of this world. He made a few requests for Huang Yi to send him a fake **** to imitate the body, and let Huang Yi put himself on his body. The origin of all the legendary equipment told him that in this way the sword would be willing to join the national war. Huang Yi agreed with these conditions.

Time passed day by day, Huang Yi had returned to more than 150 levels. On this day, the Japanese superb master in the invading army-Tiandao, was suddenly promoted to the level of heaven, which triggered a demigod vision of heaven and earth, even if it was a distant center The mainland can be seen. This is the first super-class master in the world to rise to the realm of the sky, and the situation of the national war has become confusing.

Huang Yi decided to conduct a hero trial and be promoted to a super hero. (To be continued ...)

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