Heroes Prison

: [Free] The previous review 183; 9 (Old readers must see, new reading ...

It took a few days after coming back from the field, and it has not been updated until now, sorry. Fiction,

The following is a review of Chapters 832 to 924, which are rather sloppy, so please read it with patience.

At this point, all chapter reviews have been completed, about 40,000 words, and the current account has reviewed the previous content of this book. Some foreshadowing did not take into account, and can only be reviewed temporarily in a new chapter in the future.

The content before Huang Yi's reincarnation was still satisfactory, but the national war after reincarnation was really stinky and long, and it was too rubbish. I could shake my head.

832 ~ 848

If you want to be a hero, you need to absorb the heroic aura. There are only three heroic auras left at the Royal Academy of Oskar, but at this time, there are four superb masters in the heroic trial, and the competition is fierce.

Huang Yi's trial of this hero has something to do with the story of the three god-setters of the Dragons in the ancient times. He joins the righteous Golden Saint Dragon and the Golden Saint Scale, attacking the weak Dark Demon Dragon Moss City. However, out of humanitarianism, he secretly escorted Gibbit, the son of the dark dragon Momo, and fled to the valley of the sacred dragon Georgia.

At this point, the system announced that the sword had passed the hero trial, and Huang Yi felt more urgent and desperately hurried.


On the other side, Huang Yi's incarnation was fighting the country on the hero continent. His reincarnation time was nearing the end. The invaders feared the return of his king and launched increasingly fierce attacks. They set their sights on the blade of the super strong master blade of the Legion of Heroes. During this time, the blade was madly leveled, and it was about to rise to the level of heaven.

this day. Tnt and Miyamoto Musashi pass the relationship between the demons behind. Intentionally release a level 198 and 199 demons. Attracted the blade and others to siege, and the blade was in control, and it seemed that they would be killed in ambush by the eight superb masters of the invading army. At a critical moment, the dragon thorn arrived and joined the Legion of Heroes to lift the crisis.

Dragon Spike is the world's first player hero. He forced the eight invaders of the invading army into a life-and-death crisis. Among the eight superb leaders of the invading army, Brazilian leader Ronaldo deployed a skill called the "Net of Peace." Makes people in a surrounding battlefield forcibly in a state of peace, unable to attack others. They want to delay time, waiting for the Demon's Heavenly Master of the Fallen Messenger to rescue them.

Huang Yi understood that the situation was urgent, and once the fallen messengers came, they would all die. In order to solve this dilemma, he decided to raise Dragon Spike to the level of heaven. At this time, the dragon thorn was only level 180, and Huang Yi gave the dragon thorn 180 to 195 magic dandelion, so that the dragon thorn directly rose from 180 to 195. In addition, there are 198 and 199 magic dandelions just obtained, but two dandelions of 196 and 197 dandelions are missing.

When Huang Yi's ontology was in class at the Royal Academy of Oskan, he had seen the same table as a magic dan of 196 and 197. As long as you get these two magic dandelions, you can make the dragon spurs have 200 levels of sanctuary. But at the critical moment, Si Chengcheng was offline. Huang Yi passed a hacker in Rose Prison. Invaded Singapore's aviation system and telecommunications system, found Si Chengcheng's actual phone number, and notified her to go online to help Dragonstab as soon as possible. Si Chengcheng has been secretly in love with Dragon Spike for a long time. When he heard that Dragon Spike was killed, he directly gave his Level 196 and 197 Magic Dan to Huang Yi. Huang Yi passed the storage ring to transfer, and the two demons were all at once. Dan was sent to the distant hero continent and handed over to Dragonstab.

After taking Dragon Slayer, the level of the dragon thorn soared, and finally broke through to level 200. At this time, Ronald's Web of Peace skills finally came to an end. The fallen messenger rushed to the battle with the dragon thorn who had ascended to heaven. Eventually, the fallen messenger was killed by the dragon thorn, and the dragon thorn was promoted to become the world's best master.

Huang Yi killed Dante in this battle, and the system issued an announcement saying that he was unstoppable!

849 ~ 853

In a blink of an eye, Huang Yi has returned to more than 160 levels.

On this day, the second world suddenly appeared three super strong heavenly visions at the same time, indicating that three super first-class players were promoted to heaven.

The first is the heaven and earth vision of the blade. The entire sky is golden in the shape of a sword, located above the hero's continent;

The second is the pope in the invading army. The entire sky is thunder and lightning, and it is also located over the hero's continent;

The third player ’s vision of heaven and earth is endless seawater, like a sea of ​​sky. On that day, a huge wave surged in the sea. In that huge wave, a huge ship could be seen faintly. This vision is located in distant overseas regions.

The first two players ’visions of the world are acceptable to everyone, after all, the blade and the pope are long-established superb masters. But the third vision of the world is very strange, and does not match any of the currently known super-class masters, people have speculated that this is a hidden mysterious master.

On the other side, Huang Yi's hero trial has also progressed. He finally escorted the Dark Demon Dragon. Mobi's son Gibbit came to the residence of the sacred dragon Georgia. At this time, the sacred dragon Georgia just made an artifact, the time of Georgia, was absorbing the light of the red star in the sky for the quenching process, and was in a state of weakness.

The super-high-level American pope discovered a huge ear from a mysterious island, absorbed the heroic aura, promoted to be a hero, and became the third god-given hero after the dragon thorn and sword. People just know that there are other ways to become a hero besides the trial of the hero.

At the same time, the system announced that a person named "Dongfeng" also became a godsend! The whole world was suddenly shocked. "Dongfeng" had never heard of it before. He didn't know where it came from, and he became a hero. People have speculated that "Dongfeng" is the hidden mysterious master who was promoted to heaven with the blade and the pope at the same time.

854 ~ 861

On this day, a drop of s-class mysterious potion named Pear King's Tears was spawned in Huang Yi's medicine bottle. His left eye therefore has the ability of the Eye of the Underworld, which can have all kinds of powerful visual abilities in the Underworld. But he doesn't know where the underworld is, this ability can only be temporarily suspended.

At this time, the system issues an announcement. France's first master Eiffel passed the trial of heroes. Become a follower of Dragon Spike, Sharp Sword, Pope, Dongfeng. The fifth godsend hero. Huang Yi felt more and more urgent. Both Li Jian and Eiffel became heroes through heroic trials, which showed that the heroic aura of the Royal Academy of Oskar had only one last hero.

On this day, Huang Yi ’s hero trial also reached its final moment. The sacred dragon. Georgia ’s artifact is still in the process of hardening, the head of the seven demon kings, the king of hell. Dragon Georgia was not an opponent, but had to use his body to turn into an eye. Set up a matrix method, delay time, let its artifact complete the quenching process as soon as possible.

The king of **** looks down on the tiger, and the gigabits in the formation also have problems. Gigabit has absorbed the dragon emperor stone, and the dragon emperor stone is the king of hell. Power, may degenerate into the demon race, at that time will pose a serious threat to the sacred dragon. Georgia.

Huang Yi killed Gigabit in order to prevent the worst. The system judged it to be wrong and the trial was over.

at the same time. The soul of Africa's first master has also completed the hero trial. The soul's three choices in the trial were all determined by the system to be correct. The two of them went to meet the dean of the Royal Academy of Oskan together. It was unexpected that the dean actually gave the last heroic aura to Huang Yi. Huang Yi successfully passed the hero trial and was promoted to hero.

862 ~ 864

People around the world have discovered a strange problem. The sharp sword has actually risen to the level of heaven and earth, but it has not caused any heaven and earth vision. As the top super-class master, the sword is supposed to be observed by the entire world. But don't know why it didn't appear.

Huang Yi ’s guardian of the ship called Chao Jiu Ji. A while ago, she took a ship to fill the world to find the fragments of the Poseidon artifact. Now she finally returned, and handed a large piece of artifact to Huang Yi, and revealed that there is still one The individual was also searching for the artifact fragments of Poseidon. He was preempted by that person several times, but he did not know who that person was.

Huang Yi took this fragment to Longhai, found the three princes of the Dragon King, and asked it to find the Dragon King. The three princes were very puzzled, because Huang Yi was sealed as the general of the Dragon God by the Sea Dragon Emperor, and there was a general order to enter and exit the Dragon Palace, and there was no need to introduce it. Huang Yi replied that the general order was not on him.

The three princes saw Huang Long with Huang Yi, and Huang Yi gave the big artifact a piece to the King of the Dragon. The King of Dragons merged the piece into the scepter of Dinghai, both of which came from the same source. Part of the artifact, the Dinghai Scepter after fusion became super strong, and almost became an artifact. With this weapon, the strength can soar a lot. Huang Yi told the Emperor Hailong that he would borrow this weapon in a special way in the future.

865 ~ 879

It was only less than a week before the end of Huang Yi's reincarnation, and the invaders finally could not help but launch a decisive battle. They set the total offensive target at Sun Island, the headquarters of the Sun Society. In this world-famous decisive battle, the invading army has an absolute advantage. They have seven super-class masters at the level of the heavens, and only two super-class masters of the blade and the dragon thorn have reached the heavens.

The Legion of Heroes made every effort, the Dragon Spike showed his unique formation, Yang Yuheng relied on the heritage of the Draenei race, and the skirt and the overlord assisted him, barely resisting each other. Huang Yi emphasized that it must be Drag this battle to the next day.

At the critical moment, Miyamoto Musashi of the invading army was promoted to the level of the heavens, broke the balance, the yellow overflowed the horse, used his hero skills, forcibly forced a downgrade skill of Miyamoto Musashi, causing Miyamoto Musashi to fall to Under the heavens, this crisis was lifted.

But soon, Eiffel, France's number one master, joined the invading army, the momentum was fierce, and the Legion of Heroes was in crisis again. At this time, Li Jian announced that he had joined the Legion of Heroes. Li Jian had unprecedented cross-continent teleporting capabilities. He first went to the Indonesian mainland, destroyed the guild behind the floating disturbance, and then transmitted to the United States. Destroy the guild behind Dante. In the invading army, a group of superb masters such as Dante and the Pope stopped in fear, forming a brief standoff.

Tnt and Musashi Miyamoto knew that dragging on this way was not the way to go, and they attracted the superpowered master of the demons-the Destroyer. The weakest of the Destroyers are all above level 250. A Destroyer goes to the continental United States and helps Dante's Guild resist the sword. Dante and others no longer had worries and continued to attack Sun Island. Sharp Sword also gave up attacking those guilds and teleported back to the hero continent. Help protect Sun Island.

And then. The fetal gentleman of the blade was promoted to the level of heaven. The strength of the Legion of Heroes has increased again. France's first master Eiffel used a skill called "Rank Rage" and suddenly upgraded by 50 levels for half an hour. He wanted to come back and was disintegrated by Huang Yi.

880 ~ 890

As for the invading army, four super powerful men of destruction were ushered in, forming an overwhelming advantage. Huang Yi let the sharp sword show his true strength, and the sharp sword no longer hid. He surpassed the previous strength, and summoned the savage **** imitation body that Huang Yi sent to him. The strength of this savage **** imitation body was beyond Huang Yi's expectations. I don't know what method the sharp sword used to cultivate the immortal imitation. At the same time, Li Jian also has the ability to copy similar equipment, actually using Huang Yi's equipment with skills, which makes Huang Yi dare to fear.

However, the invading army was still too strong, and the heroic army was still at stake, at a critical moment. The blade finally merged with his fetal gentleman. The gentleman's experience and merit were added to the blade in proportion. The blade's level has been increased by 25 levels in one breath, jumping to the first place in the world rankings. At the same time, the combat achievements broke through to the most national honor value, and the name was upgraded ... The blade of soaring strength, one person resisted several super-class masters of the invading army.

The blade and the sword played a killing match. The sword killed Dante, tnt, and the Ganges; the blade killed the entanglement, Ronald, and a destroyer, Aries. The two of them showed an unstoppable invincible momentum, coupled with the superb array of dragon thorns and the assistance of Yang Yuheng. The invading army was not an opponent, and the pope used a life-saving skill at the expense of a level. Temporarily protected the few remaining superb masters and destroyers on the invading side.

After the death of Aries, Aries brought all the rest of the destroyers to revenge. The highest level of these destroyers is 280, and there are several more than 270. The strength can completely surpass the level of super-class masters. They came to Sun Island aggressively, and combined with nine super-class masters of the invading army, a total of 21 super masters attacked Sun Island.

The Legion of Heroes is not an opponent at all, and no matter how strong the blade, sharp sword, and dragon thorn are, they can't resist so many masters. They retreated to the canopy of Sun Island, and tried to delay time. Li Jian and Blade even performed a show for this purpose, pretending to surrender, and Li Jian's speech became embarrassing. It can be dragged for a moment.

891 ~ 899

The 21 superpowered masters of the invading army finally couldn't help but shot. They broke the canopy of Sun Island. Seeing that Sun Island was about to be crushed, the bell at midnight sounded and finally came the next day.

At this moment, Huang Yi stepped forward and blocked 21 super-class masters. He took out a bottle of potion and drank it. This is a potion made by their group of scientists using the drop of the power of the Doomsday messenger, which can reduce the reincarnation time of 5 days, and Huang Yi ’s reincarnation time is exactly 5 left. God, that's why he has been delaying time.

After Huang Yi drank the medicament, the reincarnation was over, and the huge experience during the reincarnation finally settled on him. He rose to level 71 in one breath, reached an ultra-high level of level 245, directly surpassed the level of blade 17 and became the world. Ranked first.

Huang Yi broke through the level of the heavens so powerfully, and triggered the most spectacular vision of heaven and earth in history. Everyone on the field was forcibly fixed, unable to move, and could only watch Huang Yi's vision of heaven and earth promoted to heaven. Huang Yi ’s vision of the heavens and earth spread to the whole world, and with the sound effects of the morning bell and twilight, it was transmitted to the depths of the universe. Every world can see this vision of the second world. People in those worlds think that there are people in the second world. Fengshen, so that made such a big noise.

The system issued an announcement, announcing that Huang Yi caused a god-level vision of the heavens and earth, rewarding a little national honor. Subsequently, the system issued an announcement again, announcing that Huang Yi had contributed a total of 10 national honor points, reached the upper limit, created history, and rewarded an artifact embryo—the wrath of killing the gods.

Huang Yi took the wrath of killing the gods and used the newly acquired god-level professional skills, Nefarem's bloodline skills, just like the advent of the gods, blocking 21 super-powerful masters alone, killing the lingering disturbances lightly, but Ding, tnt and other super first-class masters showed invincible momentum, and the national war effort soared wildly. Promoted to the highest marshal level.

Next. Huang Yi also easily killed two super-class masters, Ganga and Miyamoto Musashi. The system issued an announcement saying that Huang Yi had killed Super God and rewarded him with 1 point of second world honor.

The world was shocked. After Huang Yi contributed 10 points of the national honor value limit, it started to get unprecedented world honor value. This is a brand new term. Huang Yi's battles got stronger and stronger, and the twelve superb destroyers jointly used a combination of near-kill skills in order to kill him. Huang Yi joined forces with blades, sharp swords, dragon thorns and other masters to bring out a series of unique new skills, killing nine men of destruction, and disrupted this wave of combined skills.

The invading army has gone, and the remaining super-class masters and destroyers have been slaughtered one by one. The system issued an announcement saying that the heroic army killed all the enemy leaders in the national war and reached an important "beheading" achievement. The national war entered the end A 10-day countdown, if the Legion of Heroes can get in the next 10 days. By maintaining the area of ​​the land currently occupied, you can obtain national victory. If the invading army is able to within the next 10 days. Occupying more than half the territory of the hero continent, the invading legion won.

900 to 924

Although Huang Yi was so powerful that he defeated the total attack and killed all the first-class masters of the invading army, but he killed the group of destroyers, but caused the hero mainland to provoke a stronger master, that is, magic Family. The Demons will live with him endlessly, and before the death, the group of destroyers also revealed that the stronger generals of the Demons will soon come to avenge them.

Huang Yi has seen the strength of the fallen general before. The fallen general is a top heavenly powerhouse, and a superpower that even the doomsday messengers can contend with. Although Huang Yi's strength has increased greatly, he is not an opponent of the fallen general at all. He cooperated with dragon thorns, sharp swords, blades and other people to break the world record of the Tower of the Gods and gained a lot of experience. He rose from level 245. 250 levels of advanced sky domain levels.

Huang Yi evolved for the ancient giants and greatly enhanced his strength. He smelted the blood of the previous epic weapon into the wrath of the artifact embryo to kill the god. By this behavior, he speculated that the weapon of the sharp sword should also be an artifact embryo. The sharp sword became more daunting in his heart. I did not expect that the sharp sword actually had an artifact embryo before him, and there were too many secrets.

Later, Huang Yi made three turns and met with Mr. Huang Sha, the president of the company. He proposed to Mr. Huang Sha that he could learn some secrets of sharp swords during the trial. Mr. Huang Sha agreed to this request and transmitted Huang Yi to a most special secret place.

This special mystery has nothing to do with the Second World. It was Earth more than 100 years ago. A city called "Yuzhou", Huang Yi entered an Internet cafe, met two netizens, and met some 100 years ago Online games, such as "Legend", "World of Warcraft", etc., also learned about private server. Through these ancient games, he speculated that the reason why the sword can copy his equipment should be a second world similar to the copy version.

Later, Huang Yi discovered an online game called "Second World". He entered the private server of this game and repeated his experience in the second world. During the second trial, he noticed that the last god-setter in the second world—the ascendant. The blood hoof was lying, and he saw the past of the blood hoof with the eye of time. Blank, mysterious and mysterious, Huang Yiyi simply killed the blood hoof, and the system issued an announcement saying that the future of the second world will be better because of the death of the blood hoof. Only then did Huang Yi know that the Bloodhoof, the God-sealer, was actually harmful to the Second World! But this is just a trial, the real history has happened and cannot be changed.

Because of this extraordinary move, Huang Yi passed the three-turn trial and became the first three-turn player in the world. He transferred to the eternal tyrant. This profession can integrate many skills into his wings.

He merged his dozens of skills and turned out four pairs of wings—

Deathwing gives him a super-wide range attack!

Guardian wings, so that he can enter the invincible state!

Wings of Liberty, let him move soaring speed, and enter absolute invisibility!

The Wings of Killing ~ www.readwn.com ~ increases his full attributes up to 10 times!

These four pairs of wings became the main strength of Huang Yi. By relying on these four wings, he broke the world record on the 240th floor of the Tower of the Gods, and obtained a prop named "Pearl of the Underworld". The expression of this prop It was revealed that Huang Yi had been to the underworld.

Huang Yi was horrified. Like the rest of the world, he never knew where the underworld was. I did not expect this "Pearl of the Underworld" but said that he had been to the underworld before, but Huang Yi had gone to too many places. He didn't know which place was the underworld, which became a secret that could not be solved for a while, but at least he already had some eyebrows.

At this time, the fallen generals of the demons were promoted to the top level of the 290 level. It finally came out to avenge those destroyers. It led the endless demons to emerge from the abyss of the hero continent, all the way to death Destroy the entire continent, occupying more than half the area of ​​the hero continent in just a few hours, hundreds of millions of people were killed by them, and countless cities were flattened by them. In this way, it only takes a day to Occupy the entire hero continent.

At the time of life and death, Huang Yi opened up the heroic empire's teleporting authority, allowing two billion players in the heroic continent to teleport to the heroic empire. He then summoned the presidents of all the Great Guilds of Heroes' Land to discuss ways to deal with the fallen generals. (To be continued ...) u

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