Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 934: Smoky makeup woman showing up

The crowd only felt that Huang Yi was far away from them. It wasn't distant distance, but spiritual, status, and ineffable distance. + ◆ + ◆,

They may never have touched his heels all their lives.

After the fallen general died, like a mountain of meat in the sky collapsed, its body was too huge, and the flesh of the sky fell for a long time, and then finally fell into the ocean with the last rain and stained the entire ocean. It became black.

Since then, this sea area is not suitable for survival. It will turn into a magic sea and become a forbidden area of ​​life. Sun Island in such a sea area has basically lost its development prospects.

But the death of the fallen general brought a huge amount of experience!

In this battle, only Huang Yi, Blade, and Sword fought against the fallen generals. Among them, Huang Yi's credit was the greatest, and he gained most of his experience. The remaining part fell on the blade and sharp sword.

Huang Yi's current 300 level is only temporary, he was originally 252 level. After gaining this massive amount of experience value, several warm currents poured out of his body, and the level rose rapidly!

Level 253!

Level 254!

Level 255!


Level 260!

Finally, this huge experience value is consumed, pushing his level to a super high level like 260!

A fallen general that has raised him to level 8!

Originally the fallen general did not have so many experience points, but after Huang Yi ’s turban [Death of the God] was promoted to epic equipment, he added a passive experience of [experience gift] —

After killing bosses who are above level 30, the experience gained is doubled. And make all its own contract partners. You also get the same empirical value.

Huang Yi's original level was 252. The fallen general has far surpassed his 30th level and has reached the conditions for this passive skill to take effect!

In addition, the reason why he summoned the dragon at the last moment is also because of this passive skill!

Huang Yi turned her head expectantly and looked at Xiaolong!

He has specially brought Xiaolong to the next level and raised his level up a bit. He was not far from the level of heaven. Now, after the dragon has gained more than 100 levels of experience with the fallen general. Suddenly, the gaps between levels were crossed, and the body broke through a certain boundary instantly, and began to undergo great changes!

Its level, like being adjusted by a number, suddenly became 221!


It finally broke through the level of heaven!

Xiaolong's body began to creep gradually, as if there was a machine inside it, transforming every inch of its flesh and blood, transforming and sublimating to a higher level.

"Oh!" Xiaolong suddenly burst into a colorful light, soaring into the sky, connecting the sky. Like a rainbow connecting the world!

In a short time, the situation changes color! That colorful light evolved into colorful dragons with teeth and claws. It's dense, and the numbers are unclear. They rushed out in the vast sky, as if to bring the news to every corner of the world.

At this point, the whole sky can't see anything else, only a circle of colorful dragons. It's not just the Sun Island. Every corner of the hero's continent, as long as you raise your head, you can see colorful dragons circling.

The hero continent is now being invaded by the demon army. Half of the continent's territory has been occupied. Looking down from the sky, half of the continent has become black.

But now, this colorful dragon has dazzled with a sacred breath, covering the entire continent, dispersing the darkness, some weak demons, and even being killed directly by this colorful **** light.

Countless demons raised their heads in horror, staring at the colorful dragons in the sky in horror. When they found that the vision of the heavens and the earth came from the southern part of the mainland, the sense of fear became even stronger, because their leader, the fallen general, happened to be in the southern island of Sun. Good thing!

And countless hero mainland players and men, full of surprises. It turned out that while the demons raged on the ground, some people were still fighting for them in the distance they couldn't see! This magical vision of heaven and earth is the best proof that it brings hope from afar!

These dense colorful dragons continue to spread rapidly outside, non-stop speeding from the entire hero continent to overseas, gradually covering the mainland of Singapore, East China, Philippines and other continents!

In the end, more than half of the Second World, nearly two hundred continents, were all covered by these colorful dragons! This includes the Central Continent!

The entire second world, billions of souls, all looked up at the sky religiously at this moment!

"Dang Dang Dang!"


The crisp and melodious bells and the tight and dull drum sounds spread from the hero continent to the world! Flying above the entire Second World!

This is the sound of morning bell and twilight!

When Huang Yi was promoted to Tianyu before, this morning bell and trumpet sounded!

Now, Xiaolong's promotion to heaven has also reached the level of a god-level vision!

At this moment, the two demigods of the Royal Academy of Oscars-Marksman Ika and Headwind are fighting fiercely against a clone of the Lord of Destruction over the Central Continent.

Not long ago, an avatar of the Lord of Destruction came to the Central Continent, destroying multiple sacred sites of holy races. The creatures were covered with charcoal and blood flowed into the river. These two demigods turned the tide and came forward to resist it.

Now, when they saw the vision of heaven and earth above their heads, they were all stunned.

"Kill God, it's him again! His contract partner is a golden holy dragon! It has been promoted to the level of heaven!" Marksman Ika said with a head up, surprised.

"But there have been recorded golden holy dragons in history, and there has never been such a strong vision of the heavens. It seems that the golden holy dragon of the **** of killing has been mutated. The hero continent has the **** of killing, and we do not need our assistance. Now. "The upwind murmured.

"Huh! It absorbs an unfinished clone of the cursed king. Of course it can trigger this kind of god-level vision. But it's useless. In front of our seven demon kings. The strongest golden holy dragon is just a bigger ant . Soon, they are going to die. If you rush past now, you might be able to collect them. "King of Destruction's clone, glanced at the sky at random, snorted humbly, and continued to break the sky!


Finally, the vision of Xiaolong's heaven and earth had dispersed. Qingming was restored between heaven and earth.

At this time, the breath of Xiaolong became obviously different. Although it still looks like that, it has a divine majesty that cannot be blasphemed. The scales on it are arranged like the gods themselves, and contain the mystery. The black phoenix's feathers reflect the dazzling light and do not cause dust. It is the darling of the world born of nature for millions of years, and it is the crown standing on the top of everything.

It has followed Huang Yi for so long, and finally crossed the huge threshold of Tianyu! At that time, its mother was at the peak, but it was just this level!

"Xiaolong, now I have the face to face your mother who is going to the underworld." Huang Yixin patted Xiaolong's head comfortably.

Some time ago he took the dragon to the dragon tomb in the Mountains of Warcraft. He met the remnant soul of Xiaolong's mother, who inherited her mother's dragon power. He also obtained the essence of life from the avatar of the Nirvana of the Cursed King in the Dragon Tomb.

"Yeah, yeah ~" Xiaolong also lowered his head, opened those naughty eyes, and looked at his body curiously. It flapped its wings and twirled, its tail twisted, as if wondering what had happened to it.

After the fallen general's death, in addition to bringing huge experience to Huang Yi and Xiaolong, he left a few things in place.

First, it was a black ball of blood. This group of black blood has always condensed into a single mass, which cannot be dissolved, exuding a strong to extreme scent of the magic system, as if it were the source of evil between heaven and earth.

"Blood of the Demon King!" Huang Yi smiled slightly. This is the bottle of blood of the demon king that the fallen general used to heal and healed, but it is too difficult to absorb. It is just a little bit refined. Now there is still such a large group. This is the supreme treasure of the Devil, and it also has a huge effect on Huang Yi.

The second thing left by the fallen general is a magic dan! This is a 290-level top-level magic domain, far beyond the sacred domain magic player that the player has seen before. Even if you do n’t use it to upgrade, you will encounter an invaluable treasure in alchemy.

Finally, there is one thing left behind by the fallen general, that is, the treasure that the fallen king personally rewarded him-the **** magic rope!

This magic rope had always tied Huang Yi's four pairs of demon wings, which greatly affected his strength and almost ruined him.

But now, the two snake heads on this magic rope have opened their mouths, loosened their restraints, and turned into a black rope, stopping in the void and asking for it.

Huang Yi stretched out a hand to collect all three treasures that ordinary players can't get in a lifetime!

A master at this level of the fallen general, once killed, is no less than a treasure.

"Do you think that our things are so easy to get?" Just then, a majestic and charming voice of a woman rang out in the sky.

The voice was full of temptation, as if the beauties at the pillow were whispering, but there was a queen-like high above, so that men could only bow to her skirts. The two feelings are mixed together, making people tangled in heart, wanting a pro-Fangze, but afraid of her majesty, can only bear it, burn in the heart, full of endless pain.

Just then, a woman slowly landed in the sky.

A smoky makeup woman.


I'm sorry for losing my state of mind last night. I thought for a while today, that sentence shouldn't be made.

Which author does not experience various ordeal in writing a book? Everyone has setbacks, and it is not easy for everyone. It is as if they are suffering only by themselves. In fact, there are a lot of people who are more suffering, but no one else has said anything.

I am a very emotional person ~ www.readwn.com ~ I will think wildly when I encounter something, and then toss myself, I often hate myself like this. It's a big cause of making your life so tired.

Regardless, the author's job is to write well and write poorly, and the reader has reason to blame. Some words are awkward, but they are true. I have to say the book if it is not good, and express my opinion. I did n’t listen to it, sorry everyone.

Here are some of the pits mentioned in this chapter-

The Death of God (Huang Yi's contest prize) is promoted to epic equipment, and related content with experience [gift of experience] appears, in Chapter 780

In the tomb of the dragon, Xiaolong obtained the mother dragon power, an unfinished life essence of the cursed king, and grew the black phoenix feather related content in Chapter 601.

A smoky makeup woman first appeared in Chapter 787.

Today's chapter of the new book "The Underworld Masters" has also been updated at the starting point. Friends who have recommended votes can vote for the new book. This "Heroes of Prison" does not need a recommendation now, but the new book is very much needed. Thank you. (To be continued ...) u

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