Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 953: Mario Diago

Time passed minute by minute, everyone on Sun Island looked up nervously, looking at the flickering sky.

Lights of various colors are mapped from the universe, like gorgeous aurora. Although everyone couldn't see what was happening on the cloud, they all guessed that there must be a big man in fierce battle in outer space.

Huang Yi always unfolded his huge demon wing, cast a huge shadow in the vast ocean, and sheltered the Sun Island all the way.

However, since the previous two rays of destruction, no attack has come down, his pressure has greatly reduced, and the two huge blood holes on his wings are slowly healing.

Huang Yi faced the wind, slightly fanned his wings, adjusted the position of the shadow he cast, and covered the core area of ​​Sun Island as much as possible.

He lowered his head and looked down at the fragile Sun Island below, and suddenly felt like it was a valuable blue and white porcelain, which would be broken if he didn't pay attention. Unconsciously, he has spent such a long time in the Second World, and has grown to the point where he needs to use his wings to shelter the Sun Island.

At the time, Thor's move to conquer Sun Island was once a symbol of strength. At that time, he and Thor were still competing for the best newcomer award at the second annual festival. These memories are like yesterday, but they are actually very old.


On the other side, Huang Yi's incarnation returned to the Dragon Capital of the Heroic Empire.

This bustling city is crowded with people at this moment. People are dignified and sad, and some people are still bloodied and scarred on their armor. Apparently, they have escaped here after suffering a lot of hard work.

The endless army of demons is still emerging from the abyss like a black tide. Submerged most of the hero continent. Among them were even two giants, each stepping forward, they can directly crush a city. Players at this stage cannot resist at all. Fortunately, the heroic empire opened the teleportation authority, and people from all over the mainland have retreated to this last fort.

now. A group of guardians of the empire headed by Emperor Somret are scattered across the empire's frontiers, struggling to kill all the dare to break into the demons, forming the strongest **** of the heroic enemy, and resisting the surging demon Tide of the Clan.

But this is not enough. The Seven Demon Kings are about to gather. Only demigods can resist them. At present, only the Emperor Somlet has reached this level. Huang Yi also released some demigod guardians.

Huang Yi spread his wings, flew over the city, came to the top of the inaccessible sky garden, took out the hero's book, and summoned the hero prison again.

The next moment, the head of the huge dark demon dragon appeared again at the highest point of the dragon capital, facing the wind, opening his mouth with rage, and the eyes of the dragon were stunned. Dragon scales, as if they may come to life at any time, and devour the world.

Huang Yi stepped forward. Striding into the dragon's mouth.

The familiar hustle and bustle sounded once again. Thousands of criminals detained in the heroic prison, from time to time, made a loud roar, one after another in the dark. Huang Yi went straight to the stone room where the key was placed.

His level has increased from the last time he came in, and has reached level 269. When he entered the stone room where the keys were placed in the hero's prison, all the keys below level 269 suddenly fell down, and only a few hundred or two hundred keys were left in the sky, each representing a A strong man who once stood at the top of the world.

"Yeah!" Huang Yi flashed the wings of freedom behind him. His figure was as fast as a photoelectric, and he quickly seized a speeding key.

This key is like loach. Struggling hard. Huang Yi's palm was like a pair of pliers, and he grasped it tightly and looked at it.

The number of the key is 105. It is worth more than a hundred, and it is a very powerful criminal in the hero prison. The level is about 299.

Huang Yi shook his head and let go of his hand.

The next moment, the key was free again and fled in an instant.

If at other times, this criminal is enough to be an extremely tyrannical guardian, enough to guard any power, even in a place like the forest on the central continent. But this time it didn't work.

The criminals outside the Hero Prison ranking of one hundred have not reached the level of demigods. No matter how famous they are in history and how powerful they are, they cannot resist the ultimate seven devil.

A demigod is a demigod, not even one step.

Huang Yi continued to spread the wings of freedom, flashing constantly in the air, drawing a stream of light, chasing the fastest batch of keys.

One minute later, another extremely fast key was caught in his hands!

The number of this key read a dazzling number-100.

The criminal met the requirements and was detained in a sealed cell. There is no relevant record in the Book of Heroes. Only after opening the door of the cell can he know who is inside.

Huang Yi looked forward to cell No. 100 with the key in anticipation.

There were roars of various criminals everywhere along the way. Thousands of criminals arrested in all ages vented their anger in the heroic prison day and night, telling the desire for freedom.

Huang Yi had his hands on his shoulders and walked slowly at the intersections. The magic lights on the ceiling illuminated his figure, cast a shadow, and reflected it into the cells on both sides.

Everywhere he walked, the criminals in the nearby cells were all quiet, huge gigantic bodies, trembling in the dark cells, listening to his clear footsteps, watching in fear the shadows he cast from the door .

When Huang Yi just got the hero prison, any criminal here saw him as a ant. Today, Huang Yi has grown into a world-class powerhouse, and the powerful breath released from outside is enough to suffocate ordinary criminals. If he is now asked to do the rare task when he first entered the second world, then he can use his own strength to chop and kill the Hydra dead scale. He does not need to use his brain to take any task shortcuts.

After a long walk, Huang Yi finally came to the door of cell No. 100. There is no magic lamp here, everything is immersed in darkness, full of silence.

The door of the cell in front of him was closed tightly, without any gap, so that he could not see the scene inside. The door was covered with spider webs, and the floor was covered with a thick layer of dust, like a forgotten place.

Huang Yi looked up at the door of this tall cell. Even if he was a world-class powerhouse now, he still felt a huge pressure, looming through the thick stone door.

He took a deep breath, stepped forward, and inserted the key into the keyhole on the stone door.

"Click!" A slight turn of his wrist opened the door of a cell that had been sealed for countless years, shaking off large pieces of dust, like dust from history.

Huang Yi condensed, looking through the hazy dust toward the stone room.

Vaguely, he saw a standing lonely back.

This lonely figure, with his back to the door, has a straight body, a horned helmet on his head, an armor covered with rust, and a broken iron gun in his hand, holding him on the ground, motionless, as if It is a statue with no vitality.

"Are wars calling me again?" Suddenly, the man turned slowly, and the armor covered with rust also rubbed, making an old rubbing sound.

All of a sudden, on this deadly back, there was a sound of iron blood, and there were sounds of thousands of horses charging and playing the horn of attack, as if it was no longer a prison cell, but a battlefield.

Just an instant, this person's temperament changed dramatically, and he woke up from history in no time!

The horned helmet completely covered the man's head and could not see clearly, but judging from his equipment and momentum, it should be a well-known general marshal in ancient times.

Huang Yi nodded, following the man's previous words, and said, "Yes, the Demons have invaded the world again!"

"Devil?" The figure said the words lightly, and a husky voice came from the helmet. "Did I fight them back in the Battle of the Elemental Hills?"

"Element Hills ..." Hearing these words, Huang Yi moved in his heart, and combined with the keyword "Devil", the combination of the two immediately appeared in his mind a famous battle in history- The Victory of the Elemental Hills ~ www.readwn.com ~ In ancient times, the Duke of Bloodspurs led an army of ghouls, as the vanguard of the cursed king, invaded the world and hit all the way to the elemental hills of the eastern continent. Where the living creatures are coated with charcoal, blood flows into the river.

At a critical moment, the Marshal of the Opley Empire, Diagognist, organized a joint army of seventeen races including tauren, mountain dwarf, swamp dwarf, and forest trolls, defeating that in the Elemental Hills. An army of ghouls.

If that were the case, the battle would have been drowned in history. The reason this battle will be passed on forever is that in that battle, Marshal Diyage captured a Demon Giant in a rare way!

The general has always been a great killing tool for the demons to destroy the world. Even if he is sent to walk around the world a few times, it can cause an unimaginable catastrophe. In the whole history, there are only a few times the capture of the demon giants, this element of the hilly victory is one of them.

After capturing the great general, in the Second World camp, a group of outstanding scientists including the greatest alchemist, the magic alchemist silver water, and the founder of the blood refining genre, Xuexue, researched on the great general Many great ways to fight against the demons, and shine in the subsequent invasion of the cursed king. (To be continued)

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