Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 959: ruins

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"Oh? Where?" Thor asked.

"Bailong Island." Huang Yi spit out three words, turned his head and looked into the distance, recalled, "It is a very small lake island, located in a place called Bailong Lake, is the home of the Bailong tribe. Bailong King Thanks to me, I am also a half of the Bailong clan. Now the demons are raging, and Bailong Island is estimated to be dangerous. I want to check it out and bring it into the scope of the heroic empire. "

"No problem, wrap it on me!" Thunder God patted his chest and smiled boldly, "Let's do it now! It is much easier to consign such an island than it is to consign Sun Island, and I can do it alone. No need for outsiders' help to check in the ancient Godship. "

Having said that, he reached out to the huge ancient Godship below!

In a short time, the giant godship in the ocean was instantly recovered by him into the two-dimensional space. The player crews in the various cabins of the Godship were transferred to the nearest Sun Island transfer point.

"Let's teleport to Hutton City!" Huang Yi finished, flapping his wings, and landed on the Sun Island Teleportation Square below, and teleported to Hutton City.

Hutton City, also known as Hutton Marl, is a city built by the Coulson people. In the language of the Coulson, "Mar" is a modified vocabulary, which means beauty, tranquility and other meanings.

This is the place where Huang Yi started in the Second World. He was born in this city by a female cat. He has always had a good feeling for it, just like the name of the city.

However, when Huang Yi and Thunder God teleported here, they did not see the slightest beautiful sight!

There is a rundown in front of it, and the beautiful city of the past has become a ruin and there are no people.

The square was potholes, filled with black smelly water, the surrounding buildings collapsed, and the broken bricks were scattered everywhere.

In those bustling streets, all the shops have disappeared, only discarded debris and damaged windows and doors can be seen.

A dead body fell to the ground, some of which were human bodies. Some are corpses of various demons, with flies flying and foul smell.

"Zizi!" At this moment, Huang Yi and the teleportation team at the foot of Thor. It seemed like he had finally exhausted the last trace of energy, sent out a weakness, and dispelled the last trace of light.

At this point, the teleportation array is also broken. It has transported countless people since its construction, coming and going. Bringing prosperity to the city. To this day, Huang Yi and Thor have become its last two teleporters.

"It seems that the Devil has destroyed the city!" Thor looked around and made a guess.

Huang Yi pursed his lips, didn't speak, took a quiet step, and walked in the direction of his memory.

There were hardly any living creatures along the way, and even the plants in the garden withered, and the ground was black, like splashing ink. Traces of the raging demons can be seen everywhere. They have retreated, leaving only one place to die.

"More than thirty years ago, when the clone of the Dark Lord led the Demon Army to invade this continent, this scene was everywhere, and the place where the grass was not growing, I do n’t know if this time will also be like AIDS Plague. "Thor said with emotion over a man's body.

"It is estimated that the entire continent will become like this except for our heroic empire! The destruction speed of the demons is so amazing. How long has it become like this? I do n’t know what happened to Bailong Lake. Let ’s go over and see Look! "Huang Yi said, and quickly fluttered his wings to fly high into the sky, rushing away in the direction of Bailong Lake.

Viewed from a height, the catastrophe of the earth was even more shocking.

The wilderness outside the city was also trampled by the demons. The lush forests of the past have all withered, the trees have turned black, and all the leaves have rotted on the ground. There were no beasts in the forest, and even the birds could not see one, and looked around. There was nothing, no life.

Huang Yi's heart became heavier and he exhausted his fastest speed, and soon came to Bailong Lake.

Sure enough, Bailong Lake could not escape the disaster and turned into a black water lake. There were layers of dead fish and shrimp floating on the lake. The reeds on the lake also withered, and they fell down in the lake.

All this in front of me seems to be two different places compared to the Bailong Lake that was transpired with white mist, full of aura, and quiet.

Huang Yi hung his heart and flew straight to the small ferry in the reeds.

Previously, every time he came to Bailong Lake, he could find the avatar of the White Dragon King in this small ferry. The White Dragon King often turned into the image of an old man, wearing a robe and a bucket, and fishing on a leafy boat.

But this time, Huang Yi didn't see him!

The ferry was empty, and even the flat boat was broken, sinking diagonally to the lake.

"Let's go to the center of the lake! The location of Bailong Island is very hidden, and most people can't find it at all." Huang Yi fluttered toward the center of the lake with his last glimmer of hope.

After flying a distance, an island finally appeared in the far lake center.

At this time, Huang Yi stopped suddenly and did not continue to fly forward.

"What's wrong?" Thor followed, and stopped, asking puzzledly.

"This is a formation. The island is fake. The real Bailong Island can only be reached by jumping down from here!" Huang Yi said, folded his wings, and plunged directly into the lake below.

There was a sudden change, Huang Yi and Thor were on an island.

The big trees here are towering. Each tree is a hundred meters high. There are all kinds of strange creatures in the forest. Elephants as small as mice search for food in the grass in groups; some blue-ray fish swim freely in the air; trees jump Flocks of monkeys chasing the fish in the air, as if hunting and preying.

Seeing this scene, Huang Yi was slightly relieved. This was the first time they saw a living animal along the way.

Thor looked around at the island in front of him and said with a little surprise: "The creatures here are so strange!"

"Yes! The creatures here are opposite to the outside. Elephants are not big, but are as small as mice; fish do not live in water, but fly in the air; monkeys do not eat bananas, and It's eating fish, "Huang Yi explained.

"Squeak ~" At this moment, a monkey suddenly swayed down from the branch and jumped to Huang Yi's presence, squatting on the ground obediently, and shouting at him happily.

"It's you!" Huang Yi smiled slightly and reached out and touched his head.

When he and the little skirt first came to Bailong Lake. Once found a dead monkey, the little skirt has a very special resurrection skills, and can even resurrect, she resurrected the monkey. And brought back to this island. The monkey in front of me should be the one they were resurrected. After so long, I didn't expect it to recognize itself.

Looking back on the time at that time, it was really carefree. The little skirt is just a little white cat, and Huang Yi is also a little novice. Every little thing seems to be worthy of nostalgia.

"Take us to the Bailong tribe!" Huang Yi said, touching the monkey's head.

"Squeak ~" The monkey nodded and immediately turned around and began to lead the way in the woods.

After walking for a while, they came to a glade.

In front of it is a small pool, with a few leaves floating on it, sparkling and looking ordinary.

Huang Yi pointed to the small pool and explained to Thor: "This small pool. After jumping, it will be a big lake. The Bailong people live in it, let's go down!"

Having said that, Huang Yi stepped forward and jumped straight towards the pool.

Next, the eyes of the two changed again, appearing in a lake. The blue lake water can't see the head, the breeze is blowing, the waves are swaying, and white dragons are playing in the lake. Vigorous, as if a paradise.

"Kill God, you're here ..." The next moment, an old voice came from afar. A huge white dragon hurried across the lake and swam in front of Huang Yi.

This white dragon is about the size of a small mountain. The white scales on the body are clean and clean, and a pair of giant longan shoots a gentle look, giving people a sense of innocence, high elegance.

This is the White Dragon King who has not been seen for a long time.

Huang Yi nodded and said, "The masters of the Demon Clan have been asking me for trouble. Now I have time to come and see you, but it's not too late."

"I heard you killing the Queen of Pain!" The eyes of the White Dragon King stared at Huang Yi with a very complex look. "Your strength has actually risen to such a terrible level, far beyond What I expected of you! "

Long ago, Huang Yi was just a junior in need of asylum in the eyes of the White Dragon King. But now, Huang Yi has grown into a world-class powerhouse, and among the masters of the sky domain, he has been regarded as a very top-level existence. The White Dragon King is still a sacred level, and its strength is far less than Huang Yi.

"I do make a lot of progress right now. You used to protect me. Now I will protect you." Huang Yi said, and looked around, "You seem to have escaped the Demon Race."

The White Dragon King nodded his head, and said a little later, "Thanks to the formation of the White Dragon Island, we were able to shrink into it and not be found by the demons. However, I still feel a little uneasy if there is a magic who understands the formation When the clan comes, we are over!

"This time, I came to consign Bailong Island!" Huang Yi said, pointing to the thunder **** beside him, and introduced: "This is the heir of the sea god, he can use the ancient **** of the sea **** that year Ship, check out Bailong Island. "

"You are Thor? The first God-given person to receive an artifact!" The White Dragon King looked at Thor in astonishment and re-examined him.

"It's me!" Thor nodded his head ~ www.readwn.com ~ and took out the artifact—the Pillar of Poseidon. "If you have been defiled by the demons, I can use this artifact to help you Purify it. "


The first 2.7 million words of this book, I revised it as a whole. This is a huge project. It took half a year before and after. The new version changed most of the unreasonable parts and optimized some long and procrastinating parts. Modified some wrong bugs and added some exclusive content, but only the starting point can be seen, the rest of the website cannot synchronize the latest version, it is still the content of the old version, some details may be different, but later These newly written plots are unaffected, mainly to make new readers more comfortable. Old readers don't need to go back to see it, it has little effect. What you really want to see can be seen on the starting point website of the computer version. If you are using a mobile phone to watch, you can update the cached chapter of "Hero Prison" in "Reading at the Starting Point". If it is a previously cached chapter, it is still the content of the old version.

In addition, some readers have reported that some chapters are missing. In this case, you can click the table of contents to refresh the list. If there is still a problem, add my qq398115791, I will reply when I see the message, but I rarely go online now, and I may not see some messages, I am really sorry. (To be continued.)

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