Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 961: Acolyte of Pain

Among the ruins of Sally's Garden, Huang Yi was sitting so lonely. n∈,

Maybe in the heart of every man, there used to be such a girl, who could only glance at it from a distance. She didn't even know her name. There was no intersection, just like a dream in her youth.

The silhouette of the **** the windowsill is Huang Yi's childhood dream, and now there are no traces found, as if it had not existed. In contrast, Qin Shiyu grew up together from a young age, is real, and can be seen and felt after waking up, which can make him feel at ease.

Huang Yi looked at it for a long time, finally sighed slightly, got up and stood up, ready to leave.

"Don't come over!" Just then, a little boy nervously screamed behind a ruin not far away.

"Little guy, it's useless to pray when he's dead," an evil voice followed.

Huang Yi felt a moment in her heart and immediately followed the voice.

When he came near the ruins, he suddenly saw the collapsed brick wall and buried a familiar flag. The exposed part was covered with dust, and he could dimly see the word "kill" written on it.

Kill the flag!

This is the banner of his Majesty's forces. Whether it is the Hero Guild, Hero Empire, or Heroism, they all use the flag to kill, but the details are different.

Huang Yi took a closer look. There are many broken stained glass, dome doors, red lacquered benches, murals and so on in the ruined brick wall. From these architectural styles, this place should have been a hero Teaching in a church temple.

Heroism is one of the largest player religions in the world. Churches and temples spread across many countries, and hundreds of millions of believers enter it every day to pray. As the source of Heroes 6, its churches and temples are spread over every city above the designated size. Everywhere you go, you can see the flying flags. This place is no exception.

Huang Yi quietly hid behind a broken wall and looked at the place where the voice sounded.

I saw a 11-year-old boy standing in the ruins not far away, with a dirty face, holding a broken sword tightly in his hands. Nervously at a statue standing in the ruins.

That statue is a statue of Huang Yi!

The statue was originally enshrined in a temple of heroism. After the temple collapsed, the statue did not collapse. Still standing in ruins.

But at this time, there was a demon squatting on top of the statue!

The appearance of this demon is similar to that of humans, but the skin is black, with a pair of black meat wings behind it, and a black magic air surrounds it.

He wore a black monk robe. The head was shaved, and the blood-stained lines on the bald head showed red light, which seemed strange and mysterious. Both of his eyes were blind, leaving only two ugly ones.

Acolyte of Pain!

Huang Yi immediately recognized the identity of this demons.

In ancient times, Her Majesty's most loyal demigod follower, Gerol Cannian, created the Pain Demon with the Queen Pain as the faith, and built a large number of Temples of Pain. Believers of Pain Demon are called "Acolytes of Pain", and in order to gain pain, they have to perform evil painful rituals before entering the religion. Self-harm part of your body, such as cutting off your ears, cutting off your hands and feet, blinding your eyes, etc ... to prove your belief in pain. Although every suffering acolyte is disabled and physically incomplete, they are extremely powerful, and some are even world-class. They know the true meaning of pain, and often travel to the universe to spread the pain and show the believers of the suffering cult.

In the Archean period, the leader of Groll Cannian personally went to the Second World to spread the Pain Demon. At the time, the Peculiar Genius of the human race, Johns, was attracted to the religion and became a painful acolyte. He mutilated his own feathers and studied the doctrine of pain. Later, Johns reversed the teachings of the Painful Demon and realized the true meaning of the divine faith. She got rid of the queen of pain and later succeeded in sealing the gods. She also left the famous Gospel of Johns. As long as she chanted this gospel repeatedly, she could help people resist the temptation of the suffering cult. In addition, the feathers that he self-mutilated were also retained. Turned into 100,000 "Johns feathers" and become the cherished priests of later generations. As long as they get one, they can strengthen their faith and have stronger power of the Holy Light.

The Demon of Pain is also well known to the people of the second generation by this incident.

"Little fellow!" At this moment, the painful acolyte spoke again. He opened the pair of black meat wings and cast a shadow, covering the little boy. The seductive voice rang from his mouth: "Rather than fear us It ’s better to be us. I am a high-ranking acolyte of Painful Demon-Remnant Eyes, I have seen believers in countless religions, but you are very rare, you are still praying to the statue of God before you die It shows that your heart is very devotional. We need such devout believers. If you are willing to convert to the Pain Demon and worship the Queen of Pain, we will give you powerful power. You also see that our demons are invincible and have occupied countless Such a city has destroyed countless religious temples. Seven Lord Demon Kings will be together soon, and the whole world will surrender to us. Heroism ca n’t protect you. You can only change to the Painful Demon as soon as possible. Make your way! "

The little boy was stubborn and raised his head, staring directly at the miserable acolyte, and said, "What about the Queen of Pain, her clone is not killed by the **** of killing them!"

"Huh! I don't know if I live or die!" A sigh of cold eyes swelled, and the magic of the whole body boiled and turned into anger. "This time, the Queen Queen of Pain has condensed six avatars, and the power is too scattered. Powerful, but even so, killing God they also used their strongest power, and sacrificed their lives, and then it was difficult to kill a clone of the Queen of Pain. As long as the Queen of Pain sent a strong clone, Do n’t say it ’s killing five of them. Even if it ’s fifty killing gods, she will be crushed to death by one finger. I will give you one last chance. If you still refuse, the end will be like this statue! Speaking of it, the wings behind the remnant's eyes slammed together and patted on the statue.

"Boom!" The next moment, the statue exploded directly into the gravel, rolled down, and mixed with the ruins of the ground.

Among them, the skull was unbiased and just rolled beside Huang Yi's hidden wall, and a pair of stone eyes stared at Huang Yi.

"As long as there is a species, everyone is a hero!" At this moment, the little boy suddenly turned right, read the doctrine of heroism, and vomited four words reverently-"Kill God!"

As the voice fell, a milky light suddenly appeared on the little boy's body, converging in the air in front of him, and soon turned into a man!

The man has four bizarre wings behind him. The first pair of wings is burning with flames, the second pair is covered with scale armor, the third pair of wings is as thin as cicada wings, and the fourth pair of wings is dripping with blood.

In his hand, he held a golden axe with a distinguished shape, covered with delicate red glyphs, and the tip of the axe handle carved a golden holy dragon dragon head, roaring upwards, and the dragon eyes blinked from time to time. Kasama shot out of the road.

This summoned man is simply Huang Yi!

Those four pairs of wings are exactly the hallmark of the eternal tyrant [Eternal Tyrant] after his three turns: the wings of the demon god. And that magnificent golden axe is his exclusive artifact embryo-God's Wrath!

Huang Yi, who was lurking behind the broken wall, gave a momentary glance, but soon he reacted. The little boy used the religious skills of heroism to summon his replica!

The religious skills of heroism were set by Huang Yi himself at the time. His name is [God Killing Coming]: Heroism teaches to kill God. He will also protect heroism and bless every religion. After a short prayer, the heroes can use this skill to summon a copy of the **** of killing to help them fight. The strength of the killing clone is completely random, ranging from% of the killings to% of the killings. Replicas have most of the talents and abilities of the God of Kill, except for special talents and abilities. The replica can last for 1 minute. Each time you use this skill, you need to consume a certain amount of faith contribution. Each time you increase the faith level of the believer, this skill consumes 1 less faith contribution. Cooling time is 1 day.

This skill is one of the most powerful skills in the religion of all players at present ~ www.readwn.com ~ Because Huang Yi is one of the strongest players in the world, even if he summons his% attribute replica, it also has a long history. Ordinary combat effectiveness. If the replica reaches the Huang Yi% attribute, it is even more remarkable. It is equivalent to the attribute of Huang Yi. However, this replica is a system-controlled battle. In terms of timing and strategy, it is not as good as Huang Yi himself. It's just a spiritual change, and there are some special talents and skills.

As long as he is a hero, he can use this skill to summon his replica as long as he has enough faith contribution. It can also be seen from this that the little boy is indeed a believer in heroism and a devout believer who often prays, and has accumulated enough faith contribution.

"Killing God's replica? It's useless! Unless he arrives, he can fight with me!" Canny blinked his eyes, staring directly at Huang Yi's replica, seemingly able to "see" Here.

Most of the demons possess the ability of "heart-eye". Although the eyes of Cannian are blind, they can still see everything around them.

After Huang Yi originally evolved into an "eyeless" form, he did not have an eye, but possessed the "heart-eye" ability. In some cases, it was even better than the naked eye, and was not affected by visual factors such as fog, smoke, darkness, and blindness Interference. (To be continued.)

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