Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 964: Real hero

Huang Yi's second new skill is the new 270 level skill of Nefarem's blood, which is also the last skill of Nefarem's blood--

[Reversal of Gods and Demons]: Nefarem is the son of the gods and demons. He has insight into the true meaning of God and demons, and can reverse the power of the gods and the magical system. Each reversal requires a certain amount of Nefarem power.

This new skill is very special. It is not a direct combat skill, but a reversal of the power of the gods and the power of the magic.

The powers of the gods and demons are always incompatible. The two are opposing natural enemies. They are irreconcilable, and no one in history has ever been able to control these two very different forces at the same time.

But now, Nefarem's blood can be freely reversed between these two. At some special moments, this reversal of the devil and magic will surely work wonders!

Huang Yi's Nefarem blood, in addition to understanding a new skill every 30 levels, can also realize a new talent.

His last Nefarem talent was a 240-level [equality]-all skills are absolute skills in the face of enemies of the same status.

This is a combat talent, but he does not like it very much, because at his level, the role of skills has become smaller and smaller, and the fighting style is biased toward demigods.

This time at level 270, he realized a new talent of auxiliary type-

[Transforming Nefarem's Power]: Added a new way to obtain Nefarem's power. After killing enemies with **** or magic power, it can automatically absorb the opponent's **** or magic power. Transformed into Nefarem's power, the stronger the enemy is, the more Nefarem's power is transformed.

Huang Yi's Nefarem bloodline is very powerful, but the power of Nefarem has always been a constraint, preventing him from using his nefarem ability frequently. For example, when he was just dealing with the residual eyes, if he had enough Nefarem power to fan the killing wings, the battle would be much easier. This new talent can be regarded as a charcoal in the snow, broadening the channels for obtaining Nefarem's power.

With the two new skills of Qingjun side, demon reversal, and the new talent of transforming the power of Nefarem. Huang Yi's strength has become more powerful.

This is also the last time he has acquired new skills and talents, and his goal is demigod. After that, he can break away from the skill level and pursue more advanced ways to improve his strength.

Huang Yi looked down. At this moment, the little boy was still standing in the ruins and looking up at him, his eyes worshipped, as if looking up at a god.

Huang Yi smiled slightly and flew down. Landed beside the corpse of the residual eye.

The corpse of the residual eye was covered with blood, and the pair of powerful blood wings were broken and almost cut off by the bound magic rope. He reached for a move, and the binding magic rope flew back to his hand automatically.

This is a very good baby. Without it, it would not be so easy to kill the residual eyes. After all, the other party is also a high-level Celestial strongman, similar in level to him.

Just then, Huang Yi summoned a demon imitation.

This immortal imitation body has six arms and is full of strong muscles. Full of brute force, it looks fierce, as if it is an evil deity enshrined in the temple.

This is the immortal imitation!

The Savage God is the first imitation of the demon **** he made, and it is also one of his most important imitations. Later, he also created a copy of the Savage God for the sharp sword. As a result, the strength of the Savage God was far beyond his own Savage God. This incident stimulated Huang Yi. Now he wants to increase the training of his own god, so that it becomes as strong as the imitation body of Lijian.

Huang Yi's level 60 Nefarem skill is called [Group Magic Cave Tip], after killing the enemy. Enemy souls can be trapped in the apocalypse of the demon imitation body to strengthen the demon imitation body's strength.

This residual eye is a high-level heavenly powerhouse, and its soul is very powerful, if you don't quickly absorb it. Then the soul of the remnant will go to the underworld and waste it for nothing, just like the fallen general killed yesterday.

Huang Yi turned his head to look at the Savage God and said, "Savage God, you can absorb the soul of this miserable acolyte and strengthen your acupoints!"

"Okay! Master!" Said the savage god. Immediately went to the body of the residual eye, stretched out his hand and pressed it.

Suddenly, the body of the remnant's eyes turned into a ball of blood, sinking into the head of the Savage God!

The savage **** digested the soul of the remnant eyes lightly, and suddenly exuded a breath of magic from the shore, soaring into the sky.

Its eyes spewed out two substantive magical air, like two arrows flying through the air, and made a fierce frictional sound with the air.

Its head is like a residual eye, and it has become a bald head, with blood-red lines appearing on it, mysterious and mysterious.

"Click!" At this moment, the skin behind the pretty god's imitation body suddenly cracked, growing a pair of **** wings, dripping black blood down!

This pair of wings is like the blood wings before the eyes!

The strongest part of the residual eye is the blood fins, even Huang Yi can deal with it very difficult. Now, the pretty **** actually inherited those wings and absorbed the essence of the other party!

This pair of blood wings has a faint feeling of yellow overflowing killing wings, but the yellow overflowing killing wings are dripping red blood, and the blood gods ’blood wings are dripping black blood.

Huang Yi clearly noticed that the strength of the Savage God was at least 30% higher than before, and there was already a trace of true spirit in his hands.

Huang Yi nodded with satisfaction, put away the immortal imitation body of the god, and later let it absorb some strong souls, one day can reach the strength of the immortal imitation body of the sword.

After the soul of the residual eye was absorbed, the corpse disappeared, leaving only one monk robe in place.

The monk's robe was quite extraordinary. It had a thin red pattern on the outside, which gave out a little light, and it was smooth and soft in the hands, very comfortable. But the monk's robe was stained with the blood of the demon's eyes, exuding a strong demon breath.

Huang Yi looked at the properties of this equipment and found that this is a legendary equipment, but this is a magic item, and most people can't use it.

He could use it, but his current clothes are also legendary equipment, and this monk robe is not attractive to him.

"You, are you really killing God?" Just then, a tender voice sounded from behind.

Huang Yi turned his head and saw that the little boy was standing behind him, looking at himself with those bright eyes, his dirty little face was full of excitement.

"Yes, you don't have to be afraid. The residual eyes have been killed by me. Even his monk's robe fell into my hands." Huang Yi nodded and raised the monk's robe in Yang's hand.

"It's amazing!" The little boy swallowed his throat, both restrained and excited. "In the past, I could only see your statue in the church, and I prayed every day. I didn't expect to see you one day. If it weren't for you today, I would be killed."

Huang Yi smiled slightly and handed the robe in hand to the little boy. "As long as you work hard, you can also become a strong one. This monk's robe is a legendary item. Give it to you! This way you will be able to protect yourself in the future."

"What?" The little boy's eyes brightened, his voice stuttered. "I, I can actually have legendary equipment ?!"

Then, he reached out his hands excitedly, trying to take over the robe.

"Zi!" As soon as his little hand touched the monk's robe, a blue smoke suddenly rose from the tip of his finger.

The little boy screamed, and withdrew his hand lightningly. But at this point his finger had been burned from a wound, smoky, and his teeth grinned.

"Nearly forgot, this is the magic system equipment, you can't use it!" Huang Yi then responded, saying with a little regret.

A little loss suddenly appeared in the eyes of the little boy, pinching his injured finger, and pouting, "It's all because I'm too weak, even with good equipment, I can't use it."

Huang Yi looked at the lost look of the little boy, and suddenly his heart moved. I thought of the Nefarem skill I just learned-the reversal of the devil. This skill can reverse the power of the **** system and the power of the magic system. The monk robe in front of him is a good experimental subject.

Thinking of this, Huang Yi immediately tried to reverse this piece of magic equipment.

A faint **** light. Immediately rising from his hands, he wrapped the black monk robe, and began to transform the power of equipment hidden in it.

Soon, the rich magical atmosphere on that monk's robe began to become disordered, and it seemed to have undergone some mysterious transformation, and it actually evolved into a faint divine power.

The little boy saw this. With his eyes wide open, he asked curiously, "Kill God, what are you doing?"

"I'm reversing the equipped monster power to the **** power, so you can equip it!" Huang Yi said as he reversed the monk's robe.

"Isn't the power of the gods and the power of the magic opposite? How can they reverse each other?" The little boy was even more surprised, as if subverting his cognition, a pair of bright bright eyes staring at the monk robe.

Gradually, the demon power and the demon power on the monk's robes fade away, and the degree of reversal is getting higher and higher. In the end, the demon power completely disappears, and it becomes the divine power completely.

At this time, the monk's robe was no longer black, but bright golden yellow, with thousands of spirits, exuding a sacred breath, like a puppet passed by a monk, and the demon blood stained on it disappeared. There was no trace of blood.

Judging from the appearance of this monk's robe, it was absolutely unexpected that it was actually an evil magic equipment.

The reversal of the gods and monsters was really unpredictable, and it was so easy to reverse the two completely different powers without leaving any traces, which is just a general means of the creator.

Huang Yi looked at the power of his Nefarem. This time he used the devil to reverse, and only consumed 1 point of Nefarem's power, which was completely within his tolerance. However, this time he reversed the legendary equipment. If a more advanced epic equipment is reversed, it is estimated that the power of Nefarem will be much more consumed.

"[System Tip]: You have reversed the magic equipment [Guardian of Pain], you can rename the equipment and change the equipment information."

Huang Yi directly renamed this piece of equipment "Hero Guardian", and changed the item description of the equipment. This is like forging professional equipment for life professionals. The maker can name the equipment and leave a line of small characters as a mark or inscription on the equipment.

Huang Yi then nodded with satisfaction ~ www.readwn.com ~ Squatting down, he put the monk's robe on the little boy's body, straightened the folds for him, and arranged the collar.

The little boy excitedly touched his new clothes and looked left and right, his dirty little face was full of smiles. After putting on the legendary equipment, his temperament was renewed. He squeezed his fist, looked up at Huang Yi, and vowed swearingly: "Big brother, I will work hard to become a stronger hero in the future, and defeat a powerful enemy like the Remnant Eye."

"No!" Huang Yi patted the little boy's head and smiled, "The real hero is not to defeat others, but to protect others."

After all, he fanned the wings of freedom behind him, rose to the sky, and left here.

The little boy looked at Huang Yi's direction of departure, stood there for a while, and waited until Huang Yi's figure disappeared into the sky before he calmed down.

He stood on the ruins, rubbing his monk's robe with his little hand, and suddenly found a small line on the cuff, which was the inscription of this legendary equipment-

"The true hero is not to defeat others, but to protect others." (To be continued.)

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