Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 966: Celestial Invasion 1

At this moment, Tiandao stood up again from his seat, looked around all the leaders in the conference room, and concluded: "Since most people have decided to stay and fight to the end, then the minority obey the majority, we will take the last risk again. , Stay and fight this national war. But before that, I have an important proposal! "

"What's the proposal?" A wonderful woman suddenly asked in the corner of the conference room. She wore a wreath on her head, a straw skirt on her body, and a crooked branch staff in her hand, looking like a flower fairy.

Her name is Hua Yu, a legion leader from Southeast Asia. Although not as prestigious as entanglement, she is also a famous female player in Southeast Asia.

Tiandao glanced at Huayu, and then looked at the others again, and raised the voice by eight degrees: "I propose that all of your legions be merged into my Dongyu Legion, so that we all become one A whole."

There was a lag in the meeting room, and everyone looked at each other.

"It's ridiculous!" Miyamoto Musashi smirked and looked at Tiandao squintingly. "Even if we want to be a whole, why let us merge into your army instead of you into my army?"

"Because your legion is not yet qualified!" Tiandao said indifferently. "Your legion is not as good as me and your record is not as good as me. You have been killed several times in the national war. My army, in all The invading army performed the best. We won the most achievements of all the legions here! Once the national war was won, only my legion could get a systematic post-war reward! I let you merge into my legion, in fact, for the sake of You are thinking, because in this way, after the victory of the national war, everyone can enjoy the post-war reward. "

Miyamoto Musashi clenched his fists. Blue tendons exploded on the neck and anger surged!

But he could not refute that in this national war. The performance of each legion is well known to all, his martial arts legion. It's really not as good as the Eastern Regiment of Heaven.

"That being the case, my legion is willing to merge into your legion." At this time, the flower questioner who nominated before nodded and took the lead in making a statement.

With Huayu taking the lead, the leaders of the rest of the army suddenly moved a little bit, talking to each other and talking to each other.

After a while, a rugged man in armor also made a decision: "We are the 'Bangladesh Tigers' Army. We are willing to join the Eastern Army."

"We, the East African Army, are willing to merge into the East African Army."

"Peruvian Army, willing to merge into the Eastern Regiment."

"Thailand Regiment, willing to merge into the Eastern Reichs Army."


For a while, several small legions expressed their positions. They were not as good as those large corps, and even after the victory in the national war, they could not get systematic post-war rewards, but they had a chance after joining the Dongying Army.

"Okay! My Divine Comedy Corps has also been merged into the Dongying Legion!" At this time, Dante also spoke.

He is one of the nine superb masters present, and His Majesty's Divine Comedy Army is a large army. His statement was of great significance, and immediately pushed everyone's decision. Even the first-class masters' corps have also been merged into the Eastern Regiment.

At last. Only Miyamoto Musashi remained in the meeting room. He looked around the leaders of the various legions on the field slightly helplessly, and finally stared at the heavenly road, and said reluctantly: "Since everyone has joined you, then I can't be an exception. But I'm not part of your legion. Succumb to you, it's just a fancy postwar reward. "

Later, he also merged his martial arts legion into the Eastern Puppet Corps!

At this point, all invading corps have been merged into the Eastern Regiment. The Eastern Regiment suddenly became the largest corps in history, even larger than the hero corps.

Heaven. It became the nominal commander of this legion!

"Very good, everyone will be a family in the future. We will join hands to win this national war." Tiandao smiled and looked around the audience again.

at this time. The look of defeat on his face had been swept away, revealing a strong confidence.

The heavens paused and continued: "After our victory in the national war, the occupied territories need to be digested as soon as possible, and our fortresses must be built. With our current strength and resources, we cannot fully digest such a vast territory. The other two vice-presidents of the Eastern Conference of the Communists negotiated to transport the main materials and wealth accumulated by our Association over the years from the Eastern Conference of the Mainland to build the territory we occupy ... "


After Huang Yi left Thorns City, he flew back to the ancient Godship of Thor.

At this point, Thor was wiping the Pillar of Poseidon, moving gently, like treating his child.

The pillar of Poseidon emits eternal light, filling the entire cabin, and being in it is surrounded by endless warm water, full of security.

"Ayi, have you gone to level 270 ?!" Thor turned his head, looked at Huang Yi in surprise, and found his level changed.

"Yes, I was about to upgrade. I just killed a high-level painful acolyte, and finally got up." Huang Yi nodded, palms twitched, and took out two bottles from the storage ring.

The first bottle was filled with black smoke. A vaguely visible drop of black liquid lay quietly in the smoke, exuding a dark breath of a mighty shore, and even revealing that the bottle was about to spread outside. But the radiance of the Pillar of Poseidon has flooded the entire cabin, blocking the spread of this dark breath, and squeezing it tightly into the bottle.

The second bottle also contained a similar black liquid. There was a whole bottle, but the breath they emitted was slightly different, and it was more prone to fall.

Thor looked at the two bottles and was surprised again: "This ... this is the blood of the King of Darkness, and the blood of the fallen King!"

He swallowed his throat, stared at Huang Yi, and continued: "This is all legendary! All along, the Seven Demon Kings have been sent out to make trouble, which is just the essence of life, not the real flesh. Only from their bodies can the blood of the real demon kings be obtained. How did you get the blood of these two demon kings? "

"The blood of the Dark King was obtained in the desolate magic hall of the Central Continent, and the blood of the fallen King was obtained after I killed the fallen general yesterday." Huang Yi said, shaking. Two bottles. "The Seven Devil Kings are coming soon. I want to try to absorb the blood before they come. This will give me a little more protection!"

His rare race allows him to evolve every 20 levels. His last evolution was an ancient giant that evolved after a few days ago. That time I used the evolution opportunity of level 180. He now has a total of four evolution opportunities of level 200, 220, 240, and 260!

He does not want to waste these precious opportunities for evolution. He will only consider evolution if he gets very powerful or special blood. The blood of the demon king is one of them.

He had tried the blood of the Dark Lord last time, but the blood strength was too high for him to absorb. But last time he was 245, and now he has risen to 270, more powerful than before, and can try again!

Huang Yi opened the bottle of the Dark King's blood and poured that drop of blood into the palm of his hand!

"Zizi!" Suddenly, there was a sound of corrosiveness in his palm, and that drop of blood contained all kinds of dark and negative evil breaths, which corroded his palm frantically.

But he's Nereem blood. The damage of the magic breath was saved, and he was in the warm light of the pillar of the sea god, completely suppressing the blood of the demon king.

"[System tip]: You have got the blood of the mysterious species. Do you choose to absorb evolution?"

Huang Yi chose to look forward to it!

Suddenly, the palm of his hand sank, sending a powerful suction!

The blood of that dark king trembled violently, and it could be stabilized in the shape of a drop at first, but gradually melted down over time.

Slowly, Huang Yi felt that the breath of blood began to penetrate his skin and penetrate into his body, and an epic mighty power took root in his body!

In the end, all that blood penetrated into his skin. But it is not completely absorbed, it looks like a mole in the palm of your hand!

"[System Tip]: Because your Nefarem bloodline has Demon descent. And you have evolved without eye-evil, you can absorb [Blood of the Dark King]. The current refining progress is 1%.

"Success!" A joy in Huang Yi's heart!

However, the blood strength of this dark king is too high to be absorbed in one go like before, just like the broken godhead of the doomsday messenger, it takes a long time to absorb a little bit.

Huang Yi touched the mole in the palm of his hand, and his heart was full of anticipation. The King of Darkness is an eternal epic. I do n’t know how powerful he is when he becomes a Queen of Darkness.

And this has no side effects. If you join the Devil to become the demon king, then you have to sign a contract with the king of hell, which is subject to everywhere and has limited future achievements.

There is no such worries about being an existence like the Seven Demon Kings through evolution!

Huang Yi shook his palm and put away another bottle of blood from the fallen king. Now that he can evolve into the king of darkness, it is not necessary to evolve into the fallen king.

His future evolutionary opportunities are very limited, and he needs to save some resources. And he currently has two evolutionary goals. One is the deep evolution in the form of dragons. He has gone a long way on this road. He has carried out the deep evolution of the white dragons, sea dragons, and two golden holy dragons. Each time the dragon form evolves, it can enhance his power of the avatar. If he wants to evolve the avatar into the existence of a divine fetus, he must leave a few more evolutionary opportunities for the dragon form.

And his second evolutionary goal is the blood of the mysterious python that tried many times!

Next ~ www.readwn.com ~ Huang Yi took a deep breath and took out a few drops of mysterious python blood from the storage ring.


I wish you all a Happy New Year and good health.

You can add me to qq398115791 for anything. Generally, I will reply when I see it, but I rarely go online and may not see some news.

In the new year, my wish is to finish the hero prison and open a better new book. This sentence has been said since 2014, but it has not been achieved until now, and I hope it can be achieved this year. "Heroes of Prison" has been written awkwardly since it was changed last year. It has also been changed many times. The last time was a few days ago. At the starting point, I revised the hundreds of thousands of words I wrote recently and deleted a lot Some bugs have been removed, but the overall feeling is still weird.

This year I read a lot of books, all of which are masterpieces. I have learned a lot of experience. I went back and looked at the heroic prison I wrote. I found a lot of shortcomings and deficiencies. Many defects can no longer be undone, and at best they can only change the details of word formation. I will try my best to write the back, fill in the foreshadowing I buried before, and try to give everyone a satisfactory ending. (To be continued.)

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