Heroic Soul: Drunken Qianqiu

Chapter 111 The Lights Are On

The wind is grim and the hero is at his end.

When he learned the man's name, Wan Qiqiu was shocked, and the hand holding the scimitar couldn't help but tremble slightly.

fear? Not entirely, right...

In the long river of history, how many people can leave their names, either in history or in infamy for thousands of years.

And Fenglang Juxu cannot but be called the pinnacle of fame. It is not like a legend, but is better than a legend...

Thinking of this, Wan Qiqiu roared loudly, used all his strength, strode forward, swung his knife, and chopped off!


The black spear cut off the blade and cut through the void. Like breaking a bamboo, it penetrated straight through Wan Qiqiu's chest.

With a "Puch" sound, a ball of black blood spattered and sprinkled on the withered yellow ground.

Wan Qiqiu's expression was stiff, his pupils were dilated, but he kept whispering softly, "That's enough, that's enough..."

Huo Qubing paused for a moment without saying anything. A spiritual light appeared in his hand, and then he suddenly shook. He only heard a "boom" and blood mist rose up all over the sky.

Red and black are intertwined, and a faint black air rises. It is not like a black hair, it is more curling, and with the sound of wind, it slowly dissipates and floats into the distance.

After the storm subsided, Huo Qubing looked at the black source floating in the air and waved out a few spiritual threads to clear away all the violent evil energy.

Put away the source, then turn around and leave.

Another battlefield.

Brother Cuntou shouted loudly and rushed in front of an evil spirit. He exerted force with both hands and slashed a two-meter long knife from the sky.

The evil spirit's expression changed greatly, and it raised its spear above its head, trying to block it, but when the sword fell, it realized how terrifying this power was.


The arm bones turned directly into powder, and the two arms could no longer be supported, hanging weakly in front of the waist.

Severe pain flooded into his mind, and just when the evil spirit was about to scream, the fatal knife had already struck the top of his head...

"But how dare you, a local chicken and a wagyu, act so arrogantly in front of your Grandpa Ding!"

Brother Cun Tou swung his sword, shaking it on the ground, and said with a hearty smile, then stretched out his white hand and subconsciously touched his chin.

With his hands empty, Brother Cun Tou looked stunned, scratched his chin, laughed twice, and covered up his embarrassment without leaving any trace.

"Hahaha..." The young man beside him laughed heartily. He didn't know what he was laughing at, but the words in his hands were unambiguous.

The afterimage of the spear was scorching, and it stabbed continuously, attacking the hero-level evil spirit on the opposite side like a violent storm. The opponent suffered so much pain that he kept retreating while holding on to the long sword.

"Jie Jie Jie, go to hell!"

Suddenly, an evil spirit appeared behind the young man, roared loudly with a fierce look on his face, raised his Tang Dao, and prepared to chop at him.

Unexpectedly, before Tang Dao fell, there was a heartbreaking pain in his chest.

Its expression instantly became distorted, and in a daze, it caught sight of a spear flashing with brown aura.

Gorgeous and beautiful, the stream of light flickered, inserted straight into his chest, and passed through his heart.

I'm a tough-tempered man. If I don't prick your heart, who will?

The spear rotated backwards, and the majestic power gathered in the chest, and brown cracks began to appear on the dark body.

The light became stronger and stronger... There was a "bang", and only a cloud of blood mist was seen flying across, turning into bursts of black smoke and dissipating.

Clang, clang, clang...

In the dark forest, the figures of the two teenagers kept flickering, sometimes accompanied by crisp excitement, sometimes accompanied by dull explosions.


The wind hissed and the spirit howled.

After a while, the jungle became calm, and out of the original 11 evil spirits, there were now only two brave-level ones left.

Brother Cun Tou shook his aching arm, looked at the young man beside him, blinked, and said with a smile, "One for each person?"

The young man understood the idea, picked up the spear, laughed loudly and said, "Hahaha, okay!"

The remaining two evil spirits had long since lost any will to fight. After hearing these words, they felt even more frightened in their hearts. They looked at each other and fled away into the distance without looking back.

But they never imagined that the two young men were at the end of their strength, their spiritual power was running low, and what they said was nothing more than a threat.

"Huh..." After seeing the two evil spirits leaving, Brother Cun Tou exhaled and sighed, "Time makes people grow old. It's really hard not to accept old age..."

"Hahaha", the young man smiled helplessly, walked to a wooden pile and sat down, slowly recovering his spiritual power.

"Brother, which dynasty are you from?" Brother Cun Tou asked with a smile.

"Great Song Dynasty, Shaoxing Year."

"Oh, I came from the Han Dynasty earlier than you."

"It seems I have to call you brother."


Just as the two were chatting, there was a loud noise not far away, and the aura of the two evil spirits suddenly disappeared.

"It's useless to give them a chance." Brother Cun Tou laughed twice, stood up slowly, and nodded to the young man, "Brother, let's just come here today, I'm leaving first."

"I have to leave too. Now is the time for their young people. It's better for us old guys to rest more."

"Haha, that's right..."

The floating light passed by, and regardless of their confused heads, Brother Cun Tou and the other two quickly bowed and said respectfully, "Thank you, senior."

Then he dragged his tired body and slowly rushed towards Ye Tian...

Time passed little by little, and large and small battles took place in every trial place in the Ming Ruins.

After a day of getting along, the team members gradually became familiar with each other, working together and taking care of each other, and their own strength and realm were also rapidly improving.

Most of them come from the Spirit Shadow Team from various places. Excluding tasks and daily chores, there is not enough time left for them to practice.

Now that they have time, they naturally go to great lengths to improve their strength. Even if they want to be lazy and take a break, the instructor will also activate the inhumane gameplay, which can always attract some appropriate hatred, constantly find things for them to do, and then they can enjoy themselves behind the screen. Hehe.

In the base, looking at the pictures on the screen, Zhao Wenlong couldn't help but look at him with approval.

This group of young geniuses made progress much faster than he thought. In just one day, three people broke through, and one person broke through the epic realm, which really opened his eyes.

Zhao Wenlong showed a wicked smile and said quietly, "It seems that we need to give them a little more strength..."

It was getting late, the setting sun was setting in the west, the curtain had fallen on the sky, the blood moon hung high, and a few stars were dotted.

Accompanied by all kinds of ghosts crying and wolf howling, the dark night falls!

Desolate land, tomb city.

On the roof of a room, a young man was lying on his back, sleeping soundly. The breeze was blowing, he was snoring, and others were fighting. He was sleeping, and he had a good life.

Not long after arriving here, Zhao Feifan, who had nothing to do, ran directly to the roof and slept.

As for why not sleep in the house?

All I can say is that it’s so fucking scary. In his words, “no dog even sleeps!”

When Zhao Feifan was sleeping soundly, he suddenly felt a noisy sound lingering in his ears, like a fly, "buzzing" in his ears.

I turned over helplessly, but unexpectedly the sound was still in my ears, lingering for a long time and getting louder and louder...

Now, he couldn't sleep anymore. When he opened his eyes, he saw the stars of Makino on the horizon, and he sat up reluctantly.

"Ha~~ It's so exciting," Zhao Feifan stretched and said with a look of enjoyment.

Glancing out of the corner of his eye, Zhao Feifan was stunned. He seemed to be still a little dazed from sleep, and he rubbed his sleepy eyes with his hands.

"Huh? This light...is it supposed to be on?"

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