Heroic Soul: Drunken Qianqiu

Chapter 117 The Strange Black Coffin

"General Li, please take a step back first."

Gao Chong smiled and shook his robe.

A terrifying coercion spread rapidly, "Leave them to me to deal with..."

Li Guang silently took a few steps back, handed his body over to Zhao Feifan's control, and turned into a spiritual light and penetrated into Zhao Feifan's mind.

Seeing this, Gao Chong no longer had any scruples. He took a step forward, gathered his strength with his spear, and with his aura activated, he shot through the clouds fiercely.

A blue cutting light shot out of the sky.

The sharp wind was like a blade. In an instant, countless paper money turned into powder, countless slash marks appeared on the green bricks under the feet, and the ground was covered with devastation.

The power is self-evident...

The delicate body in Tsing Yi trembled slightly, her face was frightened, and a somewhat unusual paleness appeared on her delicate face.

"Qing Yi~ Back away!"

Suddenly, the white-faced clown beside him roared and rushed towards Qing Yi.


The light illuminates the entire night sky,

The next second, a thunderous explosion followed, and the terrifying power made the earth tremble...

The air waves surged into the sky, sweeping towards the surroundings.

Zhao Feifan squinted his eyes and barely raised a ball of spiritual light to resist the air wave, but the blazing high temperature still made him feel like he was in a steam oven and being roasted by countless blazing fires.

Slowly, the light dissipated.

Zhao Feifan looked subconsciously.

However, after just one glance, his whole body was struck by lightning and he froze on the spot.

On the huge long street, a ravine is like a natural chasm, running through the entire long street.

At the end of the ravine, huge slash marks appeared above several rows of houses, and blue auras clung to them like sparks of light.

A few broken trees hung upside down on the edge of the cliff, but they fell feebly towards the chasm and fell into the abyss, as if there was an echoing sound.

The cold wind blew through, biting the bones.

A loud rumbling sound was heard, and the house collapsed instantly, turning into ruins...

Zhao Feifan didn't know what to say at this moment. Even though he was shocked, all he could say was a long sigh: "Fuck...fuck..."

Beside them, Qing Yi and Harlequin were slumped on the ground helplessly, their eyes were distracted, and there was a lingering expression of fear on their faces.

Qing Yi glanced at Harlequin and felt grateful. If Harlequin hadn't appeared in time, she would have been seriously injured by this move.

"Not dead?" Gao Chong frowned slightly, then grinned and said, "Then let's take another shot."

The cold light is scorching, and the spear is ready to go.

Suddenly, Gao Chong stiffened.

He only felt the ground tremble violently, and he unconsciously put down the spear in his hand.

But soon, he discovered that not only the ground under his feet, but the entire city, the entire tomb city began to tremble...

Countless black energy emerged from the bluestone ground again, rushing in one direction like it covered the sky...

Bipolar station!

Gao Chong suddenly felt a bad premonition and turned around with a horrified face.

I saw that at the end of the long street, on the two poles, countless black gases were hovering in the air, shrouded like a black curtain, and no light could penetrate.

The blood moon is mixed, and the red and black colors are polar.

The black air on the two poles swirled rapidly, forming a huge black vortex, gathering crazily towards the center.

Slowly, the black air floating around began to become illusory, and a black wooden coffin emerged, and an eternal sigh could be faintly heard.


A long sigh filled my ears, and pressure enveloped me.

Holy star! Epic! !

Zhao Feifan's mind trembled greatly, a stream of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and the spiritual energy in his body became even more chaotic.

Gao Chong on the side noticed in time and helped him withstand most of the pressure, but even the remaining pressure was too heavy for him to breathe.

At this time, another voice came from the black coffin, "Flying General Li Guang, I have heard of it, but you are your favorite, who do you think you are..."

The tone was calm, without any emotion at all, but the words spoken in this tone were full of ridicule.

He was a military commander and had a hot temper. Gao Chong was suddenly filled with anger and asked with his eyes widened.

"Hmph! You ask me who I am, and who the hell are you? You dare to speak ill of your great-great-grandfather even though you are a secretive person!"

After falling, Gao Chong directly gathered his spiritual power, raised his gun and shouted, gathered his strength, swung the gun, and slashed in anger.

A huge half-moon slash turned into a stream of light, tearing the air, and quickly slashed away with endless anger.


The air exploded, a sonic boom, like thunder.

With the mighty momentum, under this slash, the black coffin was like a small boat on the sea, teetering on the edge of collapse, and might be destroyed at any time.

However, a mocking voice came softly from the black coffin.

"Oh, just ants..."

A wisp of black light emerged from the black coffin, gently hitting the spear light, and completely annihilated it.

"Crack, click, click" the sound of the broken mirror echoed, and countless cracks appeared on the gun's light instantly.

With a "boom", the huge gun light exploded into pieces, turning into a spiritual light that filled the sky, and dissipated little by little.

Everything happens in the blink of an eye.

The air seemed to be frozen, and only the whining wind could be heard, as well as the resentful whispers of countless paper figures around.

"How can it be……"

Bai Chenzhi froze on the spot and spoke in a daze, his eyes full of disbelief.

But soon, he reacted immediately and shouted loudly, "Senior Gao Chong, retreat quickly!"

Then he mobilized all the spiritual power in his body and swung his gun fiercely, knocking back the red-faced Jingjiao and the red-clothed martial artist beside him for dozens of meters, and then quickly flew towards Zhao Feifan.

This city has exceeded the scope of his capabilities, especially the things in the black coffin, which at least have the strength of the late Saint Star.

If I keep any more reservations, I'm afraid I won't be able to leave.

In the black coffin, there seemed to be a chuckle, "Leave? I'm afraid you guys won't be able to do what you want."

Several black lights containing pure energy shot out and accurately penetrated into Shengdan Jingchou's body.

The next moment, the auras of the four people began to rise, their auras began to become terrifying, and their auras became several times stronger.

"Bang", the sound of breaking mirror came, the red-faced Jingjiao body trembled suddenly, and he actually broke through to the Holy Star Realm.

"Bang bang bang!"

There were three more voices, and the other three people also stepped into the Holy Star one after another.

Black air swirled, and the pressure of the four holy star realms spread to the surroundings. Countless paper figures on the periphery were trembling, looking at a few people with fearful eyes.

"Wow yeah yeah~"

The red-faced Jingjiao shouted loudly, leaning on the flag, the red light radiated greatly, and his figure flashed, appearing beside Bai Chenzhi, he raised the Qinglong Yanyue Sword and slashed at him.

Bai Chenzhi secretly thought something was wrong and quickly raised his gun to block it.

But at the moment of contact, Bai Chenzhi's expression suddenly changed. He felt a terrifying force coming from the gun body, and his body flew out uncontrollably.

"Hey! Eat me~~ with one sword!"

The next second, the red-clothed martial artist rushed behind Bai Chen, charging up his long sword, shrouded in red light...

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