Heroic Soul: Drunken Qianqiu

Chapter 12 The Underworld In The Building

Half an hour later.

A red sports car passed through the night and stopped in front of Qin Ye and the others.


The flash flashed twice, and Cheng Yong, wearing big pants, stepped out of the car.

"Ah~ In the long dark night, you shine like a star, lighting up my world; in the vast sea of ​​people, with just one glance, I can be sure that you are the one I am waiting for."

Cheng Yong sang affectionately and looked at Qin Ye affectionately... Chen Mengting next to him said, "Hello, beauty, my name is Cheng Yong. They all call me Master Cheng. Of course, you can call me Xiao Yongyong..."

After speaking, Cheng Yong bent down and stretched out his hand, wanting to kiss the back of Chen Mengting's hand.

But Chen Mengting on the side had long been amused by his appearance and laughed, "Brother Qin Ye, your friend is really interesting."

Qin Ye had a dark look on his face, "If you only ate two more peanuts, you wouldn't be so drunk. You are also wearing big pants and pretending to be a gentleman. You can't even fit in a trash can."

Hearing Qin Ye's curse, Cheng Yong froze in embarrassment, just like his hand fixed in the air.

"Hahahaha", Chen Mengting stretched out her hand and lightly shook Cheng Yong's extended hand.

"Little Fatty, remember, my sister's name is Chen Mengting." Then he gave Cheng Yong a wink, which made Cheng Yong fascinated.

I just felt like something was sliding across my palm, like warm jade, white and smooth.

Well, I have decided not to wash my hands again. Cheng Yong looked at his chubby hands, smelled the remaining fragrance with the tip of his nose, and made an immediate decision.

"Fat man", Qin Ye shouted, pulling Cheng Yong out of his thoughts and shaking his head helplessly.

"Ah?" Cheng Yong came to his senses and found that he was the only one standing next to him. They didn't know when they had already gotten into the car.

"Sister Mengting, where are you going?" Cheng Yong got into the car, held the steering wheel, and asked Chen Mengting in the back seat.

"The building where I went last time was your home," Qin Ye replied.

"Huh? What are you doing there?" Cheng Yong was very confused, and some wonderful memories were brought back to his mind.

"Why are you asking so many questions? Just drive." Qin Ye seemed to treat Cheng Yong as his driver.

Cheng Yong glanced at Qin Ye beside him, and then looked at Chen Mengting's reaction through the rearview mirror. Seeing Chen Mengting looking out the window with a lazy expression, he stopped talking and stepped on the accelerator to speed off.

There were no vehicles or pedestrians along the way, only street lights were on, dividing the night from the light. Soon we arrived in front of the building.

"Sister Mengting, we're here." Cheng Yong looked like a pig brother and pressed the door button.

"Okay, thank you, little Fatty. My sister will treat you to dinner another day." Chen Mengting smiled charmingly.

Looking back and smiling, the sixth palace has no color.

"Oh, okay, you go ahead, I'll wait for you outside." Then he saw Qin Ye and Chen Mengting walking into the building.

The moonlight shines on the front of the car and reflects on Cheng Yong's face. There is no usual honesty or insanity, only a touch of loneliness imprinted on his face...

in the building.

Sword marks and scratches were intertwined on the wall. After going deeper, the mesh-like cement floor was shocking.

Qin Ye couldn't remember many details of that night. He only remembered that Zhang Zhanguo caught himself when he was about to fall, and then he didn't remember anything.

"Go in, brother Qin Ye," Chen Mengting said to Qin Ye who was in a daze.

"Go in?" Qin Ye looked at the dead end in front of him, then at the voluptuous and sexy Chen Mengting, and his face immediately turned red.

But Chen Mengting didn't notice anything strange about Qin Ye. She just covered her body with spiritual power and disappeared directly in front of Qin Ye.

Um... Only then did Qin Ye realize that he was thinking wrongly, and he quickly used his spiritual power to cover his whole body.

His spiritual eyes scanned the surroundings, and a twisted space suddenly appeared in front of him. Qin Ye took a deep breath and stepped into that space.

A dazzling blue light flashed, and Qin Ye disappeared, leaving only a lonely wall.

In the blink of an eye, Qin Ye appeared in the underworld, but because he used too much force when he came in, he staggered forward a few steps and did not fall to the ground.

Seeing how embarrassed Chen Mengting was, Chen Mengting smiled and teased: "Brother Qin Ye, do you want to pay me New Year's greetings, but I don't have any New Year's money for you."

Qin Ye steadied himself and scratched his head in embarrassment. God's way is reincarnation, and he still remembered that Cheng Yong did the same thing an hour ago.

Looking around, Qin Ye found that this Mingxu was similar to the Mingxu in the stronghold. There were broken spears, broken halberds, and broken clothes, but no evil spirits were seen.

Feeling carefully, the spiritual energy here is not as strong as that of the Nether Ruins, but it is still much better than the outside world.

“This is a small underworld ruin, with relatively less spiritual energy, and the evil spirits inside will be weaker.

Of course, there are still many evil spirits here that you cannot defeat." Chen Mengting used her spiritual power to detect the surrounding atmosphere, and then walked straight in one direction.

Qin Ye followed slowly, and after walking for a while, a small, dilapidated village appeared in front of him.

If it weren't for the black energy emanating from the surrounding area, Qin Ye would have thought this was a small village in the outside world.

"Sister Mengting, does this place retain its original appearance?"

Qin Ye asked as he looked at the messy wood and stones. But got no response. Looking around, there was no trace of Chen Mengting, only the black air that filled the air.

A trace of astonishment flashed in Qin Ye's eyes, but he did not panic. He figured out the reason in just a moment, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then used his spiritual power to sense the surroundings.

"Three, one mid-stage latent spirit and two early stage latent spirits."

"Do you need me to take action?" Li Bai already knew Chen Mengting's intention, but considering Qin Ye's safety, he still asked.

"You help me drag the one in the middle stage of latent spirit first, and I'll kill those two first." Qin Ye took the spirit sword from Li Bai and climbed up to a broken house to watch the three evil spirits.

The sword pointed directly at one of the evil spirits.

Then he suddenly jumped down and slashed at the evil spirit.

Before the three evil spirits could react, one of them was scratched across the body by Qin Ye and suffered severe injuries.

Seeing this, Qin Ye swung his sword again and was about to cut off the head of the evil spirit. In the panic, the evil spirit transformed into a black shield and blocked the incoming sword edge, but a sword mark also appeared on the surface. .

The other two evil spirits also reacted and roared.

The evil spirit in the middle stage of latent spirit condensed its black energy, transformed into a long knife in its hand, and ran towards Qin Ye. Suddenly, a blue light blocked his footsteps.

The light dissipated, and a long sword mark suddenly appeared on the ground.

The evil spirit looked towards the roof of the building not far away.

Li Bai was sitting on the edge of the room, drinking from a wine gourd in one hand and pointing at it with the other.

"You'd better not go there, otherwise..." Li Bai's sword eyes narrowed slightly, and he released a pressure that enveloped the evil spirit.

The evil spirit instantly felt like it was facing a formidable enemy and put on a defensive posture.

Although Li Bai and it are both in the middle stage of latent spirit, the epic level heroic soul is obviously not comparable to the Li Yuan level.

At the same time, Qin Ye saw the evil spirit using his shield, and the spiritual power in his body entered the spiritual sword in his hand.

In an instant, the spirit sword radiated with light, the sword became more solid, and he swung the sword to slash again.

The evil spirit could only panic and resist, but due to the difference in realm and serious injuries, it was unable to withstand Qin Ye's attack.

With a bang, the shield shattered, and the sword's edge continued unabated, slashing at the evil spirit's remains.

The evil spirit looked up to the sky and howled, turning into black smoke and dispersing in the air in unwillingness.

Another evil spirit that came over roared and rushed towards Qin Ye when it saw its companion dead.

Qin Ye kicked his feet violently, distanced himself from the attack, and then activated his body's veins to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to replenish the spiritual energy consumption just now.

Seeing the evil spirit attacking again, Qin Ye raised the sword in his hand high, and with some spiritual power from all around, he rushed towards the spiritual sword, and the sword's light was stronger than before.

Gather your strength and shout loudly.

A sharp sword energy slashed away, and after a loud noise, gravel scattered and smoke flew everywhere.

When the smoke and dust dissipated, there was only a deep pit left on the ground, and no trace of the evil spirit was visible.

After solving the problem, Qin Ye felt a sense of emptiness in his body. He quickly adjusted his breath to repair his spiritual power and absorbed the spiritual energy in the air.

In the distance, Chen Mengting was watching everything silently, "Not bad," she commented with a charming smile.

Suddenly a voice came, "Live...live...eat...", and an evil spirit in tattered armor was staring greedily at Chen Mengting in front of her.

"It's really disappointing." Chen Mengting's face turned dark immediately, then she straightened her clothes with a flash of green light, then moved to another place to continue observing.

The dark wind howled, black air mixed with flying dust, and a headless spiritual body slowly dissipated.

Soon the place returned to its original state, as if no one had ever been there. Only the whistling of the wind told the stories that had happened here.

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