Heroic Soul: Drunken Qianqiu

Chapter 120 When The Demon-Slaying Formation Rises, The Ghosts Are In Despair

Under the blood moon, on the long street,

A bloody road, several stories...


In the tomb city, a city gate suddenly collapsed, and then hundreds of figures wearing black robes and with strong auras rushed in.

Sober and majestic.

A suffocating sense of oppression.

As soon as they entered the city, they immediately dispersed and turned into streams of light, rushing in all directions towards the center of the city.

The whole process was without a single word.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh… Whoosh whoosh…

The sound of breaking through the sky and the howling of the wind.

Like the darkness before dawn, the darkest hour...

Suddenly, a loud roar broke the silence.

"Mu Mingfei!"

"Get the hell over here and save people!!"

Less than two seconds after the sound fell, a man in black robes about thirty years old appeared at the source of the sound.

"General Zheng."

The man gave a simple military salute, then quickly bent down to check Zhao Feifan's condition.

When he first saw Zhao Feifan's body, he was really shocked. He had been a member of the Zhenling Army for three and a half years. To be honest, he had never seen such injuries and devastation all over his body.

It was riddled with wounds, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that it had been cut to pieces by a thousand knives, but the most fatal thing was the slap on the chest.

If it weren't for the shield in the Saint Star Realm's attack, I'm afraid there would be no need to save him now and he would just start picking up food.

Shocked as it is, the inspection still needs to be done.

Several green hairsprings emerged in his hands, like tulle, and entered Zhao Feifan's body lightly, checking and repairing his injuries.

In the body, the hairspring turns into aura, following the blood, flowing in the internal organs, seven meridians and eight meridians, and giving pure life source power.

The scene was so silent that you could hear a needle drop.

The wind passed by.

After Qing Yi took that palm, he disappeared without a trace in a few steps, leaving only Li Guang and Zhao Feifan with residual health.

While Zheng Hao was sending spiritual power to Li Guang, he looked at the half-dead Zhao Feifan with anxious eyes.

Casualties occur almost every day in Mingxu. Scenes like this are simply too common, especially for Zheng Hao.

Years of guarding has allowed him to see too much blood and too much death, and it has also transformed him from an ignorant boy into the tough guy he is now, even a little cold and ruthless.

Logically speaking, he shouldn't have many emotional changes, but now for some reason, he felt an inexplicable anxiety in his heart that couldn't go away...

Time passed little by little, and the atmosphere gradually became more solemn.

Suddenly, Mu Mingfei sighed and said seriously, "General, he was injured too seriously. I'm afraid..."

Although the rest of the words were not finished, everyone must be able to understand the meaning.

Just when he wanted to say something more, he was interrupted directly by Zheng Hao.

"I don't care what method you use, you must save his life!"



After a while, Li Guang's breath gradually stabilized. Although his injuries were still serious, he was not dead yet.

"Many...thank you..."

Li Guang said weakly, and then turned into a spiritual light and disappeared into Zhao Feifan's mind.

Zheng Hao bowed. It had nothing to do with status, but because the heroes themselves, themselves, were a kind of honor.

"You three, stay here to protect them. Others, pick up your knives and follow me."

Zheng Hao shouted, and then rushed deeper into the long street.

The poles are reversed.

In just a few minutes, the strength of Wu Sheng and the two men had nearly doubled, and they were still improving slowly.

Bai Chenzhi held the gun in both hands and struggled to resist the attacks of the two men. For a while, he was sweating like rain.

The clothes clung to his body, highlighting his figure perfectly, which wasn't very nice.

A different kind of wet temptation...

"Fuck, it's really hard to be an instructor."

Bai Chenzhi smiled bitterly.

"Wow yeah~"

"Eat me~ with one knife!"

The red-faced Jingjiao shouted loudly, and the four flags surrounding him rushed forward one after another, stirring up the storm.

Immediately, he stood up from the ground, whirled in mid-air, and slashed downwards with the Qinglong Yanyue Sword.

Bai Chenzhi stood in a lunge with his body weight down, holding the spear tightly with his ten fingers, and blocking with his head.


The broadsword fell.

Bai Chenzhi groaned, and the ground beneath his feet cracked like a spider web, and streaks of blood oozed from the tiger's mouth.

At this time, a song came into my ears.

"Guan Gong~Hold on, I'm coming~"

Wu Sheng made a clear sound with his sword, and with a leap of his body, he slashed out a flaming crescent moon, piercing the night sky.

"not good!"

Bai Chenzhi shouted loudly and burst out his spiritual power to repel the long knife, but the long knife seemed to be welded to the gun body and remained motionless.

Flame Slash was approaching, and the fire of death continued to enlarge in his pupils. Bai Chenzhi's heart trembled greatly, and a cold feeling rose up on his back.

It feels like this again...three times...

However, this time, he has no backup plan...

Whoosh whoosh whoosh…

Suddenly, dozens of flashing lights of various kinds burst through the sky, brilliant like fireworks, illuminating the entire long street.

Bang bang bang…

The spiritual light overflowed, brilliant explosions sounded, and Yan Zhan dissipated instantly.

The power was not diminished, and dozens of powerful attacks were launched, killing the red-clothed warriors in an instant, not even the scum was left.

Bai Chenzhi was stunned for a moment, then turned to look around.

I saw countless figures in black robes appearing on the houses, on the long streets, in the sky, holding various weapons, and they were as dense as a tide, blocking all the surrounding exits.

The chilling atmosphere filled the air, as if it had condensed into substance. Even teammates could not help but feel a suffocating feeling.

"Get into formation!"

I don't know who shouted loudly.

In all directions, dozens of figures erupted with spiritual power at the same time. They concentrated their hands, mobilized their spiritual power, and transformed into pillars of light, which were connected and condensed with each other.

In just a few seconds, a large formation shimmering with golden light appeared. Above the formation, runes flowed, and a tyrannical power filled the air.

Covering everything within a few hundred meters, including houses, paper figures, and the mysterious black coffin...

There is no wind, no soul, no black energy, as if everything is cut off. What is even more surprising is that even the weird red light is transformed into golden brilliance, which looks extremely sacred.

The offensive and defensive formations are all integrated.

Bai Chenzhi's eyes were dull and he murmured to himself, "Fuck...fuck...this is too..."

However, before he could react, there was another cold drink.


The next moment, dense ripples appeared on the wall of golden light. At the center of the ripples, golden light blades solidified, turned into streams of light, and shot downward.

Bai Chenzhi couldn't help but swallowed, and the sound of "swish" kept coming from his ears, setting off a thousand-edged wind.

Each attack has a power that is not weaker than the late stage of Candlelight. With such a large base, even those in the Saint Star Realm like them have difficulty resisting, let alone those paper figures in the Candlelight Subtle Realm.

There was an explosion.

In just an instant, countless screams filled the formation, with sorrow, resentment, fear, despair...

Some of them were blasted into pieces of paper before they even reacted, while more were annihilated by the golden glow in pain and turned into a trace of dust.

When the demon-slaying formation rises, when all the ghosts are in despair...

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