Heroic Soul: Drunken Qianqiu

Chapter 128 Ghost Bride

Yamen, in front of the ancient locust tree.

Cheng Yong looked aside, with a smile on his face, and slowly walked towards an ancient well more than ten meters away.

The bluestones are piled up, moss is spread all over, and black lines are everywhere. It seems to be the same as an ordinary old well. It has been dilapidated for a long time, but it is a little different.

It just felt like being stared at by a pair of eyes, which made people feel a chill.

At this time, Cheng Yong's arrival seemed to be detected. In the ancient well, accompanied by various strange and shrill cries, a cold and evil aura rose into the sky.

It's like a fierce ghost.

Cheng Yong stopped, raised his eyebrows, and watched with great interest, waiting for the changes in the ancient well.

The next moment, at the mouth of the well, a flash of bright red caught the eye, silk body, gold thread pattern, the word "囍" on the head, gold edge pattern, colorful auspicious clouds hanging low, mandarin ducks walking together.

There is no doubt that hijab was worn by newlyweds in ancient times.

Slowly, a figure wearing a red hijab, a luxurious red robe, and seven-inch embroidered shoes appeared.

The toes drooped, and the two pale jade hands were thrown to the sides, floating quietly in the air.

There were no words, but the moment she appeared, there was a faint sound of despair and helplessness in the void, and then it turned into a sad and resentful voice.

No one knows what she went through.

Cheng Yong was stunned for a moment and his smile dropped.


"Why don't you let me go..."

Before Cheng Yong could speak, the woman raised her head first and asked in a stern tone.

Although he was covered by a red hijab and couldn't see the other person's face clearly, Cheng Yong always felt like he was being stared at by a pair of resentful eyes, and there were dense goosebumps on his arms.

"If that's the case, then... just go die!"

The woman's shrill voice came again, but this time, it was filled with murderous intent.

I saw her body suddenly trembled, and the momentum around her body rushed around like a tide. The realm of the early stage of candlelight was fully displayed. She turned her jade hand and shot out with a free palm.

In the void, a huge red palm print condensed, rolling up thousands of air waves, with astonishing power.

When the killing move came, Cheng Yong calmly waved his hand. His spiritual power gathered at the edge of his fist, and he blasted it out in an instant just a second before the palm seal came.


The palm print shattered instantly, causing the void to tremble, but Cheng Yong was also shaken back by the fierce force from the fist, and his body took two steps back uncontrollably.

Stopping, Cheng Yong shook his arm and sneered, "Hey? It's not bad, brave level..."

"But, I am an epic!"

Suddenly, there was a stinging pain in his mind, which made him jolt, and then Cheng Yaojin's rough voice sounded.

"Bold, are you going to rebel against Tiangang?"

"I am the epic!"

After the words fell, Cheng Yong was stunned for a moment, scratched his head in embarrassment, and then immediately changed his face and transformed into a gold medal lecturer.

"Oh, ancestor, what's mine is yours, and what's yours is mine, there's no difference..."

"Think about it, when our grandparents and grandchildren beat others up in the future, they will definitely think of you first, and then I will say "This is my ancestor". Think about it, how majestic you will be then... "

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, I don't dare to think about it, I don't dare to think about it... I don't even dare to think about the way they look at you..."

Finally, the lecturer changed his job and became a cook, making pancakes, which were round, big and delicious...

Understand the applause...

After a set of silky combos, Cheng Yaojin unconsciously raised his head and chest, trying to maintain the appearance of a worldly expert, but the corner of his mouth was harder to suppress than the AK, and he unconsciously grinned like the Great Rift Valley of East Africa.

Cheng Yong was overjoyed, his eyes flashed, he put his hands behind his back, raised his head and looked at the sky at a 45° angle.

The sun was shining, the golden light was falling, and his whole body seemed to be wrapped in a layer of holy brilliance. It was extremely sacred, and his soul was sublimated at this moment.

It ends with a long sigh, perfect.


Cheng Yaojin pursed his lips and said with a smile, "Hey, hey, you are indeed my good grandson. I won't blame you, ancestor."

After a pause, he hesitated to speak. Cheng Yong immediately understood and patted his chest, "Don't worry, ancestor, just leave this matter to me. I will never forget it."

"Hahaha, I really saw you right."


On the side, listening to Cheng Yong talking to himself, the ghost bride's eyes became even colder, her whole body exuded a rich black energy, and she couldn't stop trembling.

The ten fingers exert force, and the blood-red nails gradually lengthen, becoming sharp and slender, with a faint gossamer floating around, looking extremely terrifying.

"You all deserve to die!"

"They all deserve to die!"

She screamed miserably, turned her hands into claws, floated up, and flew towards Cheng Yong quickly.

"Hey, just in time."

Cheng Yong grinned, dodged, and quickly dodged the oncoming blow. He clenched his right fist, channeled his spiritual power, and poured all his spiritual power into his arms. He punched out with great force, knocking him back several meters. .

Immediately afterwards, he stepped hard with his feet, and his body flew into the air, turning into an afterimage. In just a moment, he flew to the ghost bride's side and punched her again.


The ghost bride screamed, and her body fell down uncontrollably. There was only a loud "bang" sound, the green bricks turned into powder, the ground cracked, dust flew all over the sky, and there was no movement for a while.

Not far away, Cheng Yong tapped the ground with his toes, his face not red and breathless, looking at the smoke and dust with interest.

"Hmm~ Not bad."

"Has some of the bravery I had back then."

At this time, Cheng Yaojin's voice came again, with a slightly contented tone and a heartfelt smile.

He knew very well how much his grandson weighed. Even though he was a little worse than the little guy named Qin Ye, there was nothing he could do about it. Whoever made him was his destiny.

But compared to other monsters, it's definitely not bad! Don’t even look at whose grandson...

Meanwhile, the pavilion.

Qin didn't know that he had become someone else's child. He only focused on absorbing the spiritual energy of the world around him without any distractions.

As for danger or something...

Cheng Yong is enough. He believes in Fatty just as Fatty also believes in him.

If Qin Ye is calm and relaxed now, then Chen Yi is already very worried.

I saw that black clouds had arrived in the sky.

The black air filled the air, covering the sky and the sun, as if it was the end of the world, making people feel despair.

Not far away, on the horizon, there were already dense black spots emerging, and there were more and more of them.

As if they were aware of the arrival of similar people, they looked around the houses, streets and alleys, and in every corner, a group of figures emerged one after another, their eyes glowing green, all looking at Qin Ye's location with greedy eyes.


Chen Yi couldn't help but swallow, his thin body trembled slightly, and depression filled his heart.

"Little guy, it's time to hurry up..."

Young Master murmured.

There are so many evil spirits, not to mention that some of them have reached the middle stage of candlelight. Even if they are all at the peak of latent spirit, they will not be able to hold off for long...

Now, they can only place their hopes on Qin Ye...

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