"Heir of the Mo family?"

Xiao Wang's mind waited for a moment, but it was only for a moment that he reacted.

My heart was filled with waves, and I was so shocked that I couldn't say a word, I just stood there blankly.

Mo family... mechanism technique!

Everyone knows that ancient organ skills are ever-changing and have flourished for thousands of years without declining. Literature can prosper a country and martial arts can govern a country. It is said that there are all kinds of magical powers.

Among them, Mohism, Nongjia, and Yin-Yang are collectively known as the three masters of organ art, and their use of organ art has reached the pinnacle and is world-famous.

It can be said that as long as there is help from any of them, unifying the world is not yet known, and dominating one side is definitely possible.

This is like using a musket and cannon to attack someone else with bricks and sticks. There is no comparison at all. It is a proper dimensionality reduction attack.

"Chief, is that right?"

Xiao Wang's face turned red and he asked with hope.

If it's really what I think, if there is no explosion in the underworld, just hold a machine gun and a big cannon and do it.

Zhao Wenlong grinned and rarely gave up, "Hey, you'll know when the time comes..."

Xiao Wang: "..."

I really want to hit someone, and I feel like I am mid-pooping and being interrupted mercilessly...


Seeing Xiao Wang's ugly face, Zhao Wenlong couldn't help laughing and shook his head.

If nothing else, this feeling...

It's quite cool.

It's getting late.

The atmosphere in the Ming Ruins became increasingly solemn, and outside the sky, the setting sun had passed away, and twilight enveloped the world.

There were dark clouds in all directions, surrounded by wilderness, and a flash of blood came quietly. It was extremely sinister, and all the signs indicated that something big was about to happen.

In the trial area, the cold wind became even more severe.

Qin Ye stood on the high platform, listening to the wind, speechless, looking towards the sky, his heart also heavy.

This feeling was all too familiar to him, it was exactly the same as the atmosphere in the ancient pagoda of Chang'an.

The precursor of the change in the underworld...

This time, what will be the outcome...

Beside him, Li Bai couldn't bear the loneliness, appeared, raised his wine gourd and took a sip.

"The rain is coming and the wind is blowing all over the building..."

Immediately, he transformed into a three-foot green sword, lightly tossed the wine gourd, picked up his sword, and danced and uttered poems.

"The autumn wind is clear, the autumn moon is bright, the autumn rain sighs and the autumn leaves sing; the sword light is cold, the sword Loulan, the sword points to the sky, the sword Yuluan!" (luán, Yuluan: means immortal Buddha)

The sound does not fall, but the sword light fills the sky, the wind does not blow away, but the cold sky is condensed, the spiritual wine pours, the light shines in the dusk, the sparks approach the abyss, the ending is still unknown.

In his mind, the First Emperor stood up majestically, waved his long sleeves, put on his clothes and let out a faint groan from the golden dragon, showing his authority without being angry.

"No need to panic."

"I will take action."

Qin Ye's heart felt warm and he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly, "I've made the two seniors worried."

"However, this time, I want to see where my limit is..."



The First Emperor cast an approving look, the Qin Empire has never needed cowards, it was so before, it is so now, and it will be even more so in the future!

Under the high platform, looking at Qin Ye's figure, Cheng Yong grinned, "Ancestor, it's time to come to life..."

"Hahaha, my big horse is already hungry and thirsty." Cheng Yaojin laughed heartily and patted his chest.

There was nothing he could do. Watching his grandson fight these past few days made him feel itchy.

"Old Qin! What do you say?"

Cheng Yong smiled and shouted towards the high platform. Qin Ye turned his head and the two looked at each other, both speechless.

The tacit understanding over the years allowed them to understand each other's intentions without saying anything, just like thinking with their butts.

Qin Ye flew down to Chen Yi, pointed to the horizon, where the clouds were thickest and the black air was thickest, and said, "We plan to go to that place, what about you?"

"I, I'm going too..."

Chen Yi mustered up the courage to reply, his face said firm, but it didn't seem so firm, something was missing.

Qin Ye hesitated for a moment, but didn't ask any more questions. Just like him, everyone has their own secrets.

"Okay, let's take a rest first, and then we'll set off."


Chen Yi nodded, his eyes moving.

Well, change it a little bit...

At this moment, almost the same thing is happening in other trial places.

Outside the dense forest, there is the dome of the mountain.

Ye Tian has a black gun on his back and his eyes are deep.

At this time, the figure of Huo Qubing appeared in his mind, with his back leaning against the red pillar and his expression indifferent.

"Whether you go or not, you make your own decision, but if you go, don't embarrass me as a big man..."

Ye Tian raised his head, "No way..."

Jieting Lane.

"My dear, I think something big is about to happen." Fang Chengming raised his hand in front of his eyebrows, as if waiting and watching, and couldn't help but sigh.

As he spoke, he pushed Zhong Fen's head on the side with his arm and joked, "Brother Fen'er, the realm we have just broken through will not be enough for those evil spirits to fill our teeth by then. How about we take advantage of it now?" Are you going to run away in advance?"

He parted his hair in the middle and pulled his hair, which was even more severe. Then he turned his head and said seriously.

"How can you think like this? If he doesn't go and you don't go, can you still let me go?"

"Haha, I giao, what you said makes sense." Fang Chengming couldn't help but clapped his hands and applauded. It's like a high mountain meets flowing water. A bastard looks at a mung bean. He is a confidant.

Off to the side, on the roof.

Listening to the two people's almost shameless remarks, Chu Weiyu felt a burst of contempt in her heart, and turned and left without saying a word.

Different road non-phase plan.

At the same time, almost all the young geniuses in the other trial circles made their own choices one after another. Most of them chose to go to the front line, while a few chose to stay in this gentle land.

Everyone has his or her own choice, either to support fighting and become a god of war, or to achieve great strength and overwhelm the enemy with absolute strength...

Right or wrong, no one can judge.

"Chief, nothing will happen, right?"

In the base, looking at the picture on the screen, Xiao Wang asked worriedly.

In his opinion, their strength was still low, and now was not the time. However, Zhao Wenlong just snorted disdainfully, looked into his eyes, and asked, "How old are you this year?"

Xiao Wang was stunned for a moment and said blankly, "28, what's wrong?"

"How old were you when you joined the Shenxia Alliance?"


"How old was Mingxu when it was first suppressed?"

Xiao Wang paused and said in a deep voice, "21."

"Then you can do it, why can't they?" Zhao Wenlong asked, "Now, most of the Zhenling Army guarding the front line are less than thirty, and some are only over twenty. They have all rushed to the front line, those What’s wrong with being a genius?”

"Is it because they have good talents that they can be kept in the back like the bastards?"

"What we need are real geniuses, the kind who can carry the banner, not the mascots who stand aside for people to look at."

The air froze, and there was silence for a moment.

After a while, it seemed that what he said was a bit harsh. Zhao Wenlong sighed and added.

"Don't worry, there will be no problem this time..."

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