Heroic Soul: Drunken Qianqiu

Chapter 145 One Person Is A Teacher

In the sky, Qin Ye's eyes were slightly closed, and a cold light flowed through him. He stood in front of him with swords in both hands, and nine flying swords circled quickly, tightly protecting his whole body.


He uttered one word softly.

In an instant, a strong wind blew, and the aura of heaven and earth hundreds of meters around him quickly disappeared, gathered into shape, and gathered towards him crazily.

Below, countless eyes were staring closely at the figure in the void, and their flashing eyes all revealed their shock and disbelief.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, Lao Qin, when it comes to pretending to be 13, it's up to you. If you rank second, then no one will dare to rank first."

Cheng Yong squinted and smiled at the side, his eyes were extremely calm, like a normal person. As for the shock... it can be there, but it is not necessary...

The spiritual energy passed quickly, and more and more evil spirits gathered around them. Soon they reached an astonishing number, and they were still increasing.

Black light kept rushing towards Qin Ye, but before it could get close, it was chopped into pieces by the nine flying swords, turning into black smoke and blending into the bloody night, leaving nothing behind.

The cold wind blew his clothes, and Qin Ye's aura became more and more terrifying, until it reached its peak.

He slowly opened his eyes, and in the deep black pupils, two phantoms of green lotuses glowing with golden light bloomed, like a dream like kaleidoscope eyes.

Weird and mysterious...

"Qinglian...sword formation."

Those cold words came, whirling far away, echoing deep in everyone's heart, making people unable to stop trembling.

As the words fell, the nine flying swords revealed themselves as green lotuses, condensing into small phantoms that quickly circled around Qin Ye, with countless afterimages surrounding him.

The flowers gradually became enchanting, and the sword sharply turned around and flew into the distance at an extremely fast speed, being distributed in nine directions around it.

Immediately afterwards, the nine green lotus phantoms dispersed their momentum and released dazzling light pillars. Spiritual power surged out and all rose into the sky.

Qin Ye raised his sword and shouted loudly. The sword pointed at the sky. A sharp and powerful aura spread out, gathering the power of nine green lotuses. He was full of fighting spirit, as if he wanted to kill the sky.

The next moment, with great blessings, hundreds of flying swords descended from the sky, tearing apart the sky, cutting off the dark clouds, and appearing in front of everyone as if there was nothing in the void.

Buzz buzz...

The swords roared together and cut through the sky.

A huge and powerful green lotus silhouette appeared, the sword moved together, the green lotus bloomed, as high as the sky, standing steadily above the battlefield, unlike the legend.

The cold murderous intent was locked. At this moment, both the Suppressing Spirit Army and the restless evil spirits were silent, staring blankly at the figure in the virtual lotus.


Cheng Yong swallowed unconsciously, his eyes became particularly exciting, and he was obviously shocked.

However, it only lasted for a moment, and he smiled and said, "Old Qin, Old Qin, the movie makers have to hide away when they see you. I really think special effects are free..."

Not far away, seeing this terrifying sword formation, Yang Shihou's expression suddenly changed, and he suddenly felt something bad. He immediately turned around and prepared to kill Qin Ye. However, before he could make a move, Wang Chong's blade struck out. She was already standing in front of him, blocking him firmly.

"General Yang, your opponent is me..." Wang Chong said with a smile and full of anger.

"Step aside!"

Yang Shihou said with a stern face, the Tang Dao in his hand trembled slightly, and he was already sevenfold angry.

"Haha, let's let the young people resolve the matter. What do you think? General Yang..."

Wang Chong smiled unhurriedly, seemingly unfazed, but he was already secretly happy in his heart.

That genius is so talented...

Compared to Wang Chong's casualness, Yang Shihou's anger rose to the extreme.

He raised his head, his eyes were slightly bright, and his murderous intent was not concealed. He said coldly every word, "Do you really think that I can't kill you..."

Wang Chong's heart trembled, he put away his smile, clenched his sword tightly, and said in a deep voice, "Then let's give it a try..."

Without saying a word, Yang Shihou instantly drew out his sword, turning into an afterimage and slashing towards Wang Chong. Black light swept over him, and a terrifying aura struck him. He was three points stronger than before...

"Qinglian Sword Song!"

Qin Ye stood in the virtual lotus, with his left hand condensing sword techniques and his right hand holding a long sword, he looked up and shouted loudly.

In an instant, the wind moved and the clouds moved, the virtual lotus bloomed in full bloom, shining brightly in the dark night, hundreds of swords roared in unison, the sword blades swung downwards, turning into streams of light and flying downwards at the speed of light.

Swish Swish Swish Swish——

The stream of light shone, and the sword intent broke through the air. In just a moment, the cold light enveloped a large battlefield. No one could hold on to one sword. If they could, the second sword would end its life in an instant.

Wherever the stream of light passed, flesh and blood flew everywhere, and broken limbs and broken arms could be seen everywhere. What followed closely was the miserable wailing sound, which echoed faintly in the heart, making people unable to help but feel a sense of fear. At this moment, this place seemed like It became a real hell.

Bang bang bang bang...

One after another, the evil spirits fell down in fear, turning into a pool of blood, and finally turned into black gas exuding a thick stench, piling up together.

In just a moment, the blackness dyed the desolation red, and the rich black energy was like an abyss, trying to reach the sky and spread upwards, but the prosperous Void Lotus was like a hundred thousand mountains, suppressing it tightly, and there was nowhere to go. spread.

After a while, under the virtual lotus, only a few people were left in the originally dense spiritual tide, but they were also desperate and lingering here.

In the virtual lotus, Qin Ye stood proudly with a sword in his hand. His eyes were partly melancholy and partly cold, already looking like a swordsman.

But at this moment, his face was a little pale. After all, maintaining such a large-scale sword formation would take a lot of effort on himself. If he had operated it at the early stage of Candlelight, he would have been exhausted long ago... Oh, that's not right. , the spiritual power was depleted and drained directly.

"Hahaha, you are worthy of being the disciple of Taibai Sword Immortal. With such a figure, you should be a god of the Seventh Sword Immortal."

In my mind, the charming ancestor, the First Emperor, laughed boldly, with unstoppable admiration in his eyebrows.


Another heroic laugh came, and Li Bai was half-lying with wine in his hand, his cheeks rosy, taking a leisurely sip of spiritual wine, and then he slowly said, "First Emperor, are you kidding..."

Then, with a smile in his eyes, he said, "I didn't teach him this move..."

As for the people outside Xulian, they were already stunned, standing there with blank faces, at a loss, and could not come back to their senses for a long time.

Suddenly, a loud scream broke the silence, "Oh! Old Qin nb, so damn handsome!"

Everyone came back to their senses and turned around to look, and saw a chubby little man carrying a big ax dancing around, as if he had made the sword formation himself. It was so funny and funny.

As a result, everyone burst into laughter and immediately picked up their weapons to kill the remaining soldiers. However, their eyes glanced at Qin Ye intentionally or unintentionally, full of admiration and gratitude.

One ultimate move can kill hundreds or even thousands of people. It is no exaggeration to say that one person is truly a master...

The fighting resumed, and this time, the Zhenling Army had the upper hand. With one go, it was as powerful as breaking bamboo, stirring up the belly of the spiritual tide, leading to the Yellow Dragon...

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