Heroic Soul: Drunken Qianqiu

Chapter 147 The War Assistant Is Also The Assistant

Some people are born to be kings, while others become bandits by chance.

To the west of the base, the two battlefields are also very hot, but compared to the battlefields in the other two directions, they seem a bit embarrassing...

The grass bandits in the mountains are kings of the mountains. Even if they dominate one side, it cannot change their identity. Bandits are bandits. Whether it is the formation of troops, tactics, or weapons and equipment, they all have great advantages compared to the army. The difference between the two is incomparable.

As a result, the Zhenling Army had the upper hand, and the battle formations changed in different sizes. The bandits they killed were wailing all over the field, and the monster Ye Tian was among them, killing everyone in all directions.

During the battle, Yetian's spear swept across, and a cliff-like slashing light swept out, and black flames and thunder spread on it. If it was rubbed, it would be injured, and if it was touched, it would die. The power was so terrifying that many bandits were afraid to avoid it. But there were still dozens of figures who were killed and exploded in response.

Black smoke rippled, and the fishy and pungent smell filled the nasal cavity, making people unable to help but feel a chill.

They were still bandits after all. The numerous evil spirits around them tremblingly raised their weapons and pointed them at Ye Tian, ​​their bodies unable to stop flinching.

Ye Tian's cold eyes swept away, and the infinite killing intent spread, making people feel trembling, speechless and ruthless.

"Hahahaha... cool!"

On another battlefield, compared to Ye Tian's indifference, Jia Wu stood out.

I saw him wearing a flame armor, a flaming cloak on his shoulders, and picking up a red flame halberd. He was like a sun god pushing everything in the evil tide, and he couldn't help laughing while fighting.

So what if it’s the early stage of Candlelight? In front of this group of scumbags, even I, the master of the latent spirit realm, think it’s too much...

Beside them, the phantoms of the three generals appeared at the same time. They slashed and stabbed with swords and halberds, and poked holes and pierced eyes. They used every move to penetrate deep into the belly of the battlefield. It was as if they were entering a deserted land. They were killing with great joy. It was really not a family. , don’t enter a house...

As for the last two battlefields, they are also perfect monster crushing rounds.

Chu Weiyu wears a helmet and armor, and the long sword in her hand turns into three thousand fine raindrops. The sword intention is contained in it. With just one blow, hundreds of evil spirits are cut down. Flames rise and fall, flowers bloom everywhere, the sword intention is full of beauty, and the women are invincible. Let the eyebrows go.

Xu Yuan, on the other hand, is holding an enhanced version of the firecracker, which turns the shotgun into a cannon, and can shoot several children with ease.

The monsters took action with great fanfare, and the pure power of life contained in them quickly attracted the attention of some more powerful evil spirits.

Storm is coming...

Base East.

The Green Lotus Sword Formation stands majestically, and the sword intent rises across the sky, sending light and cold across the fourteen continents, cutting away all darkness.

Qin Ye shouted low, the sword technique changed rapidly, and the afterimage was scorching, and he saw that the huge green lotus transformed by the sword's intention bloomed again in the sky, and the blue petals bloomed layer by layer, turning into countless flowing stars, pouring away in all directions. .

Swish swish swish——

In the blink of an eye, corpses were everywhere.

Friends who have died once know that when you have a second life, you will cherish it more. The same is true for these evil spirits.

Within a moment, most of the evil spirit army was dead and wounded, and it was still declining at an extremely fast rate. As the saying goes, the army was defeated like a mountain and the morale of the army was weakened.

Killing you while you are sick is an eternal truth. Qin Ye naturally understands this truth. However, just when he was about to take action again, a strong throbbing suddenly arose in his heart, making him stunned. For a moment.

At this time, a disdainful voice traveled several miles away and went straight into Qin Ye's mind.


"Haha, you're just a young brat."

The next moment, a black light carrying thousands of pressures appeared. The terrifying energy shattered the void, making a roar of sonic explosions, and its fatal edge was directed at Qin Ye.

"Be careful, kid!"

In their minds, Li Bai and the First Emperor shouted in unison.

Qin Ye raised his head suddenly, his pupils shrank suddenly, a trace of panic flashed across his face, and his body was trembling subconsciously.

This move...will kill...

His subconscious reminded him crazily, but his body seemed to be filled with lead and was frozen in place.

Facing the black light that was like an endless ocean, Qin Ye felt like a wisp of duckweed, swaying in the microwave, without any resistance.

That deep feeling of powerlessness surged up again...

The black light approached, and countless sword intents exploded instantly, but before they could get close, they were crushed by the terrifying coercion emanating from it until it collapsed, turning into nothingness and dissipating.


A huge roar resounded throughout the sky, and endless black energy spurted out, swallowing up the huge green lotus shadow like an abyss.

"Old Qin!"

Cheng Yong's eyes were about to burst, and he roared loudly. A red flame burst out from his body, shooting straight into the sky. He stepped out with both feet, ready to rush into the abyss of black energy.

However, at this moment, in the sky, an aura of the Holy Star Realm spread through the black air and spread around.

Cheng Yong's expression froze, and he saw a vibrant green round light shield in the black air, like a butterfly swimming, endlessly growing.

The power of green life spread rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, the black air in the sky was purified. Two figures came into view, it was Lu Shi and Qin Ye.

In the sky, Lu Shi holds a butterfly umbrella in her hand. Her long black hair is flying in the wind like a waterfall. Butterflies are dancing around her body. She is as gentle and elegant as a fairy. However, in those rippling eyes, Revealing a hint of coldness.

"Thank you... thank you..."

Behind him, Qin Ye's face was pale and his eyes were confused, as if he didn't react. It wasn't until a drop of cold sweat slipped silently down his forehead that he murmured.


Lu Shi nodded lightly in response, twirling the fingers of her slender jade hands, and dozens of green butterflies emerged, fluttering their thin wings, and quietly flew into Qin Ye's body.

The spiritual light suddenly shone, Qin Ye's complexion improved slightly, and the spiritual power in his body also recovered a lot, and then a faint spiritual light appeared on his body, falling slowly and uncontrollably, everything happened in the blink of an eye.

Where no one was noticing, Lu Shi's eyes glanced at Cheng Yong below, with a hint of surprise flashing across his eyes.

Hidden sword in the body, another monster...

But in just a moment, she put away her gaze, looked into the depths of the void, and said in a cold tone, "I wonder which senior is here, why don't you show up and meet him."

The words fell.

In the darkness in the distance, a middle-aged man walked out slowly and said with a disdainful smile, "Haha, junior."

In the middle stage of Holy Star, brave level...

Lu Shidai frowned slightly, but her expression was not too ugly, and she said displeasedly, "Who are you?"


The man's eyes showed a cold light, he drew out the Tang Dao from his waist, and said in a cold voice, "Kill your people!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his figure suddenly disappeared from the spot, turned into a stream of light and rushed towards Lu Shi and the two of them. The Tang saber charged up, and a black light struck out, just like before, but it was even more powerful.

Lu Shi snorted coldly, waved her jade hand, and the butterfly umbrella in her hand instantly turned into twelve flying butterflies. The umbrella bones turned into long swords. The flying butterflies emitted fluorescence, like sparks rushing towards the black light, and a green sword light tightened. Then it arrived, flying through the air, instantly blasting the black light...

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