Heroic Soul: Drunken Qianqiu

Chapter 15 Huaqing Palace, Ghost Dancer

At the dinner table, Qin Ye was chatting and laughing with Shen Hong, who had just returned.

"Xiaoye, you said you found a job?" Shen Hong was obviously stunned when she heard Qin Ye said that he would go out to work soon.

She was about to refuse, but looking at Qin Ye's determined eyes, she realized that Qin Ye had grown up and was no longer the immature child he was before.

Immediately, Shen Hong said gently, "It's good, I can gain some social experience early." She asked what the job was and said no more.

The dinner was spent in warmth. After washing the dishes, Qin Ye was about to leave.

"be safe……"

"Okay, Aunt Shen, you should go to bed early," Qin Ye turned around and smiled.

Shen Hong stood at the door, watching Qin Ye walking away, and couldn't help but think of the first time she saw Qin Ye.

That year, Qin Ye was still a child who could only cry, and she was just a woman who had just experienced a failed marriage. Destiny made them meet. In the blink of an eye, more than ten years have passed. Qin Ye was full of energy, but she was no longer graceful.


Outside the community, Qin Ye came out and a black car honked its horn.

Qin Ye walked to the car, the window slowly rolled down, and a rough voice came.

"Hey, boy, after three days of separation, you should be impressed. In a few years, I will probably give up my position as deputy captain to you."

"Deputy team leader, I don't think it will take more than a few years. I think you won't be able to beat him in a little more than a year," Chen Xuan interrupted.

"Your little mouth is as good as if you have wiped Selu, you are so good at talking," Zhang Zhanguo praised.

"Ahem, where are you going?" Seeing that the two of them started to bicker with each other again, Qin Ye sat in the back seat and interjected.

"Huaqing Palace."

"Huaqing Palace? According to legend, isn't that where Concubine Yang lives?"

"Yes, Yu Shi detected abnormal spiritual power fluctuations there."

Hearing the name Yushi, Qin Ye thought of that little lolita, "Isn't she an assistant?"

"Yes, because there are few people in the team, she is mainly responsible for information," Zhang Zhanguo said nonchalantly while driving.

"Tch", Chen Xuan whispered, but they didn't notice it.

Outside Huaqing Palace, as the song ended, all the people playing inside came out one after another.

Looking at the tightly closed door, Chen Xuan sighed and was forced to become a mount again.

The east wind blows thousands of trees into bloom at night. It blows down even more, and the stars are like rain.

Under the flying clouds, you can have a panoramic view of Huaqing Palace.

Stars sparkled on the banks of Qingshui Lake, and all kinds of weeping willows danced in the evening breeze. Feishuang Palace under the moon, Nine-winding Corridor Pavilion...

Qin Ye quietly watched the grand scene in front of him. Perhaps because of Li Bai, this strange place actually gave him a sense of familiarity.

Walking forward, two statues came into view. The moment Li Bai saw it, his eyes were full of nostalgic thoughts, and he couldn't help but blurt out, "The clouds want the clothes, the flowers want the appearance..."

"The spring breeze blows on the threshold and the dew is thick," Qin Ye felt something in his heart and echoed.

A concubine riding in the world of mortals laughs, and the story is passed down by word of mouth for thousands of years. A song of long-lasting regret and all kinds of regrets, but it is difficult to express long-lasting love.

Li Bai had a lot of mixed feelings in his heart, and it was like meeting each other in his past and present lives.

At this time, Zhang Zhanguo came over, speaking in a thick dialect, "What did you say?"

All of a sudden, the atmosphere just felt was destroyed and thrown into the septic tank.

Then, seeing Qin Ye staying where he was, he urged, "What are you doing here? Why don't you quickly look for the strange movement?"

Li Bai was speechless for a while, this junior didn't seem very smart.

Qin Ye also complained secretly, "Just like Cheng Yong, he is not a family member and does not enter the same family."

With no other choice, Qin Ye had no choice but to look around for spiritual energy fluctuations.

The Huaqing Palace is not too large, and with the quick exploration of Qin Ye and the others, most of the map was quickly searched.

After walking across the short bridge, they found the grand hall. Just when Qin Ye was about to sigh, a subtle wave of spiritual power came.

Qin Ye frowned, sent a message to them, and planned to walk into the hall alone to check.

Entering the palace, the sound of pipa and flute penetrated the window screen and penetrated into Qin Ye's ears.

Pushing open the palace door with doubts, several young women suddenly appeared in front of them. Their heads were tied in high buns, with flowers on their foreheads touching each other. The sides of their buns were painted diagonally in red, and they were wearing red scarves.

Along with the vocal music, they danced their bodies, their frowns and smiles moved people's hearts, and their red scarves fluttered, seducing people's hearts.

Qin Ye's eyes were dull and his body was stiff, obviously immersed in it.

When Li Bai staggered forward and wanted to join them, Li Bai immediately injected spiritual power into Qin Ye's body and sent a message to remind him.

"Use your spiritual power to resist the demonic sound, and don't let your mind be deceived."

Qin Ye just woke up from a dream, and was a little confused for a moment. However, looking at the distance under his feet, he realized that he was close to the center of the hall, and he quickly used his spiritual power to resist.

At this time, Zhang Zhanguo and Chen Xuan also received the summons and came over. When they heard the voice coming from their ears, they both frowned.

Unlike Qin Ye, they immediately recognized that the tunes in their ears could confuse people's minds, and they quickly used their spiritual power to resist the bewitchment of the music.

Worried about Qin Ye's safety, they quickly rushed into the palace.

He hurriedly ran into the hall, passed by some splendid decorations, and spotted Qin Ye in the middle of the hall at a glance. Zhang Zhanguo felt relieved as he used his spiritual power to resist the temptation.

"Boy, are you okay?" Zhang Zhanguo walked up behind Qin Ye, patted Qin Ye on the shoulder and asked.

A burst of spiritual power entered his body, and the pressure on Qin Ye suddenly relaxed.

"I'm fine. Please be careful. This music is weird. I almost got caught just now," Qin Ye said with lingering fear.

Zhang Zhanguo just said lightly, "It's a small skill, Chen Xuan."

"Received," Chen Xuan replied from the side. The aura of his hands appeared, condensed into two wind balls, and he waved forward with all his strength.

In an instant, the wind filled the building.

The music stopped suddenly, and the dancer in front of him also stopped moving, staring fiercely at Qin Ye and the others.

Suddenly, their better faces began to ooze bright red blood. Gradually, the skin on their faces began to fall off, and masses of black energy appeared on their bodies.

It really answered that sentence, pink skull.

Looking at the changes in front of him, Qin Ye couldn't help but feel terrified. Was he actually attracted to this thing just now? A chill rose from the bottom of my heart.

Here, as Chen Xuan put away his hands, the strong wind in the hall gradually calmed down.

Seeing this, the dancers immediately gained momentum, spiritual pressure came from their mouths, and sharp screams came from their mouths from time to time.

"Four middle stage latent spirits, one late stage latent spirit...how do you say that?" Zhang Zhanguo looked at Chen Xuan aside, his eyes full of teasing.

Chen Xuan understood this and looked at Qin Ye beside him with a smirk on his face.

Immediately, he moved and swept back with Zhang Zhanguo, retreating to the entrance of the main hall.

? ? ?

Qin Ye had a question mark on his face, "Damn it, you two are such dogs!"

But before he could retreat, the dancers had already flown in front of him. Ignoring the curses in their hearts, they quickly pulled Li Bai out and blocked him.

"You go deal with the late-stage latent soul, and I'll take care of the remaining four."

Qin Ye felt a fighting spirit in his heart, and the pressure of the latent stage suddenly erupted from his body, covering the four evil dancing girls in front of him.

The spiritual pressure collided. Although there were four opponents, Qin Ye's pressure was obviously stronger than theirs.

For a moment, the hall suddenly became tense.

Li Bai waved his hand and flicked his sleeves, and two spiritual swords suddenly appeared. He then handed one to Qin Ye and went to deal with the late-stage latent spirit himself.

Taking the long sword, Qin Ye's aura increased to a higher level. He raised the sword to gather his momentum and quickly rushed towards the four evil spirits.

Off the field.

"Lieutenant, this guy is a bit fierce," Chen Xuan said as he sat on the threshold after seeing Qin Ye facing four evil spirits of the same realm with ease.

"No, it doesn't matter who brought it." Zhang Zhanguo looked arrogant, obviously as if he had contributed a lot.

"The deputy team leader is great," Chen Xuan said flatteringly. His mind was filled with memories of the past three days when he was cheated and his whole body was injured.

Tsk tsk tsk, it turns out it’s so fun to trick others, no wonder they always like to catch me.

Seeing Qin Ye's current appearance, Chen Xuan felt extremely happy.

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