Heroic Soul: Drunken Qianqiu

Chapter 153 The Boat Has Passed

In the battlefield, hundreds of spiritual lights suddenly shone.

The simple aura dissipated, and the eyes of the Zhenling Army became clearer.

Well...it's not too clear. After all, he is a soldier who has guarded the battlefield for several years, but he can't hide the perseverance and temperament in his eyes.

However, before he could react, the tearing feeling in his soul immediately hit him, wandering through his internal organs, meridians, and every corner of his body.

For a moment, every Suppression Army soldier covered his head in pain with both hands, cold sweat broke out, and his body couldn't stop shaking. From time to time, he let out low roars from his mouth. This feeling was even worse than being cut into pieces by a thousand cuts. , it is no exaggeration to say that it penetrates deeply into the depths of everyone's soul...

Several figures were finally unable to withstand this backlash, their eyes darkened, and they fell into a coma.


Figures kept falling down, and more and more of them fell. Even if they didn't fall down, they fell into extreme weakness. Their faces were pale, as if they had just crawled out of the coffin board, without a trace of blood.

Zhao Wenlong's expression was complicated. He looked at the people below who were enduring great pain, and felt an unspeakable pain in his heart. Qin Ye and Cheng Yong, who were not far away, also looked at them with heavy expressions without any words.

If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight.

This sentence applies not only to monsters with extraordinary talents, but also to every ordinary person who works hard.

This world is fair.

When you gain something, you are bound to lose something, whether you want it or not...

Suddenly, as if he felt something, Qin Ye raised his head and looked at the sky, only to see a few faint lights quietly emerging in the bloody sky.

A ray of spiritual light slowly drifted down. He stretched out his hand and gently touched his fingertips. He felt a warm current rising up, and a vitality submerged into his blood, nourishing his soul.

Qin Ye looked shocked and was about to speak.

The next moment, dots of spiritual light were flying all over the sky, and the stars were twinkling, as bright as the Milky Way, slowly sinking into the body of Zhenlingjun, and the majestic vitality overflowed and wandered throughout the body, relaxing. Exhaustion of soul and body.

Looking up, he saw Lu Shi and Chu Lingxiu's wings, like real fairies, dancing gracefully, shedding dreamlike light, extremely beautiful.

Not far away, when Chen Yi saw this scene, he also transformed into countless spiritual lights, healing everyone's injuries.

Life is like a dream, astonishing as a flying bird.

Qin Ye's eyes were soft, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and the hostility in his body gradually faded away.

After a long time, the fluorescence slowly dissipated.

With the help of the three wet nurses, although everyone was still very weak, their faces looked much better. At least, they could be seen as alive...

Zhao Wenlong nodded gratefully to a few people. These people were not only his soldiers, but also brothers who accompanied him through life and death and guarded his homeland together.

"Chief." Wang Chong dragged his injured body and nodded to Zhao Wenlong with a pale face.

Although Yang Shihou's slash was terrifying, its power had been reduced by 70 to 80% due to the reduction of the two attacks. Fortunately, it was not fatal.

As for him being so weak now, most of the reason is the backlash caused by the heroic soul's possession.

Zhao Wenlong nodded and said, "General Wang, organize the evacuation."

He looked up in the direction of other battlefields. Those battlefields should have almost ended...

"Hahaha, there is no one who can beat me."

On another battlefield, a man who was equally burly and even more oppressive than Zhao Wenlong shouted loudly. Brown light wrapped around him, and a terrifying aura swept out. He was the awakened heroic soul of Zhao Wenlong. Tang general, Shi Xiong.

To the west of the base, Feng Chengyun and his awakened heroic soul guarded a battlefield respectively, crushing them.

Feng Chengyun waved his hand, and the majestic power swept across. In an instant, countless grass bandits turned into flying ashes and were annihilated here. There was nothing that couldn't be solved with one wave. If it didn't work once, then twice.

Despite the casual look on his face, his heart was full of slander towards Zhao Wenlong.

I just came to watch the fun, but I didn’t expect that I would have to work for someone else, which would be difficult...

However, when he saw several respectful glances from below, a smile appeared on his lips.

Adhering to the principle of being a good person to the end, he waved his hand again, and countless auras containing majestic vitality came into being, restoring everyone's injuries.

Zhao Wenlong, you have to invite me to tea next time! Even Jesus can’t stop me.

Seemingly feeling something, Zhao Wenlong closed his eyes.

In the east, he and Shi Xiong, the hero of the Tang Dynasty, each guarded one place. In the west, it was no problem for Old Feng and Duke Guo of the Song Dynasty. As for the north, the evil spirits were relatively weak. With that boy Xiao Wang and so many soldiers, it was not a problem. should be okay……

As he thought about it, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up. Tsk tsk, I'm really naughty. If this were placed in ancient times, I would have been a great general at least.


Looking at Zhao Wenlong in the distance, Cheng Yong couldn't help laughing, Dragon King? Is that you Dragon King?

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, this little mouth is crooked. It feels aggrieved to say that he is the God of War. He must at least be a supreme being."

"Isn't that right, Lao Qin?" Cheng Yong teased, but there was no response.

The moment he turned around, the smile on his face suddenly solidified, and his mood became heavy.

On the battlefield where fireworks were raging, we could see tired figures walking staggeringly, their clothes stained with blood, and blood mixed with sweat beads, dripping silently.

The desolate land is filled with black smoke and yellow sand. Blood and gunpowder smoke are mixed together, filling the nose and lingering in the depths of the soul.

And in this burial place, dozens of faint rays of light emerged from the bursts of black air.

Heroic soul...origin...

The stream of light is shining, and there are waves of waves, just floating quietly, soundless and... nameless.

In the end, the hero's bones are buried and his blood is spilled in the sky.

Beside him, Qin Ye's eyes were dim and his face was calm, just watching all this quietly.

This scene seemed familiar.

However, the level of tragedy in that golden scene was even worse and more terrifying than here.

"The golden formula...predict the future..."

Qin Ye murmured.

"When I was young, I had many dreams, many, many..."

At this time, a voice came.

Qin Ye turned his head and saw Li Bai coming from behind. He raised the wine gourd and poured down a few cups of spiritual wine.

"I want to be an official, a very big official, to show my ambition..."

"I want to be a general, to serve the country and guard the land behind me..."

"I still want to be a knight, to do justice and justice. If I see any injustice on the road, I will kill it with one sword..."

"I still want..."

After saying that, he laughed self-deprecatingly and said slowly, "However, none of it has come true..."

Take another cup and quietly look at the ice-clear Yuqiong, but lingering with a hint of gossamer.

After taking a sip into his throat, he showed an intoxicated expression and sighed, "Later, I realized that I can't be anyone, I can't be an official, I can't be a general, I can't be a knight..."

"I fell into confusion. I was searching and searching, thinking and thinking, what can I do?"

"Then, I met a lot of people, some good and some bad, and saw a lot of sights, some beautiful and some ugly..."

Li Bai's eyes were smiling and he took another sip of wine.

"In this process, I seem to understand who I can be, but I'm not sure yet..."

"So, I kept looking and looking, but the more I looked, the more frightened I became, and I even couldn't believe it."

A drop of clear tear fell silently.

"Guess what the answer is?" At this time, Li Bai turned to Qin Ye and asked.

Qin Ye shook his head.

"Hahaha..." Li Bai suddenly laughed out loud, "Look, you don't know either..."

After the sound fell, Li Bai said word by word, "Actually, that person is myself. The real me has always been the same and has never changed..."

Immediately, he laughed, his voice reverberating, but his heroic voice was mixed with a little bit of desolation, which was evocative and hard to put down.

"When I found this answer, my hair had long since turned white, and I was dragging my body like an old man. I no longer had the splendor and the coolness of the past..."

"But I don't regret it."

He was full of energy and his eyes were firm.

"The past cannot be saved, but the future can be changed. Even if the boat has passed, I can still conquer the world!"

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