Heroic Soul: Drunken Qianqiu

Chapter 157 I’Ll Be Crazy With You Again

"Niu Tingjie, please step back."

An Qingzhi looked down at the people below and said calmly, not taking them seriously at all.

Niu Tingjie's mouth opened slightly, as if he wanted to say something more, but when he saw An Qingzhi's deep eyes, his body couldn't help but tremble, and he planned to retreat.

At this moment, Zhao Wenlong on the side spoke, "Leave? Have you asked me? Do you want to leave?"

He clenched his fist hard and made a "crack, bang, bang, bang" sound to vent his displeasure.

Although I don’t know who the person who suddenly popped up is, I know with my butt that this guy is not a good guy, and he... is very unhappy!

He clenched his fists and stepped hard on the ground with both feet, causing gravel to burst out, and his body rushed towards Niu Tingjie like a cannonball, entwined with light and murderous intent.


An Qingzhi sneered.

Holding his right hand empty, a black gold halberd appeared in his hand. He danced with it and stabbed forward violently.

In an instant, the situation changed dramatically and the void twisted.

A dark red blood glow exuding an extremely terrifying aura appeared, piercing the sky, and charged towards Zhao Wenlong with supreme pressure.

The epic peak of the Holy Star!

Moreover, it is not an ordinary epic...

Zhao Wenlong's expression changed drastically, and a look of shock appeared on his face for the first time. Before he had time to think about it, the blood glow had already swept in front of him, and he turned his fist and punched the blood glow.


The moment the two forces came into contact, a huge roar immediately resounded, shaking the sky and the earth, and rolling up thousands of air waves.

When everyone was shocked, a figure flew over uncontrollably and hit the ground heavily. It was Zhao Wenlong who was covered in blood.

"General! General!"

Several Zhenling troops closest to Zhao Wenlong quickly came forward to check Zhao Wenlong's situation.

Suddenly, a terrifying pressure swept over them, and in just a moment, their bodies suddenly exploded, turning into blood mist that filled the sky and dispersed in the wind.

"Oh, they're just ants..."

An Qingzhi looked down and said calmly, with calm eyes and a trace of disappointment on his face.

The cold night was long, and the whole place was deathly silent.

Zhao Wenlong stood up with difficulty. His clothes were in tatters and hanging on his body. His whole body was covered with blood. Even his face was covered with dense drops of blood. He didn't know whether it was his own or those of those people.

Several shining soul origins appeared in front of him, his eyes were dull, and his burly body couldn't help but tremble.

Those people died, they died in front of me...because they died...

"Ah! I'm your grandma!"

His eyes were blood red, he roared, and a dazzling light emerged from his body. His burly body quickly gathered and swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye.


The bulging muscles continued to tear at the tattered clothes on his body until they were all torn into pieces. The moment the clothes fell off, his hideous back like a ghost face was also revealed to everyone.

I saw a huge green dragon tattooed on the broad back. The dragon's head roared furiously, and its five claws split the sky. Against the background of the light, it looked lifelike, as if it had the power to climb the clouds, and fly across the nine heavens...

"Hmm? Overdrawing your life?"

An Qingzhi raised his eyebrows and couldn't help but chuckle, "Ha, that's interesting..."

He quietly watched Zhao Wenlong's movements with a smile on his face, showing unparalleled confidence.

If you have strength, you can really do whatever you want!

With a long roar, the aura on Zhao Wenlong's body has climbed to the extreme, half-step to the moon, but his body is already blood red, and the blood continues to seep out through the pores and flows to all parts of the body, looking particularly terrifying.

"Ah! Die for me!"

He roared, turned into a meteor and rushed towards An Qingzhi, his eyes wide with anger, his spiritual power gathered in his fist, and he charged out with his right fist, roaring with the power of a dragon.

"Then give it a try."

The mad dragon attacked, An Qing's tiger body shook, and he waved the black gold war halberd in his hand. He clenched his hands and slashed out with the halberd, and the bloody light shattered the void.


The void screams, the wind hisses and the dragon roars.

Under the dark night, there seemed to be only one dragon and one slashing light left in the sky. The two were bright and dark, complementing each other, and constantly eroding and annihilating, causing countless explosions and loud noises, causing the space to distort.

Suddenly, only a mournful cry was heard. Under the eyes of everyone, the body of the mad dragon collapsed instantly, turning into countless spiritual lights that withered and fell.

The blood glow still had some power, and it slashed downwards at a very fast speed. Zhao Wenlong roared angrily, punched out again, and hit the blood glow hard.


Under the huge impact, the blood glow was like a broken mirror, shattering inch by inch...


Drops of blood and sweat dripped from high altitude, turning into countless tiny blood drops, floating to no one knows where.

Zhao Wenlong gasped for breath, his fist was already covered with blood and flesh, and a huge wound appeared. Black energy adhered to it, constantly eroding his flesh, bone, and even soul...

But his eyes were fixed on An Qingzhi. If eyes could kill, I believe An Qingzhi would have died hundreds of times.

An Qingzhi raised the corner of his mouth and said, "Kill them."

Several figures flew out quickly from behind, and at the same time, tens of thousands of black shadows below moved in unison, dancing wildly, roaring and killing the Spirit-Suppressing Army in the distance.

Zhao Wenlong's eyes were about to burst. How could the Zhenling Army resist at this time? He roared and rushed out to stop those figures. However, An Qingzhi suddenly appeared in front of him and stopped him firmly. It simply cannot be supported.

An Qingzhi looked at him quietly, condescendingly, with a touch of provocation in his eyes.

Are you angry? It’s okay to be angry. After all, this will make it more interesting...

Isn't it... ants...

"You guys leave quickly!"

Lu Shi took out her weapon, flew into the air, and shouted loudly without looking back. Next to her, Chu Lingxiu's figure appeared again, blocking the crowd.

Guard Wang Chong roared, and a dazzling light erupted from his body. He endured the severe pain to burn his energy and blood in exchange for a short burst, and rushed forward with his knife.

Below, many of the Soul-Suppressing Army soldiers who were still conscious were burning their energy and blood, gathering momentum and rushing forward.

However, in the face of this absolute power, it was ultimately useless. In just a moment, several figures exploded, turning into a bloody mist that spread across the border.

The wind is rustling and the water is cold...

The blood mist filled the nose with the air and filled his mind. His eyes were filled with scarlet and blood, and his ears were filled with roars one after another.

Qin Ye's eyes were dull, not only for him, but also for Cheng Yong and Chen Yi beside him.

The previous massacre seemed to have made them forget the cruelty of war, but the scenes before them awakened them to the cruel truth.

At this moment, life seems particularly fragile... No, life is inherently fragile, but it is buried silently in an uninhabited corner...


A figure slammed into the ground in front of them, attracting their attention.

Looking down, he saw that it was Wang Chong who was seriously injured. A huge wound appeared in front of him. Blood was pouring out uncontrollably. His face was pale, and his life was flowing away quickly.

"Let's go... let's go..."

Wang Chong's mouth was slightly open, his breath was like a thread, and he said weakly. As soon as he finished speaking, he no longer breathed.

Deja vu, straight to the soul...

Qin Ye's body trembled, his breathing stagnated, his body froze in place, and his ears rang...

He felt someone tugging on his clothes, turned his head, and saw Cheng Yong with a worried face.

"Old Qin! Old Qin! Let's go!"

Cheng Yong shouted loudly and pulled his arm. In the face of this absolute adversity, they were like ants, unable to resist at all.

Suddenly, Qin Ye smiled and said, "Fat man, I don't want to escape this time..."

"Old Qin..."

Cheng Yong murmured, seeing Qin Ye's firm eyes, he shook his head helplessly.

"There's really nothing I can do against you. If that's the case, then I'll go crazy with you once..."

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