Heroic Soul: Drunken Qianqiu

Chapter 2 Frightening Night, Killing The Evil Soul

The stars move southward and the tunes become gentler.

When Qin Ye came down, Li Bai also disappeared and resided in Qin Ye's mind.

The crowd in front of the main hall also dispersed, leaving only a few people wandering around, wondering what they were doing.

Lantern Festival, boat cruise, neon dance, feather dress song...

Qin Ye took Li Bai through almost every program. Along the way, Qin Ye was explaining endlessly, but Li Bai was silent, just watching quietly, surrounded by familiar and unfamiliar people. Everything seemed to be out of place, and a sense of loneliness arose in Li Bai's heart.

Li Bai is still the unruly Li Bai, but the city that never sleeps is no longer the city that never sleeps.

"Why do I feel like..." Qin Ye was a little confused, and his mood seemed to suddenly become depressed.

Li Bai recovered slightly, "Sorry, I didn't expect that my emotions would affect you."

"Then do you know what I'm thinking in my heart?" Qin Ye asked in surprise.

Li Bai's voice came from his mind again, "No, our emotions will be affected by each other, but we don't know the specific thoughts."

As he spoke, he explained, "This seems to be like a soul contract."

"Oh, that's it. No wonder you looked so cold and cold when I first met you, but now you feel familiar."

Then Qin Ye muttered again, "I still remember the first time I saw you, I almost died on the spot."

"When that car hit me, I had already thought about my suicide note. Fortunately, you suddenly appeared to block the car. If you hadn't exuded a weird aura, I might have been handsome."

Touching the bandage wrapped around his head, Qin Ye said narcissistically, "Fortunately I didn't hit my face, otherwise how many little girls would have been heartbroken."

Suddenly, a trace of contempt flashed through my mind, "Hey, what's the matter with you?" (‡▼Benefit▼)

"No, no, you feel wrong."

"You better be," Qin Ye said with a hint of joking.

When the song ends and people disperse, even the city that never sleeps will lose its prosperity, just like the prosperous times a thousand years ago.

"Hey, I've made so much money again." In a dark corner outside the city, a middle-aged man with a stubble on his face was counting a wad of bills in his hand. "This young man is really stupid. If you give me more time, Even your pants can fool you."

If the refund brother heard these words at this moment, he would probably be so angry that he would vomit blood.

"I haven't seen Lili for a few days. Hehe, the big health care is here."

As soon as the man turned the corner, he ran into a figure wearing tattered armor and holding a black spear. A cold aura spread like an evil ghost from hell.


"You have two arms, cosplay with your mother at night, you want to scare me to death."

The middle-aged man just thought he was a cosplayer, touched his chest, cursed "crazy", and continued walking forward without turning around, "There are so many idiots these days..."

But he didn't notice that the green light suddenly appeared in the strange man's eyes. The man just took a few steps away and only heard a "plop".

The spear entered his body and penetrated directly through his chest. As a sharp pain came, the man turned his head in fear. It was better not to look at this.

He has a black face with green light, half of his face is shredded, his face is stuck with rotten flesh hanging on his body, his mouth is spitting out miasma, and he makes horrifying low growls from time to time. He looks extremely terrifying.

The man had never seen such a fight before. He was so frightened that he peed his pants immediately. A strong smell floated in the air. Blood and tears mixed with urine dripped down uncontrollably. Three flavors of drinks...

He begged desperately and took out a lot of cash from his pocket, "Don't, don't kill me. I'll give you money...a lot of money..."

But what responded to him was the oncoming giant mouth. After a period of wailing, there was no more movement. Karma will eventually be rewarded. If you don't believe it, ask Brother Qian.

"Be careful, there's something ahead." As soon as he left the Evernight City, Li Bai's urgent message came through his mind.

"What's wrong?"

Qin Ye asked subconsciously, with a hint of nervousness on his face. Although he was a materialist, after meeting Li Bai, he also began to doubt that there were really no ghosts and gods in this world, right?

At this time, the armored monster emerged from the night, covered in black air, and his ferocious face looked even more terrifying after being stained with blood.

"This thing should also be a kind of spiritual body, but...it is full of evil energy, more like an evil spirit." Li Bai also appeared next to Qin Ye, his face a little solemn, and he was not a good person.

Suddenly, the armored fierce soldier raised his head and stared directly at Qin Ye and Li Bai. As if he was looking at some unparalleled delicacies, he roared excitedly and rushed towards the two of them crazily.

Seeing this scene, without waiting for Qin Ye to react, Li Bai drew his sword, pointed it at the intruder, and said to Qin Ye behind him, "You leave here first, and I will deal with it."

"Be careful."

After saying that, Qin Ye quickly left the battle circle.

When Qin Ye turned around, the evil spirit had already rushed in front of Li Bai and stabbed out his spear with no concealment of his murderous intent.

Seeing the situation, Li Bai quickly counterattacked, unsheathed his long sword, cut through the air, pulled it away, and turned away the spear tip, then turned around and slashed away, the sword body flashed with light, and easily cut through the evil spirit's armor, leaving behind A long sword mark.

Where the sword edge cuts open, the aura and black energy annihilate each other, corroding the evil spirit's wounds, and a sizzling sound can be heard.

The evil spirit was in pain, roared angrily, threw away the spear, transformed into sharp claws and rushed towards Li Bai.

Seeing this, Li Bai took a step back slightly to avoid the pair of bloody claws. Then he gathered momentum with the spirit sword in his hand and stabbed the evil spirit fiercely, delivering a piercing blow.

The evil spirit staggered back a few steps, unable to maintain his figure any longer, and fell to his knees heavily.

"Who are you?" Li Bai asked.

But there were only a few feeble growls in response. Even though his body was seriously injured, the ferocity in the evil spirit's eyes became more intense.

"He has no consciousness, and all attacks seem to be out of instinct." Seeing that the evil spirit was unable to fight back, Qin Ye slowly stepped forward and said.

Li Bai also realized this and nodded slightly.

At this time, a sudden change occurred.

A large amount of black smoke appeared around the evil spirit, extinguishing the spiritual light in the wound and constantly repairing his body.

Realizing that the evil spirit was getting stronger, Li Bai immediately protected Qin Ye behind him. The lines on the spiritual sword in his hand appeared and became particularly shining, and then he uttered three words coldly.

"Wine is coming!"

Blue spiritual light quickly emerged from all around and attached to the sword's edge, suddenly radiant and extremely sharp.


Li Bai shouted loudly, and the light flashed.

The evil spirit who had just stood up was cut off at the waist, and the low roar in his mouth stopped abruptly. He collapsed to the ground and dissipated into a burst of black smoke.

After settling everything, Li Bai turned to look at Qin Ye.

But Qin Ye had collapsed on the ground at this moment, his face was pale, he was sweating profusely and gasping: "What's going on? Why do I feel so tired?"

Li Bai immediately extracted the spiritual light and integrated it into Qin Ye's body. After a while, Qin Ye regained some of his complexion.

"We are accompanied by a soul contract. Your current soul is too weak to bear such a huge mental consumption."

"Let's go, we'll talk about it when we get back, I won't be able to explain it for a while," Li Bai said.

Suddenly, Li Bai felt something. He looked at the building in the darkness in the distance, and then smiled meaningfully.

"Looks like I don't need to explain it to you."

Without waiting for Qin Ye to ask, he turned into a spiritual light and entered Qin Ye's body, leaving only a confused Qin Ye.

On a high building, a man wearing a black peaked cap looked at the purple light emerging from the black device in his hand and shouted excitedly.

"Epic! It's epic."

At this time, the sound of "hmm" came from the microphone on his ear.

After a while, another sentence came, "Leave him alone," and then the signal was interrupted.

The man who heard the command said no more, turned over his hand and took out a wooden kite that glowed with dark green light, input brown spiritual light, and the wooden kite quickly grew in size.

The man grabbed the wooden kite and jumped from the roof of a dozen floors.

As soon as the green light appeared, the man was already standing on the ground, put away the wooden kite, and then walked slowly towards the direction of Qin Ye...

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