Heroic Soul: Drunken Qianqiu

Chapter 20 Ancestors

On the way back.

"You're in luck, kid. Even Commander Wang thinks so highly of you," Zhang Zhanguo said excitedly, his words filled with sincere happiness for Qin Ye.


"Yes, Mr. Wang is one of the few veteran figures in the Shenxia League, and he currently serves as the commander-in-chief of the Chang'an Spirit Shadow.

Do you know how many people dream of Mr. Wang’s calligraphy and painting? Many people pay exorbitant prices just to get a painting of Wang Lao's calligraphy. "

"So powerful?" Qin Ye realized that he had gotten a big deal.

"No, just have fun secretly," Zhang Zhanguo said with some envy.

School stronghold.

"What, Qin Ye broke through again?"

Chen Xuan and Tang Yushi both couldn't believe what they were seeing. They checked it with their hands before they were willing to believe it.

"God, please take pity on me, a little girl, and let me break through." Tang Yushi broke through again, eating a newly torn lollipop in her mouth, looking up to the sky and begging.

With the recovery of his spiritual power, Chen Xuan's injuries also healed. While he was shocked by Qin Ye's breakthrough, he did not forget to hit him, "Vice Captain, it seems that Qin Ye will beat you in less than a year."

"Is your skin itchy again?" Zhang Zhanguo rolled up his sleeves and smiled at Chen Xuan.

In the underworld.

After the breakthrough, the spiritual power in Qin Ye's body skyrocketed and became pure, so he tried to transform his spiritual power again. After all, he still relied too much on Li Bai in his current battle.

The spiritual power in his body continued to circulate, and when he felt the cold air coming from his fingertips, Qin Ye felt happy, "There is something going on", and immediately increased the transmission of spiritual power.

The dark wind blew by, and strange sounds came from the broken weapons of the remaining soldiers on the ground. From time to time, there were a few low roars floating around, adding even more terror to the already gloomy Mingxu.

Li Bai stood around Qin Ye, exuding coercion to frighten the evil spirits lurking in the darkness, and protecting Qin Ye.

At this moment, Qin Ye clenched his teeth, closed his eyes tightly, and kept dancing his fingers, while his body exuded a faint white vapor. If you look carefully, you will find that blue light emerges from his fingertips, like a gossamer, constantly outlining and gathering in the palm of his hand.

Suddenly, Qin Ye opened his eyes and looked excitedly at an ice crystal appearing in his palm.

Finally, after dozens of failures, he was finally able to transform his spiritual power into form.

His fingers trembled as he gently touched this hard-won achievement. He felt the coldness in his hands, and everything seemed so unreal.

"Congratulations." Li Bai stepped forward, looking at the excited young man in front of him, and his past life reappeared in his mind.

Once upon a time, like him, I finally gained something, but all this was fleeting.

There is wine today and I will be drunk today. Putting aside his distracting thoughts, Li Bai took out the wine gourd from his waist and asked, "Want a sip?"


"Ha ha ha ha!"

Between pushing the cup and changing the cup, the spiritual wine enters the belly, and the sweetness comes naturally.

Qin Ye's face turned red and he was obviously a little drunk, "Senior Taibai, hiccup -, the world says you are indulgent and unrestrained, but why, hiccup -, why do I feel that you always look unhappy?"

Li Bai paused with the wine glass in his mouth, a trace of loneliness flashed in his eyes, he didn't say anything, he just poured glass after glass of wine into his belly.

After a long time, Li Bai looked at the drunk Qin Ye beside him and murmured, "Li Bai, Li Bai, how could you..."

The sun rises in the east.

Qin Ye got up early, touched his dazed head, and found himself lying on the bed.

He got up and opened the door, and happened to meet Zhang Zhanguo who was about to go out.

"The sun is out in the west, so I got up so early today," Zhang Zhanguo joked.

"How did I come back yesterday?" He clearly remembered that he was drinking in the Mingxu, and then... nothing happened after that.

"You still have the nerve to say that I'm so angry when you mention this. It's such a good spiritual wine. You vomited it without even thinking of leaving a sip for me. It's such a waste. Senior Li Bai's face turned dark when he sent you back."

Zhang Zhanguo looked pityful, recalling the way Qin Ye's body was filled with spiritual power last night, he wanted to go up and lick it a few times.

For some reason, Qin Ye felt a chill in his heart and quickly bid farewell to Zhang Zhanguo.

Thinking that he had not been to the orphanage for several days, and thinking of the innocent smiles of those children, Qin Ye smiled. After buying some toys and snacks, I took a taxi to where Shen Hong worked.

As soon as we got off the car, there was a burst of laughter and laughter in the yard. The yard was not big and even a little shabby, but it contained the entire childhood of these children.

"Xiao Ye is here," the guard looked at Qin Ye with a smile.

"Well, let me see the kids."

Walking into this small orphanage, every brick and tile and every corner left traces of his childhood. Qin Ye's eyes were full of nostalgia.

At this moment, a little girl saw Qin Ye. She leaned against the door frame and stared at the handsome brother in front of her with wide eyes, full of curiosity and a hint of fear.

"Little sister, what's your name?" Qin Ye squatted down and asked softly.

But the little girl immediately shrank back like a frightened kitten and ran into the house quickly.

Qin Ye froze in embarrassment and couldn't help but doubt himself. He shouldn't look scary, right?

Not long after the girl entered, several more children stuck their heads out and looked at Qin Ye curiously.

Suddenly, a child recognized Qin Ye and shouted to the people around him: "It's Brother Xiaoye! It's Brother Xiaoye!" Then he quickly ran to Qin Ye.

"Xiao Long? You have grown so tall." Qin Ye touched the little boy's head and gave him a small gift.

Only then did the children on the side react and surrounded Qin Ye.

"Brother Xiaoye..."

"Brother Ye..."

For a moment, everyone was surrounded. With a wave of his hand, Qin Ye handed out all the small gifts and said with a smile, "Don't worry, they are all there, they are all..."

In the end, Qin Ye sat on the steps and quietly looked at the children playing in the yard. At this moment, Qin Ye found that the little girl he had just met was still looking at him secretly, so he slowly walked towards the little girl.

Seeing Qin Ye approaching, the little girl shrank subconsciously, but as if she knew Qin Ye meant no harm, she just stood there blankly, a little at a loss.

Seeing this, Qin Ye took out the small gift he had left in advance from his pocket, put it in her hand, and said softly, "What's your name?"

"...Lan Xin," the little girl said hesitantly, and then ran away in panic.

Qin Ye could only smile helplessly.

"Her name is Lan Xin. She came here last month. She's a little scared of people." Shen Hong noticed the movement in the yard and saw that the person coming was Qin Ye, so she explained.

"By the way, Xiaoye, aren't you at work?"

"I just happened to pass by here. I thought I hadn't been here for a long time, so I came in to take a look."


After chatting for a while, Shen Hong went to deal with things again, leaving Qin Ye alone to watch the children playing quietly.

"That little girl named Lan Xin is full of spirituality," Li Bai said suddenly.

"Huh? No wonder I always feel a sense of intimacy when I see her." Qin Ye held his head and looked at Lan Xin quietly in the corner. Coincidentally, Lan Xin was also secretly observing Qin Ye.

"Want to check it out?"

"No," Qin Ye interrupted, "That's it, that's fine..."

It was approaching noon before Qin Ye reluctantly left.

Jingle Bell--


"Old Qin, where are you? I have something to tell you." Cheng Yong suddenly called, his tone full of solemnity.

in the car.

"You mean... there is always a voice in your head?" Qin Ye looked at Cheng Yong aside and said solemnly.

"Well..." Cheng Yong nodded decisively, then hesitated a little, "He also said... he is my ancestor..."

Upon hearing this, Qin Ye's expression turned playful, and at the same time, a suspicion arose in his mind.

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