Heroic Soul: Drunken Qianqiu

Chapter 24 The Woman In Changting Pavilion

the next day.

The sun rises, and thousands of blessings come for the first time.

Qin Ye got up early and called Shen Hong immediately.

On the phone, after hearing Qin Ye's score, Shen Hong tried her best to restrain herself, but she still couldn't hide her excitement in her words. She hung up the phone in a panic.

Behind the phone, Shen Hong sat at her desk, smiling and tears streaming down her face unconsciously. Perhaps this was tears of joy.

Just when Qin Ye was about to buy some breakfast, Cheng Yong suddenly got up, holding his mobile phone and speaking plausibly, "Hey, Old Cheng, do you know how many points I got in the test?"

"Hey? You are a traitor, you dare to talk to your father like this, do you want to try my golden seven wolves?"

On the other end of the phone, a middle-aged man with a big belly cursed and took out his gold-plated belt.

"Hey, you old Cheng, how dare you do this to the only college student in your family."

The man's ears suddenly perked up, and he said with surprise in his tone, "What? My dear son, did I hear that right? You mean a college student?"

"Hey, I got 500 points in the exam."

"Hey, nb, dear son, daddy, I will give you another thousand W. You can spend it as you like, and you can ask for it after you have spent it. We don't have much else, but we have a lot of money..."

"Okay, okay, I can't communicate with a common person like you, so hang up."

Cheng Yong hung up the phone impatiently and stretched, "Well~~, the weather is particularly good today."

On the street, the vendors were shouting particularly enthusiastically today, displaying all kinds of magical powers.

"He was admitted to Tsinghua University, she was admitted to Peking University, and I roasted sweet potatoes, roasted sweet potatoes, roasted sweet potatoes, delicious and exciting!"

"I deleted the homework sharing group and the glory of heroes. I wore the stars and the moon, and I worked hard just to prove that my fate is up to me. Finally, the pancakes I spread are beautiful and delicious! They are delicious and filling!"


For a moment, the two of them couldn't help but doubt their own ears. Are all roadside stalls so trendy nowadays? Doesn’t it cost money to be fashionable?

"Well, Lao Qin, do you want to try it..."

"Let's have one..."

"Boss, let's have two roasted sweet potatoes... and then two pancakes..."

Taking the golden roasted sweet potato, Cheng Yong couldn't wait to eat it, chewing it in his mouth, "Old Qin, don't tell me, you gave up Tsinghua University and Peking University, the roasted sweet potatoes are delicious, and these pancakes." ,Not bad……"

"Well, it's really good." Qin Ye took a taste and praised with hot breath.

After a simple breakfast, Qin Ye turned on his phone and browsed short videos out of boredom.

Different from previous videos, the BGM used in today’s video is almost the same, and there is nothing to watch.

Suddenly, Cheng Yong screamed, "Fuck! Old Qin, watch this video."

There was a sudden sound, and Qin Ye lost his grip on the roasted sweet potato and fell to the ground. Just when he was about to get angry, Cheng Yong directly put the phone on Qin Ye's face.

"What's this...fuck..."

Just when he was about to complain about Cheng Yong, a line of yellow characters on the screen directly caught Qin Ye's attention.

"Shocked, a student went to PC to relieve stress after taking exams"

Cheng Yong raised his eyebrows and said with a meaningful smile, "Old Qin, otherwise..."

Qin Ye immediately interrupted, "No, if you want to be famous, don't get involved with me."

"How do you know what I want to say? What if it's not the case?" Cheng Yong argued, trying to maintain his image as a good person.

"Haha, when you open your mouth, I know what you are going to fart."


Unknowingly, the two of them had arrived near the city that never sleeps. Although it was not as crowded as at night, it was still lively.

Just when the two decided to go in and have a look, a teasing voice came from behind, "Hey, aren't these Qin Ye and Cheng Yong? They haven't seen each other for a few days, why are they acting like this?"

The two people who heard the voice felt a little familiar. As soon as they turned around, they saw a ruffian young man wearing a security uniform.

Cheng Yong was shocked and said, "Zhao Si! Why are you here?"

"My uncle is the security captain here, so he brought me in to work as a summer job."

As he spoke, Zhao Si also made a poss, "Handsome, isn't he? Gagaxin."

"Handsome", the two of them said in unison and gave a thumbs up gesture.

After that, Zhao Si asked them how many points they had scored in the exam. He was just surprised when he learned Qin Ye's score, but he was not surprised. After all, Qin Ye always ranked among the top in the class.

When he found out that Cheng Yong had passed the 499 test, Zhao Si couldn't stand it any longer, "Damn it, you've taken Viagra, you're so strong?"

Cheng Yong pretended to be calm, as if he was taking matters into his own hands, saying, "Low-key, low-key..." without even noticing that the roots of his teeth were about to be exposed.

"Haha, I really look down on your ugly face. Am I proud of my test of 430?"

"Awesome, brother Si'er."

However, Zhao Si followed Cheng Yong's tactics just now, "Low-key, low-key..."

"Old Qin, did I owe you so much just now?"

"Worse than that."


After chatting for a while, they said goodbye to Zhao Si, and the two of them went directly into the scenic spot.

Watching flowers from the shore, the fragrance fills your sleeves.

Qin Ye was walking on the street wearing the Hanfu he had just rented. He really looked like a young man from ancient times. His talent was evident in every move he made.

For a time, many beauties in ancient costumes came forward to chat with her.

Cheng Yong looked envious and immediately put the big gold watch on his sleeve.

Facts have also proved that having money is really good...

However, there are always exceptions to everything.

In a pavilion by the lake, a woman was wearing a long neon dress. She played a good song. The sound spread hundreds of meters around, attracting many people to watch.

After the song ended, many people were still immersed in the melody and could not come back to their senses for a long time.

Seeing this, Cheng Yong straightened his hair and stepped forward with a confident look. When he was about to speak, the woman said coldly, "Get out!"


Seeing that the other party showed no respect at all, Cheng Yong's face suddenly turned red and he walked back in a hurry.

Qin Ye frowned slightly, but he was quickly pulled away by Cheng Yong and fled from the crowd.

On the way, Li Bai suddenly said, "That person just now gave me a familiar feeling."


Qin Ye was a little confused, and when he was about to continue asking, he heard Li Bai say, "Maybe I feel wrong..."

Hearing this, Qin Ye didn't pay much attention, but he just suffered a lot from Cheng Yong and was still angry on the road.

"How could this person be like this? She just looks better and has a better figure. Plus, she has a lot of talent. Apart from this, what else does she have..."

But soon, I was blocked by the barbecue sold on the roadside, "Hey hey hey, it smells good..."

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