Heroic Soul: Drunken Qianqiu

Chapter 28 The Demon King, Cheng Yaojin

"Shut the fuck up!"

The sound was deafening and overwhelming.

For a moment, several people present were stunned on the spot, not knowing what to say. They could only look at Cheng Yong with confused eyes. What on earth did this kid do that is so evil?

As soon as he finished speaking, a tall man with a brown aura appeared.

At this moment, the man looked angry, breathing hot air from his mouth, and his burly body was shaking constantly, as if he might lose control at any time.

"You unfilial descendant, you really fucking embarrass me!"

Thinking of Cheng Yong's previous actions, the man became very angry. He had been famous all his life, so how could he have such a useless descendant?

Seeing that his ancestor was angry, Cheng Yong had a thought in his mind, thinking that he was his ancestor and would not suffer any loss, so he quickly knelt down and hugged the man's thigh, and said with tears in his eyes.

"Ancestor, you have figured it out. Do you know how much I miss you, kid?" Then he began to pour out his bitterness and explain how he spent those 'tortured' days over the years.

For a moment, the man's anger was like hitting a sponge, and he didn't know what to do. Besides, after hearing Cheng Yong's nonsense, he was inevitably a little moved in his heart, and he understood Cheng Yong's previous behavior.

Seeing that his ancestor's strategy was effective, Cheng Yong immediately began to draw a pie and told his fantasy, focusing on sincerity.

Facts have proved that Cheng Yong is really good at drawing big cakes, and he deceived his ancestors one after another.

After the extravagant rhetoric, the man couldn't help laughing and hugged Cheng Yong, "He is indeed the grandson of my old Cheng family, he has the talent!"

At this time, several people present stepped forward, respectfully and respectfully, and said in unison, "I have met the senior."

The man laughed and said, "We won't do this, just be casual."

Several people looked at each other and stood up slowly, "Junior Zhang Zhanguo, don't you know your senior's name?"

"Hahahaha", the man laughed loudly, then his body shook and he said with firm eyes, "The devil incarnate, Cheng Yaojin!"

The sound was not loud, but it filled the ears of several people like a magical sound. Looking at the man in front of them, their hearts were filled with shock.

One of the twenty-four heroes of Lingyan Pavilion of the Tang Dynasty, Cheng Yaojin, the founding general of the early Tang Dynasty!

"Are our ancestors so awesome?"

Realizing that this was a good thigh, Cheng Yong's face seemed to blossom. He smiled from ear to ear, imagining how he would be able to conquer the world with an ax in the future, and he suddenly felt happy in his heart.

That claw was a good blow...

Bloody profit, but it hurts a little...

"Why are you giggling there?"

"Hehehe, no, it's okay."

Cheng Yaojin had a strange look on his face. His younger generation seemed to have a hard time with his brain. Is this really the person he had chosen? Why is it different?

Then Cheng Yaojin didn't stay too long, and turned into a spiritual light and penetrated Cheng Yong's body. Seeing this, several people dispersed, leaving only Zhang Zhanguo and Cheng Yong alone in a room.

At this time, Zhang Zhanguo stepped forward with a smile on his face, as if he was the one who awakened Cheng Yaojin.

"Huh? Big Pot, what do you want to do? I will not sell my body." Cheng Yong covered his chest and took a step back, saying righteously.

"Brother, what are you doing? I just want to see your injury." Zhang Zhanguo pretended to be displeased and prepared to step forward again.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Yong refused to die, and Zhang Zhanguo also realized that although the forced melon quenched his thirst, it was not sweet, and he still liked sweet things, so he had to leave in anger.

Sure enough, when God opens a door, he will close the window. Good fortune and misfortune depend on each other. Although the heroic soul has been awakened, his body is in danger.

On one side was his good big brother, and on the other side was his body that he had guarded for eighteen years. Cheng Yong was caught in a dilemma for a while.

Here, Tang Yushi found Zhang Zhanguo and told her about Lan Xin.


Top of the building.

I saw a figure sitting quietly, not knowing what he was thinking. Suddenly, a man wearing a peaked cap walked up to him and asked, "Remember your sister again?"

The man was stunned and didn't speak, but the longing in his eyes really couldn't be hidden.

"I'll definitely find it."

The man comforted, and then he was about to turn around and leave, but was suddenly stopped.

"vice captain."



"Ahem...you kid..."

Zhang Zhanguo shook his head and jumped down from the roof.

The corner of the man's mouth raised slightly. Over the years, the vice-captain has been like a parent, taking care of everyone's emotions in the team. Although sometimes he talks endlessly like an old lady, it is undeniable that he has brought everyone in the team Everyone is treated as family.

By the way, it would be nice if I could stop beating myself...

The evening breeze gently blew his hair, and the memory of his younger sister reappeared in his memory. He remembered that his younger sister was just like the little girl in the orphanage, cute and sensible...


In the night, Zhang Zhanguo was thinking about Lan Xin, with a sad look on his face.

Recruit into the team? Not very realistic.

Stay in the orphanage? Evil spirits are very sensitive to spiritual energy and are too dangerous.

After much thought, Zhang Zhanguo decided to throw this problem to the mysterious captain.

at the same time.

In a medium-sized underworld, in a huge palace shrouded in black energy, sat a man as big as a hill.

The man was chewing the unknown food in his mouth. When he heard what the person next to him said, he became furious and stood up suddenly. His eyes as big as lanterns stared at the man in black robe kneeling in front of the hall.

"You mean, my tribute is gone?"

The man in black robe was suddenly frightened, his face turned pale, his hands and feet were cold, and his body was shaking uncontrollably. He tried his best to explain, "Sir... sir, please listen to my explanation..."

But before he finished speaking, a terrifying aura enveloped him, and his throat seemed to be stuck, making him unable to say a word.

I saw the man stretched out his huge palm and grabbed him in the palm of his hand. His scarlet eyes were bloodshot, "The tribute is gone, then... you are the tribute...", then he opened his bloody mouth and sucked the man in black robe. Swallowed it directly.

After a scream, the man showed a satisfied expression and spit out an unknown object from his mouth.

Seeing this scene, the waiter on the side dared to speak, "Sir, from the ghost's memory..."

The man's eyes sparkled, his voice trembled slightly, and he said with excitement, "You mean epic?"

After receiving the waiter's affirmation, the man became even more excited and couldn't help but roar like a thunderous roar, "Catch him quickly, quickly!"

The sound filled the entire palace. After hearing the sound, the densely packed evil spirits around the palace began to stir and let out low roars.

A bloody head rolled to the corner of the hall, leaving only white bones, which looked particularly terrifying.

Blood Moon Crazy Demonic Dance...

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