Heroic Soul: Drunken Qianqiu

Chapter 38 The Prosperous Age Is Coming

Strong winds and rain poured down, and figures dragged their tired bodies and quickly evacuated the ancient tower. Blood flowed downwards along with the rain. After a while, there was no more figure in front of the tower.

The Night Walker cannot appear in the light, and even the blood stains on the bluestone slowly fade under the wash of rain until they disappear.

Suddenly a golden light flashed in the sky, and the dark clouds dissipated instantly. Under the setting sun, several colorful rainbows appeared, which was beautiful and dreamy. And the stories that happened here will also be hidden under the light along with the dark clouds.

In a medium-sized underworld ruins, dozens of figures quickly shuttled among the crowd. A rich green aura appeared on each person's body, looking full of vitality.

But at this moment, each of their faces was full of solemnity, and there was no trace of joy, just because everyone they saw was scarred and bruised.

High in the sky, on top of a huge building, Meng Tianxing silently watched everything happening below, his eyes dim, and suddenly a figure appeared next to him.

Meng Tianxing's expression immediately became determined, and he said coldly, "What are the casualties?"

"132 people were killed and 78 were seriously injured..." the figure whispered.

After hearing this, Meng Tianxing fell into silence. He waved his hand and asked the man to retreat first. He just looked at the exhausted people below quietly.

The Spirit-Suppressing Army, an army composed of the Spirit Shadowmen of the Divine Summer Alliance, plays the role of suppressing, resisting and defending the Mingxu. If there is no mission, they will stay in the Mingxu almost all year round, isolated from the outside world. They are a group of heroes worthy of the name.

Death is commonplace here, and grief is no longer blatant. Covering up the sadness, everyone is doing their best to recover spiritual power quickly, because no one knows when the next war will be. Only by going all out and making adequate preparations can we better guard the home in our hearts. .

Meng Tianxing stood up slowly. He was not only the captain of Chang'an Lingying Squadron, but also the leader of this Lingying Army. Now was the time for him to step forward. Suddenly, the badge on his chest lit up, and he heard something coming from inside. After receiving the news, his face instantly froze, and after issuing an order, he hurriedly left Mingxu.

Dilapidated school, stronghold.

At this time, Zhang Zhanguo was lying on the bed, breathless and extremely weak. Tang Yushi on the side continued to send spiritual power into his body, but it had almost no effect.

The arrow penetrated Zhang Zhanguo's chest directly, only a few millimeters away from his heart. The black netherworld energy still remained in his body, constantly corroding his internal organs.

"Mengting, when will the captain arrive?" Chen Xuan broke the silence in the room with his arms crossed. His face was calm, and there seemed to be no trace of nervousness.

Chen Mengting was wrapped in a bandage and said silently, "I don't know..."

After hearing this, Chen Xuan couldn't bear it any longer. He stepped forward and was about to carry Zhang Zhanguo out.

"Chen Xuan, calm down," Chen Mengting pushed Chen Xuan away and said loudly.

"Calm down, no matter how you tell me to calm down, he will die, he will die..."

Chen Xuan's tears burst instantly and he shouted loudly. Last time, he watched his relatives die at the hands of evil spirits. This time, he would save Zhang Zhanguo no matter what.

"Brother will not die, he will definitely not die..."

Cheng Yong patted Chen Xuan's shoulder and comforted softly, but when he spoke, his confidence was so weak. Although he did not enter the Mingxu, he could imagine what was inside when he saw the appearance of the Spirit-Suppressing Army coming out. How cruel the war was.

At this time, a purple stream of light flashed and appeared in the room instantly. The person who came was none other than Meng Tianxing.

I saw Meng Tianxing walking forward slowly, putting his hand on Zhang Zhanguo's wound, and carefully exploring Zhang Zhanguo's body with his spiritual power. Slowly, a purple halo began to appear on Zhang Zhanguo's body, and there was also a glow on his pale face. A hint of luster.

Seeing this, everyone was relieved a little, but Meng Tianxing's next words were like a heavy hammer, hitting several people's hearts hard.

"The black energy has spread throughout his body, and I can only use my spiritual power to hold him to his last breath..."

The hearts of several people suddenly sank to the bottom, and they stared blankly at the figure on the bed.

"No, no," Chen Xuan took a few steps back at a loss.

Suddenly, Chen Xuan seemed to have thought of something, "Mr. Wang, Mr. Wang is so powerful, he will definitely be able to rescue Lao Tu, and he will definitely be able to..." As he said that, regardless of the obstruction of several people, he directly used his spiritual power to hold Zhang Zhanguo hostage. Fly out.


Then Cheng Yong was about to follow, but was stopped by Meng Tianxing, who took Cheng Yong away directly under the confused eyes of several people.

At the same time, in a quaint room, a young man with a faint golden pattern was lying on his body. The young man closed his eyes tightly, as if he was asleep. His body continued to emit golden light, and his soul was pure and refined. The power is running unconsciously, and it looks extremely sacred.

Wang Ge turned the golden Bagua array in his hand and enveloped the entire room, isolating the movement in the house and preventing some people from having evil intentions.

After finishing everything, Wang Ge looked at the young man lying on the bed. A faint smile appeared on his wrinkled face, and his simple eyes also glowed brightly. All of this was because he was lying unconscious on the bed. Qin Ye.

The body of the God of War is epic and legendary, and his talent is simply astonishing. In the years since the first heroic soul awakened in the world, those who have awakened the epic heroic soul have become the best among the spiritual shadow practitioners. The awakened legendary heroic soul has become even more popular. It is rare, even the body of a warrior god is not common, let alone the combination of the three in one body, there is absolutely no such thing, at least the first one until now.

Wang Ge kept thinking in his heart, and then his body began to glow, and then a middle-aged man with tied hair slowly walked out.

I saw a few golden threads appearing on the man's fingertips, trying to get into Qin Ye's body to detect the situation. However, when the golden threads just came into contact with Qin Ye's body, a golden light with significant golden runes appeared instantly, blocking the golden thread. Silk.

The man was a little surprised and was about to investigate again, but was interrupted by Wang Ge.

"Mr. Wen, that's it..."

Wang Ge sighed and said, "The great catastrophe is approaching, geniuses will appear in large numbers, and it's time for the heroes in history to appear..."

Then, Wang Ge quietly walked to the window and saw only a few clouds in the sky. The sun was setting and the sky was getting darker. The darkness in the distance was constantly eating away at the remaining light.

The dark night comes quietly...

Qin Ye's legendary spiritual power that briefly burst out in the Mingxu was quickly suppressed by Wang Ge, but it was still noticed by some people...

In an unknown attic somewhere, a long-haired boy looked up to the sky and said with a smile, "Sir, the wind is so comfortable tonight..."

A middle-aged man holding a feather fan suddenly appeared, stroking his long beard and looking into the distance.

In a medium-sized underworld, a young man holding a spear swiped the spear, and a large number of evil spirits instantly turned into ashes, "Do you feel it..."

In a huge palace, a huge evil spirit fell into madness and kept shouting, "Legendary level...definitely legendary level..."


The geniuses are fully displayed, the heroes appear together, and the prosperous age is coming...

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