Heroic Soul: Drunken Qianqiu

Chapter 40 The Strongest

The sun is shining, and the city of Chang'an is shining with golden light.

Despite the saying that the city never sleeps, the city is still bustling with people, but unlike before, there are many more people wearing strange clothes in Chang'an City.

"Come here and take a look, it will break your chest. The rich will support you with money, and the poor will support you personally."

In an open place, a middle-aged man in red clothes was shouting hard. His voice was loud and clear and could be heard for hundreds of meters. It attracted many people to watch.

Seeing that the people around him were almost gone, the man's mouth slightly raised. Then he walked to the man lying on the huge stone slab, picked up a huge hammer, and smashed it hard against the stone slab.


I felt the ground shake violently, and the huge stone slab shattered into pieces and turned into powder, sending up large amounts of smoke and dust.

I've seen people whose chests were broken with huge rocks, but I've never seen them broken so hard. Everyone present looked at the man in the field nervously, and couldn't help but sweat for him.

"Hey, is this guy okay..." A man in the crowd couldn't help but ask the person next to him.

The person next to him was stunned for a moment and said hesitantly, "It should be...not dead..."

However, the man only heard a loud roar, and with a sudden jolt, all the rubble on his body flew away. Then he stood up like a carp, seemingly fine.

"Holy shit, is this still a human being?"

A large piece of "National Essence" kept echoing in the crowd, and some people were questioning that there must be something wrong with the stone, how could it be broken like that.

Before people could discuss it, several people in security uniforms appeared. After the crowd was dispersed, the leading man immediately walked up to the two of them, pointed at their noses and said, "Hey, what's going on with you? You don't know this place." Are you not allowed to engage in such dangerous actions? A fine of 500."

The man's expression changed after hearing this, and he was about to step forward, but was stopped by the man on the side. He took out a few bills and handed them to the man's hand, "Brother security guard, we just came here and don't understand the rules. Walk……"

"The purpose of fines is not to make you remember, and not to do such dangerous things in the future," the security guard said seriously, and then turned and left.

"Brother..." The man stepped forward and stared at the figures walking away.

The man smiled evilly and said coldly, "Humph, my things are not that easy to get..."

In the attic, in the alley, and in the dark corners, countless eyes took in this scene, all looking like they were waiting for a good show.

In a hotel in the city, a long-haired young man squinted his eyes and sat cross-legged on the ground, as if he was practicing. Suddenly he spoke softly, "Sir, it's so lively here."

At this time, a voice came from his body, "It is indeed more lively than Wanzhou..."

When they first entered the city, they noticed some spiritual fluctuations in the sky. Although it was very subtle, it was certain that this city was not simple...

With everyone having their own secrets, the day passed quickly and night fell...

In a certain park, an evil spirit ran out of nowhere and without even roaring, he saw several luminous figures surrounding it. Various attacks came one after another, and it didn't even make a scream. It turned into black smoke and dissipated.

In a small underworld ruins, several low-level evil spirits were just about to get out of the underworld ruins when they saw a group of people exuding powerful auras breaking in. What followed was a crazy massacre.

Most of the Nether Ruins are open to outsiders, firstly to reduce the pressure on local guards, and secondly to enhance the strength of ordinary spiritual shadowmen. Therefore, the same situation is happening in almost every small underworld ruins, with various shadow spirits killing the evil spirits that appear in front of them.

However, there are always exceptions to everything.

In an alley, several security guards were staggering. They were already drunk and were hurrying home.

"Brothers, let's get together when we have time." At the fork in the road, the man said goodbye to the people on the side, and then walked in without turning around.

Just a few minutes after walking away, a few weird laughter suddenly came from the darkness nearby. The security guard was frightened and woke up a little. Looking around, he saw a sinister face. Looked at him coldly.

"Is it comfortable to use my money..."

When the security guard heard that he remembered that it was the man who used the sledgehammer during the day, he stretched out his hand to pat that man on the shoulder. If it hadn't been for him, his brothers wouldn't have given him a slap, so he had to thank him.

Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest. When he looked down, he saw that a bloody palm had penetrated his chest. Before he could react, his eyes had begun to blur, and his vitality was gone. It passed quickly, and finally everything went dark, and I was lying on the ground.

"Don't take things you shouldn't take. You'll remember this for the next life." The man gave him a cold look, then turned and left, leaving only a cold corpse lying on the spot.

On the street, under the dim street lights, stood a burly man. Seeing the man coming just now, he immediately greeted him, "Brother, everything has been solved."

The man snorted coldly and looked unhappy when he remembered the anger he had received during the day. He spat and was about to leave, when a beautiful figure suddenly appeared and blocked the two of them.

The man's face darkened and he winked at the man next to him. The man immediately understood and walked up to the figure in a swagger.

Just as he was about to reach out to pull the woman, a cold light suddenly flashed before his eyes, and blood spurted out. Then he lost consciousness and lay on the ground in a daze.

"Who are you!" Sensing the woman's state, the man's face instantly froze and he said with horror.

What he got was a cold voice, "The person who wants your life..."

The man didn't have the slightest thought of resisting, and turned around to run away, but the cold light behind him quickly approached and appeared in front of him in the blink of an eye.

With a bang, a long sword pierced his heart directly. A cramping feeling surged into his brain, and his vitality disappeared at this moment.

Under the streetlight, two corpses were lying quietly on the side of the road. Fortunately, there were no passers-by around to see this scene. As a phone dialing sound came, the woman's figure slowly disappeared at the end of the night.

In the stronghold, Tang Yushi couldn't help but feel dizzy when she looked at the dense dots of light on the computer screen, so she could only let Chen Xuan and Chen Mengting patrol outside.

It is not necessarily a good thing for people with superpowers to gather together. There are mixed good and bad. Moreover, most of the people who come here at this time have the same purpose, legendary heroic souls...

If one could obtain a trace of the legendary origin, the heroic soul might be able to break through the shackles of its own level. This kind of thing would be enough to drive people crazy.

In the secluded bamboo forest, Wang Ge frowned when he noticed the changes in the city, waved his hand and shot a beam of golden light into the sky.

Immediately afterwards, a huge sound suddenly came from the sky, and the dense clouds were suddenly blown away, and the majestic force seemed to shatter the sky.

A majestic voice instantly spread into the minds of many spiritual shadow users.

"Those who cause trouble in the city and harm civilians will be killed!"

As soon as the voice fell, the people hidden in the darkness were trembling in their hearts and became quiet for a moment, fearing that they would be targeted by this powerful man.

After all, no one wants to be the one who kills the chicken to scare the monkeys, the chicken...

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