Heroic Soul: Drunken Qianqiu

Chapter 48 Cheng Yong’S Breakthrough

"Mr. Araki, are you looking for me?"

Behind Huang Gui, Yun Qiu held a folding fan with a flowing light, and his deep eyes quietly opened at this moment. Under the moonlight, those blue pupils were extremely eye-catching.

"Candlelight Realm..."

Qin Ye murmured, breathing a sigh of relief. At least the three of them were not in the same group. Then he clenched his sword and looked at the approaching ghost.

Ghost snorted coldly, and the Mo Qing sword suddenly unsheathed, releasing the terrifying aura of the candlelight realm as soon as it came up, "This time, I will definitely kill you to wash away my previous shame."

"That's not necessarily the case." Qin Ye chuckled and appeared next to the ghost in an instant, taking a preemptive strike.

Above the sword's edge, a stream of light surrounded it. Han Jian gathered momentum and swung the sword out.


The swords resonated in unison.

A figure flew out upside down. Qin Ye took several steps back before he stopped. His sword pointed straight at the ghost without changing his direction.

On the other hand, although Ghost looks calm and calm on the surface, his slightly trembling palms reveal his current state. How is this possible? This is definitely not the power that the latent spirit realm should have.

The ghost's thoughts flashed, and the man in green clothes and bamboo hat appeared instantly.

Seeing this, Li Bai also walked out of the void.

"Song Dynasty, Lin Xiuzhu," the man in green suddenly said.

Li Bai was slightly startled, and drew out the long sword from his waist, "Datang, Li Bai..."

The battle is about to break out, and the front line will continue.

In the blink of an eye, several people were fighting together, the sword light was sharp and the sword light poured out.

Here, Huang Gui failed to hit a single blow, and veins popped out on his arms. He swung the gilded hammer again and hit Yun Qiu. Unexpectedly, Yun Qiu just took a few steps back and dodged the thousand-jin hammer. .

Seeing that his attack had been dodged again, Arakui couldn't bear it any longer and roared, his blood boiling around his body and his spiritual power overflowing.

Immediately afterwards, a dark wind blew in the sky, flying sand and rocks were flying around. In an instant, the sky was full of yellow sand and quicksand was everywhere.

The wild ghost lives up to its name.

"Jie Jie Jie, damn mouse, let's see how you escape this time." In the yellow sand, the ghost's sinister voice sounded, and a huge black shadow hit Yun Qiu.

Yun Qiu just wanted to escape, but the quicksand under his feet seemed to be conscious, tightly binding his feet, preventing him from moving.

Seeing this, Cheng Yong from a distance couldn't help but sweat for him, "Damn sissy, you really don't want to die..."

However, just before the giant hammer was about to fall, only a slight sigh was heard.

In Huang Gui's shocked eyes, his huge gilded hammer was frozen in the air. No matter how hard he tried, he could never bring it down even one inch.

Later, the war hammer that Huang Gui was proud of still showed cracks, and they were still spreading.


The giant hammer shattered suddenly and turned into pieces. Arakui couldn't help but take a few steps back and spit out a mouthful of blood, "How is this possible..."

The shattering of his natal weapon caused him great backlash. What frightened him even more was that the figure of the long-haired boy was getting closer and closer.

Fear continued to amplify in his heart, and Huang Gui quickly summoned the heroic soul to resist the young man's progress. When a burly foreign man appeared, Yun Qiu's figure had already disappeared.

Just as Huang Gui breathed a sigh of relief, Yun Qiu's voice came from behind him again.

"Goodbye, Mr. Araki..."

Yunqiu's palm was surrounded by a golden ring, with countless spell lines attached to it, like a magic circle, which looked extremely mysterious.

As soon as the palm of his hand touched Araki's back, the ring instantly burst out with blazing and dazzling light, and all of it was absorbed into Araki's body.


Arakui's face suddenly twisted, and he let out a shrill scream. He felt infinite power exploding in his body. All his internal organs were destroyed at this moment, and golden cracks appeared on the surface of Arakui's body. .


Arrogi's body exploded and turned into blood mist that filled the sky, and his unknown heroic soul also dissipated into the air at this moment.

The ghost suddenly noticed the movement here, and his eyes were filled with horror.

The Arrogi is dead? How could it be so fast...

Seeing that the ghost was distracted, Qin Ye seized the opportunity and instantly pierced his shoulder. Then, he gathered all his spiritual power to kill him.

In the crisis of life and death, the ghost exploded with extreme power, knocking Qin Ye back dozens of meters. His body turned into a stream of light and quickly fled into the distance.

Qin Ye wanted to chase after him, but the ghost's speed was too fast. It flew a hundred meters in the blink of an eye. The speed of the candlelight realm was really not comparable to that of the latent spirit realm, so he could only sigh silently.

But at this moment, Yun Qiu pointed at the escaping figure with one hand, and said faintly, "Thunder comes..."

In the originally calm sky, a terrifying thunder suddenly appeared. The terrifying aura was enough to kill everything in the candlelight realm, and it struck the figure in an instant.


The thunder fell, and there was no longer any figure in the sky.

Qin Ye and Cheng Yong were horrified and looked at the long-haired young man in shock.

It's so terrifying...

Before the two of them could recover, a majestic voice came from their minds, "My friends, please come and sit in my courtyard."

Mr. Wang? Qin Ye and Cheng Yong looked at each other, and then bowed respectfully to the sky.

"Not bad, two brave-level origins." Yun Qiu held the two origins in his hands and said lightly, as if he didn't care at all.

Cheng Yong immediately ran over with a smile on his face. He couldn't hug such a thick thigh at this time.

"Ahem, handsome guy Yun, I wonder if you still need a little brother..."

All kinds of kneeling and licking, a large double standard scene.

"No, I'll give it to you." Yun Qiu twitched the corner of his mouth and tossed the two coveted origins to Cheng Yong.

"This, this, is this for me?"

Cheng Yong opened his mouth wide and his words were full of excitement. Even Qin Ye couldn't help but feel a flash of astonishment on his face. Who is this guy...

"Of course, it's useless if I want it..." Yun Qiu said nonchalantly.

"Stop talking, from now on, you will be my eldest brother, no, my second brother."

"Second brother, please accept my bow." After saying this, Cheng Yong prepared to salute, but was stopped by a force.

Cheng Yong scratched his head in embarrassment and laughed, then took the two origins and ran to his ancestor.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Cheng Yaojin happily patted Cheng Yong on the shoulder, then faced Yunqiu, clasped his hands and said loudly, "Little baby, I, Cheng Yaojin, have recorded your love."

Yunqiu smiled and nodded, saluting Cheng Yaojin.

Cheng Yaojin stretched out his hand, wrapped the two sources with spiritual power, and slowly extracted the power from them.

Suddenly, strong winds blew up, and the surrounding spiritual energy was instantly evacuated, turning into spiritual light that surged into Cheng Yaojin and into Cheng Yong's body, which was obviously a precursor to a breakthrough.

"Not good," Qin Ye said secretly. There was too little spiritual energy around him to support the two of them to break through. If this continued, most of the vitality in the surroundings would be extracted by the two of them.

Just when Qin Ye was about to transfer his spiritual power to Cheng Yong, he was interrupted by Yun Qiu on the side.

I saw Yun Qiu transforming into a large formation, extracting spiritual energy from dozens of miles around, constantly providing strength for Cheng Yong to break through.

As time passed little by little, the movement around him gradually calmed down.

Suddenly, Cheng Yong opened his eyes, and the realm of the late latent spirit was clearly visible on his body. Cheng Yaojin also broke through the late latent spirit stage. Although he was still at the brave level, he was only a hair away from the epic level.

Seeing all this, Yun Qiu smiled and said, "As expected..."

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