Heroic Soul: Drunken Qianqiu

Chapter 53 Mausoleum Of The First Emperor (1)

As soon as Qin Ye came out of the pit, he heard Cheng Yong shouting, "Old Qin! Wait a minute..."

Just because he took one more look in the crowd, Cheng Yong ran over like a little motor.

"You are so dishonest, leaving me and Brother Qiu alone..."

As soon as he came over, Cheng Yong started to speak loudly and kept mumbling, which made Qin Ye feel confused.

Really, if you take one more look, you will explode...

"Fat man, I find you are really handsome sometimes," Qin Ye turned his head and said solemnly.

Cheng Yong's expression paused for a moment, and then gradually became distorted, "Hey hey hey, when?"

"When you shut up."


"Hahahaha", Yunqiu's laughter also sounded at this time, and the taunting value was directly maxed out.

Cheng Yong pinched his waist with both hands. No, it was just on the fat around his waist. He said with an unhappy face, "Huh! I'm ignoring you."

Cheng Yong turned his back and stood there, thinking, "If you don't comfort me today, I won't leave. Who is not a baby..."

Two long minutes passed, and there was still no movement.

Cheng Yong finally couldn't help but speak, but he was still full of arrogance, "If you two don't apologize to me, I will never forgive you."

At this time, a childish voice came, "Mom, what is that fat uncle doing?"

As a child, Cheng Yong's heart suddenly went cold and he looked at the little girl beside him.

Upon seeing this, a woman immediately apologized to Cheng Yong, "I'm sorry, the child is young and immature", and then said to the little girl, "Hurry up and apologize to your brother..."

"it's okay no problem……"

Cheng Yong waved his hands quickly. He was a man who wanted to be the savior. How could he care about a five or six-year-old child?

"But mom, didn't you tell me that children can't lie?" the little girl asked innocently, her eyes wide.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." The woman quickly apologized and pulled the little girl away, leaving only the bruised Cheng Yong swaying in the wind...

Do you know how much harm a phrase like "fat uncle" can cause to a young boy who is less than nineteen years old?

I know, twice...

"Old Qin, I'm so sad...Huh? Old Qin! Wait for me..."

The Mausoleum of the First Emperor!

Although the once vast and grand building has been transformed into nothing but endless pines and cypresses, it does not affect the significance of its existence in the slightest.

Walking outside, the spiritual power in Qin Ye's body became uncontrollably active. If Qin Ye hadn't been suppressing it, it would have exploded long ago.

After walking for more than ten minutes, several people came to the burial platform of the First Emperor's Mausoleum. Legend has it that the First Emperor was buried here...

"I'm such a big boy..."

Cheng Yong exclaimed that he had only seen it on TV before and it looked like nothing. Only when he came here did he realize that it could be so big.

"Do you want to go in?" Seeing Qin Ye's frown, Yun Qiu said with a smile.

"Yeah," Qin Ye nodded, then looked at Yun Qiu, "Do you have any idea?"

"No, this imperial mausoleum has gathered the momentum of more than two thousand years. The formation mysteries inside are beyond my ability to decipher."

Qin Ye's face darkened slightly. The First Emperor said that there were very important things inside, and if he couldn't get in now, things would be a little difficult.

"But...I can send you to the stone gate of the underground palace."

A brown spiritual light appeared in Yunqiu's palm, and several threads intertwined together to form a ring surrounded by mysterious runes.

Then, he gently drove the ring into the stone slab at his feet. The originally hard bluestone slab began to become twisted. Slowly, a staircase leading directly to the ground appeared in front of several people.

"Fuck, nb Brother Qiu," Cheng Yong widened his eyes and gave Yun Qiu a thumbs up.

"Okay." Yunqiu remained calm and smiling, as if all this was insignificant.

Qin Ye took a deep look at him. Even though he was half a candlelight away, he still felt that the young man in front of him was unfathomable. I was afraid that the other party had already known about him... Fortunately, he was not an enemy, otherwise...

"Thank you," Qin Ye said.

It was cold, cold, narrow, and lightless. Every time the three of them took a step down, the ground above their heads returned to a certain place. After walking for an unknown amount of time, a dim yellow light appeared in front of them.

A stone door stood in front of several people, with stone dragons ascending the auspicious clouds, golden scales and sharp claws, dragon heads roaring furiously, and the eternal aura rushing towards their faces. Just standing in front of the stone door made people feel a sense of fear.

On both sides of the stone door, there are hollow stone carvings and patterns, and two ever-burning lamps are suspended in the air. The weak sparks seem to be extinguished in the next moment, but they remain here and never go out.

Qin Ye slowly stretched out his hand and placed his palm on the stone door. In an instant, there seemed to be the sound of an angry dragon roaring, and overwhelming pressure pressed on several people. The air inside was not enough, and now it was even more difficult for several people. Out of breath.

But then, an imperial aura erupted from Qin Ye's body. Gold threads surrounded his palms, and all the dragon heads were injected into him in an instant. Then, the originally roaring dragon roar turned into excitement, and a golden dragon shadow flew out from the stone sculpture, hovering around three Above them, the pressure on several people suddenly disappeared.

"Legendary level...half-step candlelight..."

Yun Qiu's pupils narrowed slightly, a bright light flashed in his blue pupils, and he murmured.

"Old Qin..."

Cheng Yong silently leaned towards Qin Ye and quietly gathered the spiritual power in his body.

"Fat man..." Qin Ye said.

"Fuck, nb, Lao Qin," Cheng Yong said excitedly, staring at the golden dragon hovering in the sky.

As Qin Ye's thoughts moved, the golden dragon suddenly turned into golden light and disappeared, and the terrifying aura around him disappeared instantly. Then, Qin Ye looked at Yun Qiu and said coldly, "Why do you want to help me?"

Yunqiu's eyes were calm, and a faint spiritual light surrounded his body. At this moment, the aura that emerged was clearly that of the middle stage of candlelight.

It turns out that this was the case. The trace of doubt in Qin Ye's heart dissipated. That night, even if it was an epic level, it would be difficult for him to instantly kill a brave level at the same level.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became strange, and Cheng Yong looked at the two of them nervously.

Afterwards, the spiritual light on Yun Qiu slowly dissipated, Cheng Yong felt relieved, and Qin Ye also breathed a sigh of relief.

"What destiny does..."

"What do you mean?" Qin Ye asked confused.

"In recent years, the seals of every Nether Ruins have been weakening. It won't be long before all the seals of Nether Ruins will be broken. At that time, evil spirits will come to the world and the world will be catastrophic."

Qin Ye said seriously, "But what does this have to do with you helping me..."

"Luck, whether it is epic level or legendary level, although the luck is strong, the destiny can still be seen a little bit, but your destiny cannot be seen through..."

"Then why can't it be him?" Qin Ye pointed at Cheng Yong, who was stunned at the side.

"The fate of those who are related to destiny is hidden." Yun Qiu paused and then said, "I have met your Aunt Shen..."

Although it felt a bit absurd, Qin Ye still stretched out his hand and solemnly said, "Qin Ye..."

Yun Qiu smiled slightly and held Qin Ye's extended hand, "Yun Qiu..."

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