Heroic Soul: Drunken Qianqiu

Chapter 55 Mausoleum Of The First Emperor (3)

"Those who trespass on the imperial mausoleum will die..."

The voice was heavy and devoid of any emotion.

What are you afraid of?

Cheng Yong's heart tightened and he said with a guilty conscience, "This should have nothing to do with me..."

"Shut up!"

Qin Ye was really speechless. This guy's mouth was as open as a mouth. Good things never happened, but bad things always came out.

Chang Ge fell and struck a powerful and heavy blow. The three of them quickly dodged and the green bricks in front of them shattered and turned into balls of powder.

"The early stage of the Brave Level Candlelight..."

Qin Ye said in a deep voice. Sure enough, the closer you got to the center of the Imperial Tomb, the stronger the evil spirits or guards you encountered would be. But then, Qin Ye's mind changed. Since they were the guards of the Imperial Tomb, then...

A layer of golden light began to appear on Qin Ye's body, and the legendary aura was unmistakable. The imperial mausoleum was a world of its own, and it was covered with mysterious formations, so there was no need to worry about being discovered by outsiders.

Afterwards, the figure of the First Emperor slowly walked out, wearing a dragon robe with a crown of heaven, and the robe shook, and the imperial power reappeared in the world.

The supreme pressure spread out. At this moment, the entire Imperial Mausoleum seemed to be trembling slightly. The ancient mysterious sound came from behind the door. There seemed to be countless excited voices. The Emperor of the Imperial Mausoleum...

Immediately afterwards, the two figures immediately raised their arms, knelt down on one knee, and said respectfully, "See your majesty!"

"Later generations Yunqiu and Cheng Yong met the First Emperor," they immediately bowed and said with respectful expressions.

What a joke, that’s Qin Shihuang, the one emperor who has made great contributions throughout the ages. Who wouldn’t worship him?

The First Emperor nodded slightly, waved to the bronze general and said, "Open the palace door..."


Two bronze generals stood on both sides of the palace door, one on the left and the other on the right. They placed their hands on the palace door. A rumble was heard and the heavy palace door began to move.

In the gap, a hazy light flickered, piercing the darkness, and reflected on the faces of several people. They couldn't help but hold their breath, and their eyes were filled with hope. The thousand-year-old mystery will be solved today.


The door of the palace opened, and dozens of huge pits nearly a hundred meters long and fifty meters wide appeared in front of several people. In each huge pit, there were figures of black people.

Several painted terracotta warriors are arranged in a square formation, with long spears and sharp swords in their hands, sharp and domineering, and their eyes are looking straight ahead, guarding the imperial mausoleum day and night.

Seeing this, the First Emperor stepped forward, a golden Taoist rhyme appeared on his body, a dragon roar sounded, and nine golden dragons rushed out against the trend, their huge bodies covering them, hovering high in the sky.

"I am the First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty. Today, I give you all the vitality and call me the Imperial Master of the Qin Dynasty to protect China and ensure peace for all ages!"


The golden dragon roared and the imperial mausoleum shook.

In the sky, countless golden light points pour down, sinking into the bodies of nearly ten thousand warriors below. The warriors tremble slightly, and the dust on their bodies is also scattered at this moment, and smoke is everywhere.

Suddenly, in the smoke, streaks of golden light rose up, piercing the illusion. The ceramics attached to the surface of the warriors began to fall off, and the bronze skin slowly emerged.

The golden eyes are sharp and the Qin language is leisurely. The imperial master who has been dusted for thousands of years has come back to the world. Who can compete with him?

"See Your Majesty!"

Countless Qin soldiers knelt on one knee and said respectfully in the direction of a few people. The sound was majestic and majestic, and the aura of life and death lingered like black clouds over the city.

Several people's eyes were dull. Even the well-informed Yun Qiu couldn't help but whisper "fuck" at this moment, let alone Cheng Yong and Qin Ye who were countrymen.

The First Emperor raised his lips and ordered, "You have recovered today. I order you to practice here and wait for the emperor's order."


As they continued to walk deeper along the long road, all the Qin soldiers they encountered cast excited glances at the First Emperor.

At this time, Qin Ye discovered that the spiritual power in these people was extremely rare, and they were not even in the early stage of latent spirit. However, even so, the aura exuded by these people was still frightening.

What's more, the spiritual power here is rich, and I believe that the realm of these people will soon improve. When the time comes, this will be an extremely terrifying force, a trump card that can turn the world around...

After walking another hundred or so steps, Qin Ye couldn't help but wonder why it was so big here. It was hard to imagine how many years it had taken to build this place when technology and practitioners were underdeveloped.

Finally, when we reached the end of the corridor, we saw a staircase carved with a golden dragon emerging. In front of the staircase, a huge palace door appeared.

The First Emperor just waved his hand, and the palace door began to open slowly.

Several people held their breath and focused almost without blinking, for fear of missing something.

"Calm down later and don't embarrass me."

Cheng Yaojin warned Cheng Yong that this grandson was too good-for-nothing to make a fuss, as if his mother had never seen the world, and was a disgrace to his old Cheng family.

Cheng Yong scratched his head. You really can't blame him. The terracotta warriors and horses are alive. Who are you to reason with? If you were outside, people might just think of you as mentally ill.

For the sake of his ancestor’s face, Cheng Yong still said nonchalantly, “I’ll try my best…”

Creaky crunch——


The moment the palace door opened, a rough "National Essence" blurted out. Qin Ye and Yun Qiu were both startled and turned to look at Cheng Yong.

"This time...it's not me..."

Cheng Yong said quietly, but then his face instantly turned ugly, "Okay, it can be me this time..."

It is said that those who are close to red are red and those who are close to ink are dark. Under the influence of Cheng Yong, Cheng Yaojin was successfully influenced by his good grandson. In order to maintain his face, he could only use "billions" of tricks.

Cheng's 36 strategies: Raise grandchildren for a thousand days, use them for a while!

Qin Ye and Qin Ye were a little surprised, but they didn't say anything. They came back to their senses and looked at the magnificent masterpiece.

If the Terracotta Warriors and Horses in front were said to be volcanic eruptions, then the scene in front of them was no less than Mars hitting the earth, completely subverting several people's understanding of tombs.

Why, there will be...a palace...

In Qin Ye's mind, Li Bai half-raised the wine gourd and stared at the palace in front of him, turning a blind eye even if the spirit wine was spilled.

After a long time, he finally regained his composure. Li Bai took a sip and said slowly, "The high buildings in the deep palaces enter the purple sky, and the gold embroidered couplets are made of dragons and dragons..."

The flying pavilion flows with elixirs, the rainbow tower and the jade sky.

Buildings stand on the mercury. The stars on the mercury lake are twinkling. On the dome, the stars are bright and countless priceless gems are inlaid. It is comparable to the Milky Way in the sky and is extremely luxurious.

Various boulders stand in the mercury, like mountains and rivers.

At the foot, three stone bridges made of green bricks lead directly to the high platform in the distance. Around the high platform, there are countless pavilions, surrounded by high-rise temples, and suspended by Feihong ladders.

The high steps rise up to dozens of meters high, surrounded by huge everlasting lanterns. In the center, on the top of the city, sits a crystal coffin inlaid with countless gems, the First Emperor's coffin...

There is no harm without comparison. After seeing the sky and the universe, you realize that you are as small as a grain of sand.

Just like Cheng Yong's insignificant "small goals", they are extremely ridiculous...

"I am a poor man, from beginning to end, always..."

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