Heroic Soul: Drunken Qianqiu

Chapter 59 The Huaqing Palace Hell Ruins Erupted

The clouds are like clothes, the flowers are like faces, the spring breeze is blowing the threshold, and the dew is thick.

The dream returns, the prosperous Tang Dynasty, a feast of bliss.

Years ago, you and I first met.

Today, we meet again.

Over the course of a thousand years, things have changed and people have changed...

Under the pavilion by the lake.

Li Bai lay half-lying, looking at the stars in the sky, full of nostalgic emotions. He raised his glass and drank deeply, respecting the past, the present, and even more tomorrow.

Li Bai turned around, looked at Yang Yuhuan who was sitting beside him, and said, "Empress, how could you..."

Yang Yuhuan sighed softly and did not respond. He just looked at the calm lake silently.

Li Bai smiled helplessly, picked up the wine glass, and drank one glass after another.

the other side.

The woman playing the piano was sitting on the bench, her face full of exhaustion. It was too much for her to face so many people at once, not to mention, there were two brave-level people in the same realm.

Naturally, Cheng Yong will not let go of this opportunity. The hero saves the beauty and pledges his body to her. This kind of plot has been played in his mind countless times, but the first time he encountered it, he was still a little nervous. He was so annoyed that he didn’t know how to speak. .

Finally, it was the woman who broke the silence first, "No, your handkerchief."

The jade arms stretched out, and the white and tender skin seemed to be breakable with a snap of a finger.

Cheng Yong stared at it for a while, swallowed unconsciously, and subconsciously stretched out his hand to take the handkerchief.

When Cheng Yong's chubby little hand was only 0.01 centimeters away from the handkerchief, countless thoughts suddenly poured into Cheng Yong's mind.

Hey, no, there isn’t a love token or something in the novel. Would this handkerchief do the trick?

Will it be too low?

No, no, a big gold watch is more practical.

Damn it, I don’t seem to have the big gold watch with me...

While Cheng Yong was in a daze, the woman frowned slightly. There was nothing wrong with this man, right? But the other person was the savior, so he had to say again, "Your handkerchief."

Cheng Yong reacted immediately, "Oh, I still have..."

The woman had to take the handkerchief back.

"Ahem, I want to ask you something." Cheng Yong cleared his throat.

Countless earthy love words immediately appeared in my mind. I can't help but fascinate you.

The woman pushed her somewhat messy hair behind her ears, revealing her charming face, and said, "What's the matter?"

Cheng Yong took a closer look, his expression changed instantly, and in his mind, ten thousand grass and mud horses were running past.

Damn it, why is it her?

Damn, it looks so good...

When Cheng Yong and others arrived, they only saw four vicious dogs attacking two beautiful figures.

As for, when handing over the towel, her hair was so messy, how could she see her face clearly? I only vaguely felt that she looked good, and I didn't expect it to be her at all.

"Ahem, it's just...that..."

Cheng Yong stuttered. After doing this, he couldn't remember any of those earthy smells. Seeing that the woman was a little unhappy, Cheng Yong blurted out without thinking, "Are you a boy or a girl?"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Cheng Yong wanted to slap himself a few times. Could a carbon-based creature ask such a question? It’s all my fault that the cross-dressing guy last time gave me a psychological shadow.

Sure enough, the woman glared at Cheng Yong and walked away without turning her head.

Damn it, I'm such a two-armed person...

Seeing the woman walking further and further away, Cheng Yong became heartbroken and shouted loudly, "Actually, what I want to ask is your name..."

The woman paused and a cold voice came out, "Su Yanfei..."

Looking at the woman's retreating back, Cheng Yong looked at it dreamily and murmured, "Yanfei, Yanfei, what a good name..."

The splendid hall has red bricks and fine tiles, and the palace walls are outlined. A few lights are dimly lit, and above the hall, there is a figure shrouded in black robes.

Under the black robe, there is a pair of deep eyes looking straight into the distance, with a handsome young man reflected in the eyes.

At this time, an easy-going voice suddenly sounded.

"The early stage of Candlelight... I just broke through, it's not bad..."

The man in black robe trembled slightly and turned his head. Unexpectedly, there was a long-haired boy beside him. The boy was Yun Qiu.

"Who are you?" The man in black robe said hoarsely, sounding like an old man in his twilight years.

Yun Qiu chuckled lightly, stood with his hands behind his hands, and said, "Your Excellency, there is no need to hide it."

The man in black robe said solemnly, "How can I say this..."

Yun Qiu smiled and spoke eloquently, "You are only twenty years old, but your voice sounds like you are about to die. Carrying the black iron horizontal sword on your back, you have mastered the method of concealment. I must be from Xingchen Pavilion... "

A trace of killing intent flashed in the eyes of the man in black robe, but he quickly concealed it. The man in front of him was too mysterious, and his strength was still unknown. He might not be his opponent, not to mention that the killer was not good at fighting head-on...

"What do you want to do?" the man in black robe asked, his voice becoming clearer.

Yun Qiu did not answer, but just reasoned to himself, "With your strength, it is not difficult to kill anyone just now, you can even kill them all, but you have never made a move.

If you hadn't just leaked a little bit of your breath, I'm afraid I wouldn't have discovered you. So, who made you reveal this flaw? "

Yun Qiu opened his eyes slightly, stared at the man in black robe, and sneered, "Or rather, which one of them is..."

The blue pupils exuded a strange light, which made the man in black robe tremble. He immediately threw out a few flying knives and fled away.

Just as Yunqiu was about to pursue him, the ground of Huaqing Palace suddenly shook. Then, evil spirits soared into the sky, large black smoke filled the air, and the Mingxu erupted...

Yun Qiu glanced at the retreating figure, shook his head, turned around and flew in the direction of Qin Ye and the others.

On the other side, after feeling the movement, Qin Ye looked shocked, "How is it possible? Didn't we just seal it not long ago? How could it be..."

Qin Ye clearly remembered that not long ago, he and Chen Xuan and Zhang Warring States sealed the Ming Ruins and killed Empress Si in the late Candlelight period. How long had it passed...

At this time, Yun Qiu also came to Qin Ye's side and said, "It should be that the resentment around him was too strong, which caused the seal of Mingxu to break."

Tonight, in the Huaqing Palace, dozens of spirit shadow people were buried at once. Most of them had grievances before they died. After their grievances accumulated, the seal weakened. Coupled with the impact of evil spirits, the Mingxu exploded...

Cheng Yong looked at Qin Ye and said firmly, "Hey, are you walking?"

Qin Ye chuckled, and a long sword appeared in his hand, "There is always someone who has to take the lead..."

In the long pavilion in the distance, Li Bai put down his wine gourd, raised his sword and walked towards the Mingxu direction.

Yang Yuhuan stood up, with a trace of worry on his face, and said, "Li Bai."

"What's wrong, queen?"


Li Bai paused for a moment, then laughed and said, "Hahahaha, Madam, don't worry..."

Disaster strikes.

Someone has to step up...

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