Heroic Soul: Drunken Qianqiu

Chapter 6 True Hero Money Comes

"Heaven and earth are infinite, and the universe borrows the law!"

After fighting off an evil spirit again, Qian Lai no longer had the strength to support him and collapsed to the ground, gasping for air. The Bagua Mirror also shattered at this moment.

Before Qin Ye and others arrived, Qian Lai had already killed several evil spirits, and more than half of the spiritual power in his body had been consumed. At this moment, it was the end of the hero. Qian Lai smiled helplessly and forced himself to stand up.

"Oh, if that's the case, then you can accompany Pindao all the way!"

As he spoke, Qian Lai's momentum began to rise, and he frantically absorbed all the spiritual energy around him. The spiritual energy in his body became extremely unstable, and he wanted to self-destruct and die with the evil spirits.

Suddenly, a burst of flames struck, enveloping the evil spirits in a blink of an eye. The raging flames burned their bodies, and the evil spirits howled in pain.

Qian Lai stopped what he was doing and looked back in confusion.

"Hey, hey, hey, old man, don't die."

A man wearing a peaked cap walked slowly from behind, with the flame still in his hand. It was Zhang Zhanguo.

"In the middle stage of latent spirit, Li Yuan level heroic soul, close to the brave level? That's not bad." Then, Zhang Zhanguo looked at the burned evil spirits.

"That kid is really going to cause trouble for me." He shot out a few balls of flames and destroyed the evil spirits that were still breathing.

As soon as Qin Ye entered the building, he felt something was wrong. To be on the safe side, he sent Zhang Zhanguo a seat. Zhang Zhanguo rushed here immediately after receiving the message. As soon as he entered, he saw a man who wanted to The old man who blew himself up for blackmail.

"What about the boy?"

After dealing with all the miscellaneous soldiers, Zhang Zhanguo asked casually, and suddenly felt the fluctuation of spiritual power not far away.

"In that direction?" Then he left with Qian Lai's confused eyes.

Not long after Zhang Zhanguo left, Cheng Yong hurried over and asked worriedly when he saw the burn marks all over the ground.

"Master, are you okay? Where is Qin Ye?"

"He's dealing with the leader at the front, but a strong person passed by just now, so he shouldn't have any problems."

After hearing this, Cheng Yong felt relieved and bent over to hold up the money.

"Did you find that person?"

After resting for a while, Qian Lai asked.

"how could it be possible."

Cheng Yong responded, "I just ran out of the building with Xiao Li on my back when I ran into him. I told him about it and he came running."

"That should be the one your friend found."

Cheng Yong looked suspicious, "Isn't it possible? Would he know such an awesome person?"

Then, Cheng Yong recalled the scene when Li Bai appeared, his eyes widened immediately, and he said in shock, "Fuck! Is Lao Qin so awesome?"

Qian Lai couldn't help but rolled his eyes in his heart. My year-end friend seems to be having trouble with my brain. Can I withdraw it?

In the darkness, bursts of sword light flashed, killing evil spirits that rushed out from time to time.

Qin Ye dragged his tired body as he walked. His body's endurance had reached its limit. Even Li Bai had become a little weak due to the large consumption of spiritual energy.

Suddenly, Li Bai felt something and relaxed. He extracted the surrounding spiritual energy and integrated it into Qin Ye's body, then handed over the control of his body to Qin Ye.

As soon as Qin Ye regained control of his body, he felt a headache that felt like it was going to explode, and his body felt like it was being torn apart. As soon as he took a step, he unconsciously fell forward.

Let's just say...can't you wait until I recover a little before returning it...

The moment he was about to fall to the ground, he felt someone supporting his shoulders. After seeing the person clearly, he spoke weakly.

"Don't... tell me Aunt Shen." After saying this, Qin Ye passed out.

When Zhang Zhanguo saw the remaining spiritual power fluctuations around him, he was shocked and worried at the same time. He was obviously surprised by Qin Ye's strength.

"Epic-level heroic soul, in the early stage of latent spirit, can actually explode into the combat power of late stage latent spirit when the spiritual energy is thin."

Looking at the young man in front of him, Zhang Zhanguo secretly vowed to pull him over as soon as possible!

Not long after Cheng Yong and Qian Lai came out, they saw Zhang Zhanguo walking out with Qin Ye on his back.

"Old Qin? Old Qin?"

Cheng Yong hurried to Zhang Zhanguo and called Qin Ye, but received no response.

Seeing this, Zhang Zhanguo gently placed Qin Ye on the ground.

"Old Qin, don't scare me."

Later, Cheng Yong asked Zhang Zhanguo with a look of help.

"Uncle, what happened to Lao Qin? He doesn't know how to..."

Before Cheng Yong could finish speaking, Zhang Zhanguo interrupted him and said with a dark face.

"He's just too tired. He can just rest for a few days. And... who the hell are you calling uncle? I'm only thirty-five this year."

Cheng Yong felt happy, and then said: "Brother, calm down, I'm too nervous."

Then miraculously he took out a big gold watch from his pocket and looked at Zhang Warring States with a flattering face.

After Zhang Zhanguo saw it, he said considerately: "I guess this is your first time to experience this kind of thing, so this can be forgiven."

Then, he said righteously, "You and I are not friends, how could I accept such an expensive gift."

Cheng Yong immediately took over the words, "Brother, you are out of touch now. I treat you as my eldest brother, and naturally I treat your eldest brother as one of my family members.

And this is something I want my eldest brother to keep for me. It’s your help, eldest brother. Others can’t say anything." Then he gave it to Zhang Zhanguo with a look that everyone understood.

"Since you said so, let me help you keep it," Zhang Zhanguo put away the big gold watch without leaving a trace, patted Cheng Yong on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"You take this kid back to rest first, and I'll take care of the things in this building." Zhang Zhanguo put away his smile.

Cheng Yong was a little curious, "What are those things?"

At this time, Qian Lai took over the conversation and slowly said, "The spirits of the dead in ancient times gained strength by devouring living beings. If I guessed correctly, there must be a ghost ruins downstairs."

Zhang Zhanguo took a deep look at Qian Lai and then walked towards the building.

"Netherworld Ruins? What is that?" Cheng Yong continued to ask.

Qian Lai's face turned dark. Can't you see that I can't hold on any longer? Still asking here and there.

Although he complained in his heart, he still said: "It's not safe here yet, let's talk about it when we go back."

After hearing "unsafe", Cheng Yong hurriedly carried Qin Ye and Li Lanxi into the car, and hurriedly left with the master.

On the way.

"The Nether Ruins is a different space with three levels: large, medium and small. Evil spirits of different levels live there. The large Nether Ruins are the strongest and the small ones are the weakest.

There is also the underworld, the kingdom of the dead...

However, both the Nether Ruins and the Nether Realm have boundary seals. "

Cheng Yong's eyes widened and he asked worriedly, "What if the seal is gone?"

"No, once the Nether Ruins are discovered, professional people will immediately clear them out and send people to guard them and practice in them. There are not many Nether Ruins, only a few, and they are all heavily guarded."

Afterwards, Qian came to look out the window with a dazed expression, "Besides, the barrier won't disappear so easily..."

When he returned to the hotel, it was already late at night. Cheng Yong put Li Lanxi and Qin Ye in their respective rooms, and then called Shen Hong and said that Qin Ye was tired from playing today and was staying outside.

After finishing everything, Cheng Yong came to Qian Lai's room and planned to have an in-depth communication with him, but was ruthlessly rejected by Qian Lai. He had to go back to the room and lay on the bed. He looked at Qin Ye in the bed next to him and didn't know what he was thinking. .

The next morning, Qin Ye still didn't wake up, but his pale face was a little rosy. Cheng Yong went to the next room to see Li Lanxi.

After knocking on the door several times, Li Lanxi didn't come to open the door. He took out his cell phone and was about to call her, only to find that Li Lanxi sent a text message last night asking for a few days off.

He ran to Qian Lai's room in a hurry to complete the in-depth communication that he didn't have last night.

"Then Old Qin is also a spiritual shadow person?" Cheng Yong asked, rubbing his chin.

Qian Lai nodded and admitted, and then added, "And he is not an ordinary spiritual shadow person. The heroic spirit he awakened is at least a warrior level."


Cheng Yong was directly stimulated by Qian Lai's words, and emoped on the spot.

At this time, a sudden knock on the door interrupted Cheng Yong's emo.

"Hey, are you all here?"

Zhang Zhanguo held a cigarette in his mouth, opened the door and walked in.

After seeing the person coming, Cheng Yong immediately licked it.

"Brother is here, sit down quickly, sit down quickly", then stood up and made room.

For Cheng Yong, who was so poor that he only had money left, exchanging such mundane things as money for a thigh was worth it, very worth it! Very worth it!

Zhang Zhanguo also sat directly over and gave Cheng Yong a wink. Cheng Yong saw it and walked out of the room.

It would be better not to listen to the talk of the big guys, even for someone like him who is not even a little Karami.

Zhang Zhanguo went straight to the point.

"Eight years ago, a medium-sized Ming Ruins suddenly appeared at the foot of Linjun Mountain. In order to prevent the evil spirits from endangering the people, the Taoist priest of Linjun Mountain Taoist Temple led his disciples into the Ming Ruins and killed the evil spirits. Although the chaos in the Ming Ruins was finally calmed down, All the disciples were killed in the battle, and the Taoist Master himself was seriously injured, and his cultivation was exhausted."

After saying that, Zhang Zhanguo stood up and paid tribute to Qian Lai.

"Daozhang Qian, thank you very much for your contribution to the people. I pay you my highest respect." Then Zhang Warring States bowed again.

"I am the deputy captain of the Shenxia Alliance's Nightless Chang'an Lingying Team, Zhang Zhanguo. Here, I hope that you, Taoist Master, can join our Shenxia Alliance."

Qian Lai just sat quietly, without saying a word, and his eyes were filled with vicissitudes of life.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Zhanguo continued: "Taoist Master, after the Shenxia Alliance learned about Linjun Mountain, they immediately sent a large number of troops to garrison the Ming Ruins.

I also know that you have been making money over the years and want to compensate the relatives of your disciples, but you don’t have to worry, our Shenxia League has already settled their families.

Taoist Priest, we really need your experience in dealing with the underworld. I believe you don’t want to see evil spirits come to the world and harm the world again. "

Qian Lai was silent for a long time. There was a wave of spiritual power in his body, and his expression changed. He said slowly: "Okay..."

Zhang Zhanguo was overjoyed after hearing this. He took out a medal from his arms and handed it to Qian Lai.

"Taoist Master, this is the medal of our Divine Summer Alliance. Someone will contact you later."

Zhang Zhanguo stood up and said to Qian Lai, "Then I won't disturb your rest." Then he stood up and left, leaving only Qian Lai looking at the medal in his hand in a daze...

"Xiao Qian, don't be sad. I believe your disciples will be happy for you if they know about it."

In Qian Lai's mind, a little Taoist priest comforted him softly.

Qian Lai wiped the wet corners of his eyes and said, "I'm getting older, why are there still sand in my eyes..."

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and the past was looming, unthinkable and unforgettable.

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