The pinnacle of epic...

As soon as the hero's soul came out, there was an instant silence, and everyone looked at the figure in the field with shock on their faces.

If the brave level can be considered a genius, then the epic level can be regarded as a monster, and the person in front of me is the monster among monsters...

At this moment, Jia Wu stared at the man blankly, his palms trembling slightly, and the thought of retreating flashed in his heart.

Strong, so damn strong...

This person in front of me cannot be defeated...

But soon, he reacted, held the halberd tightly, suppressed the fear in his heart, and stared directly at the person in front of him.

If I don't even have the courage to face genius, then what kind of genius am I? How can I stand at the top of the world...


Jia Wu breathed a long sigh of relief, feeling that his thoughts were clear, his aura was constantly soaring, and his potential was being overdrawn in exchange for more powerful power. There were faint signs of his realm breaking through the mid-candlelight stage.


At this time, a loud shout came, and a man in military uniform came between the two of them, shocking the entire audience with the early stage of the Saint Star.

"What are you doing!" the man yelled angrily, his eyes glaring like bells, and there were faint veins popping up on his forehead, "This is a place for you to train, not to fight with your comrades!"

Then, the man glanced at the crowd and shouted angrily, "If anyone wants to fight, come here and fight me, I will give him one hand!"

The sound fell, and there was dead silence. There was not even a fart sound. Even if there was, it would have to be held in at this time.

The man nodded and shouted, "No, right? Why the hell are you gathering around here!"

Hearing this, everyone present hurriedly ran back. Most of them were in the realm of peak latent spirit to early stage of candlelight. In front of the Saint Star realm, it was really not enough to see. The other party could drink a pot of them with just one finger.

After everyone dispersed, the man stared at the two.

Why don’t I have such a good talent...

Damn it, hey, people are so irritating when compared to others...

Even though the man was ecstatic in his heart, he still had to do everything he needed to do on the surface. He pretended to be angry and said, "You two, give me a warning once, and there will be a next time..."

The man gave him a fierce look, waved his hand, turned around and walked away, without saying what would happen next time.

On the city wall, Zhao Wenlong couldn't help laughing and said, "Damn, what a two little perverts..."

As he spoke, Zhao Wenlong patted Xiao Wang on the shoulder and said, "Hahaha, Xiao Wang, learn from others."

Xiao Wang looked embarrassed, "Chief, if I could learn it, would I still stay here?"

"Oh, Xiao Wang, it seems you are very dissatisfied with me," Zhao Wenlong said with a smile.

"No, no, how could it be?" Xiao Wang quickly waved his hands and stuttered.

"Hahaha, it would be better if I didn't..."

In the hallway of the dormitory building.

When everyone saw Jia Wu approaching, they all moved aside silently, no one wanted to provoke them.

Outside, they are geniuses who are famous and supported by everyone, but here, the most indispensable thing is genius, and even monsters abound.

"Hey!" Jia Wu called the man from behind.

For a moment, everyone present turned their heads to the two people, and the focus of the audience was focused on the two people.

Is there another good show to watch?

But Jia Wu just asked, "My name is Jia Wu, what is your name?"

The man turned his head and glanced at Jia Wu, said nothing, and continued walking forward, leaving Jia Wu standing there unable to stop laughing, "You have personality, I like it."

Seeing that there was no good show to watch, everyone dispersed and returned to their dormitories. They all paid attention to the people in the same dormitory, maybe there was a monster hiding among them.

In the dormitory.

"Damn, that's really nb."

Cheng Yong couldn't help but said. When he thought of the scene at that time, all the cells in his body seemed to be trembling, and his heart was surging. If he hadn't only been in the late stage of latent spirit, he would have had to go up and show off his hands.

Qin Ye smiled and seemed to be recalling the scene just now. Geniuses are more or less arrogant, and he was no exception.

Project Tianxing, monsters gather...

Here, the man who fought Jia Wu returned to the dormitory. There was only one bed with luggage in the room, and the others were all hard boards.

There are seventeen boys, four in a room, and there happens to be one extra, and he is the one, but it just so happens that he doesn't like dealing with people in the first place.

"Cough cough cough cough..." Lying on the bed, the man kept coughing and his face turned sickly white. This is why Jia Wu called him a "sick consumption ghost".

Dong dong dong...

The door was knocked, and he was a little confused. Everyone had already arrived at this time.

I saw Jia Wu walking in with his luggage, smiling all over his face as soon as he came in, "I'm sorry just now. In fact, I didn't mean any harm. Don't take it too seriously.

I'm a person who likes to fight, especially with a strong person like you. If I don't fight, I'll be heartbroken. "

With that said, Jia Wu walked up to the man and stretched out his hand, "Make a friend. My name is Jia Wu."

The man glanced at Jia Wu, who was sincere, and did not hold the other person's outstretched hand. He just said slowly, "Yetian..."

Jia Wu smiled and didn't care about shaking hands. He ran to make his bed happily.

The moon is high and dark clouds cover the sky.

At night, Cheng Yong opened his treasure box. The moment he opened it, the contents of the box began to run out.

The explosion rate is really high, a box full of snacks.

Although they don't really need to eat, it's not a big problem if they skip a meal, but that's just for them.

In Cheng Yong's view, eating is a sacred and ritual thing that cannot be missed, no matter where it is.

"Hey, Lao Qin, here it is."

Cheng Yong casually threw a bag of potato chips to Qin Ye, then came to Shen Moxuan and handed him a bag of bread.

"Thank you," Shen Moxuan said with a smile.

"It's okay," Cheng Yong replied, then looked at Zhao Feifan who was lying on the bed, and threw a pack of instant noodles to him, "No, it's for you."

Zhao Feifan was obviously taken aback, but he still took the instant noodles. Don't let the prostitute get it for free. Even though he thought so in his heart, he must say a polite word and grinned, "Thank you."

It's a pity that the relationship is not very familiar. If they were, they would have to go back and forth for several rounds even if they didn't talk much.

This is sometimes the case. The relationship between men may only need a pack of instant noodles to maintain it.

In the evening, several people lying on the bed gradually became familiar with each other, chatting together.

From time to time, I talk about things in my hometown, and from time to time, I talk about my interesting experiences.

A piece of harmony...

However, at night, lying in bed, Qin Ye saw what torture was.

Cheng Yong and Zhao Feifan snored louder and talked louder than the other, but they still managed to catch up.

Sleeping until midnight, the two began to compete with each other to see who could grind his teeth louder, the ultimate torture...

In this wave of operations, a single move of 6...

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