Do you think……

Hearing their conversation, Chen Yi's mouth suddenly became uncontrollable, he lowered his head and quietly gave a "I see" look.

Li Bai smiled faintly and took a sip of wine.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Zhijie, the legendary demon king in the Lingyan Pavilion of the Tang Dynasty, was so interesting...

"Hahaha, Taibai Sword Immortal, please wait for a moment and let me come and meet these beasts," Cheng Yaojin laughed loudly.

When these words were spoken, Li Bai looked strange.

Although I knew this was what Cheng Yaojin said, it was said in the manner of Cheng Yong. It was weird, indeed quite weird.

An idiom came to mind unconsciously.

Young and mature.

Forget it, Li Bai simply didn't want to think about it, took a few steps back, found a comfortable place, sat down directly, drank a few sips of spiritual wine, and restored his spiritual power.

It is really a blessing to have poetry and wine.

Chen Yi was a little worried, but seeing that Cheng Yong had already rushed to kill him, he had no choice but to stay where he was and quickly absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

"Hahahaha, it feels so good! It feels so good!!"

Cheng Yong rushed into the spiritual tide, and the smile on his face gradually changed from bright to ferocious.

With one sweep, Ma Shan cut off several evil spirits around him, and then swung his head backwards, directly killing an evil spirit at the peak of his latent spirit. The remaining power was not diminished, and he took advantage of the situation to kill several small Karas behind him. Mi beheaded.

In the space of two breaths, Cheng Yong disappeared within five meters of him. He only saw thick blood clots flying across the sky, turning into black smoke, withering and dancing.

Cheng Yong turned his head, looked at a trembling little evil spirit, and sneered, "Do you also want to dance..."

"Roar!" The evil spirit in the early stage of the candlelight roared and came forward with a knife. His three-meter-tall body stepped hard on the ground, jumped up high, and slashed at Cheng Yong with the big knife.

"Hahaha, just in time!"

Cheng Yong sneered, Ma Shan stood in front of him, blocked the long knife, and exerted force with both arms, sending it flying several meters.

Then he exerted force with both feet, and instantly reached in front of him. The horse swept out, and the blade sank into the evil spirit's waist, swiping across it with a "swish".

Cut in half!

The evil spirit's two bodies hit the ground heavily, and a painful wail came out of its mouth. Two pools of thick black liquid flowed out, and several black smoke appeared at the intersection, trying to stick them together again.

Cheng Yong slowly walked to the top of the evil spirit, turned the horse's shaft, and slashed it away. The evil spirit suddenly split into two pieces again and dissipated into black smoke.

One becomes two, two becomes three.

Three transformations of dust and smoke fill the world.

"Nothing..." Cheng Yong said expressionlessly, his eyes calmly scanning the surrounding evil spirits.

Contempt, complete contempt...

Wherever he looked, everyone trembled, and they all moved back with fear on their faces.

Suddenly, the sound of an eagle striking the sky was heard, and a black arrow struck. The arrow was more than three feet long, and black air surged around the arrow's body. At the tip of the arrow, the aura of the early candlelight was fully visible.

Cheng Yong waved his horse and shot it away.


At the moment of contact, a terrifying force came from Ma Shan and went directly into Cheng Yong's arms, causing him to take a few steps back before stopping.

Cheng Yong looked shocked, obviously not expecting the power of this arrow to be so great.

Looking along the direction of the arrow, I saw a three-meter-tall evil spirit pulling a long bow and staring greedily at Cheng Yong. Not far from it, there were two evil spirits in the early stage of candlelight. spirit.

Cheng Yong's eyes flashed with enthusiasm, he moved his wrists and shoulders, and spoke excitedly.

"I haven't moved my muscles and bones for a long time. Today, let me... have a good time!"

Before he finished speaking, Cheng Yong dodged to the side of an evil spirit holding a spear. Ma Shanyu clenched his hands and prepared to slash out.


The evil spirit's heart palpitated, and he raised his spear in panic to block. Although he blocked the fatal blow, his arms were shattered by the huge force, and the gun body was embedded in his chest and flew upside down for several meters.

Just when Cheng Yong was about to pursue him, an arrow missed the tip of Cheng Yong's nose. The sharp wind scratched a shallow cut on the tip of his nose, and a trace of bright red blood oozed out.

Cheng Yong wiped the blood on the tip of his nose, feeling a little angry in his heart, "I'm not even willing to hit my good grandson, how dare you touch him even though you are nothing."

As he spoke, Cheng Yong picked up the horse's spear and stabbed forward violently. A black sword light dissipated, and then the momentum around his body increased. He raised the horse's spear high and turned back to the sky.

The air flow surged, and the smoke rolled like a tornado.

The ten fingers exerted force instantly, and Ma Shan slashed out sideways.

In an instant, a strong wind rose, a slashing light appeared, and the powerful air flow rushed straight towards the two evil spirits. Wherever it passed, the earth tore apart and gravel flew everywhere.

The long sword evil spirit appeared in front of the slash mark, gathered all the strength of his body, gathered the surrounding black energy, strengthened the sword at his waist, looked firmly in his eyes, and squatted down.

Holding the scabbard with one hand and holding the hilt with the other, he already looked like a great swordsman.

When the cutting light swept a few meters in front of him.

Move your body, draw your sword, and kill! !


Violent explosions swept across the battlefield, rolling up several air waves. The lowly evil spirits in the surrounding realm were directly overturned dozens of meters by the air waves.


The long sword shattered in response to the sound, shattered into pieces, scattered all over the ground, and then dissipated and floated into the distance in the wind that filled the hall.

The evil spirit of the long sword looked calm, raised the hilt of the sword, and retracted the sheath as if opening and closing it. Even if the sword body was completely gone and even if the edge of the sword was damaged, he still maintained this appearance.

He slowly raised his head and nodded to Cheng Yong in salute. After everything was done, a brown crack appeared on his neck, spread to his waist, and passed sideways.

"Good..." He spoke with difficulty, a carefree smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then he fell backward uncontrollably and lay on his back.

The pupils gradually dilated and the breath gradually disappeared...

The flying smoke gradually began to rise, as if it had never existed, and only the black source floating in the air seemed to be telling his extraordinaryness.

Cheng Yong (Cheng Yaojin) shuddered slightly and couldn't help but nod to him, salute and say goodbye.

The moment the source appeared, the long-bow evil spirit on the side held back his injuries and pounced on the source with difficulty, with his eyes already irrational.

The moment it touched the source, a blade was already inserted into its chest, the blade's spiritual energy poured out, and the whole body exploded instantly.

Cheng Yong slowly stepped forward, and several spiritual threads emerged from his fingertips, eroding and purifying the evil spirit and traces of sin in them.

Then he held his hand in the air, and the source was shattered, turning into pure spiritual energy, echoing in the void and in the ruins.


An uneasy voice came, with a tone full of ridicule.

Cheng Yong looked for the sound and saw the five-meter fat evil spirit looking at him with a provocative face.

Around the fat evil spirit, countless black energy gathered and solidified, transforming into sharp blades shaped like tentacles, and the aura emanating from them was already in the middle stage of candlelight.

Seeing this, Cheng Yong just snorted and said coldly, "You're not much better..."

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