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“What?” The unicorn beast, which was blocked by the sand, was slightly surprised, and then spread its wings, trying to blow away the impression caused by the sandstorm.

Ash knew that the sandstorm of the round land shark was difficult for the other party, so he had already expected it and ordered: “Dig a hole in the ground!” ”

“Shark!” The little short hand planed the ground madly, and the movement of the round land shark was not slow at all.

By the time the unicorn beast’s wings blew away the sandstorm, the figure of the round land shark had disappeared in front of him, leaving only a hole.

Almost instantly, the unicorn beast realized that it was not good, and as soon as it spread its wings, it planned to use the flying advantage to dodge, but would Ash give him this opportunity.

With a sharp swing of his right hand, Ash roared with a bloody smile: “Round land shark, slam, split, dragon claw!” ”



The unicorn beast had just gotten up a certain distance from the ground, and the cute round land shark had already come out of the land under him, and hit the unicorn beast’s abdomen with an indomitable momentum.

The unicorn beast that could not dodge was instantly hit by the round land shark on its soft abdomen, and suddenly stopped flying without strength.

Because the strength of the round land shark is slightly different from that of the unicorn beast, this damage is not much, but the next split mending knife caused the unicorn beast to suffer some damage, and finally the dragon claw with light on the small short hand directly hit the unicorn beast.


“Hiss~~~~~” The unicorn beast that rolled twice on the ground was covered in sludge, and the original holiness had long disappeared, and it looked embarrassed.

The unicorn beast who got up again shook his mind, and his eyes suddenly became solemn when he looked at the round land shark.

Although the damage caused by these attacks was not too high, it also made the unicorn beast with great pride in his heart lose face.

“Unicorn gallops!” With its wings spread, the unicorn beast collided mercilessly at the petite round land shark.

“Dragon Fury!” The emotions in Ash’s heart are getting higher and higher, and a feeling that wants to vent is also about to spew out.

“Shark!” Watching the menacing unicorn beast fearlessly, Yuanlu Shark firmly followed Ash’s orders to fight, and spewed out the long-range attack that dragon Pokémon were the easiest to learn.

In the face of the dragon’s anger that attacked him, the unicorn beast’s eyes flashed fiercely, not only did not retreat, but accelerated its speed a little, aiming at the round land shark and impacting over.

Rip and pull!

Dragon Fury only blocked the chat for a moment, and it was broken by the unicorn beast.

The unicorn beast, whose injuries were further aggravated, did not hesitate to collide with the unavoidable round land shark.

“Fly sand feet, then cross your hands to block it!” Ash was also taken aback by the unicorn beast’s heart, but years of command experience made him instantly react to what he was going to do.

There was no fear in the eyes of the round land shark, some were just firm.

A puff of dust fell into the unicorn’s eyes, and then he crossed his hands over his chest.

At this time, it was impossible for the unicorn beast to dodge because of a flying sand foot, directly closed its eyes, and crashed over with a fierce momentum: “Give me defeat!” ”

Even if the impact force was slightly reduced, under the advantage of size, the unicorn still crashed into the round land shark at once.

“Round Land Shark!” Ash subconsciously exclaimed.

“Shark!” The round land shark, which had more scars on his body, opened one eye, and stood up a little slowly, his eyes full of unyielding.

“And the combat ability, isn’t it, then the next thing is, the dragon!” Star! Group! ”

“Don’t surrender yet?” The unicorn beast naturally understood that the other party’s damage tolerance was far inferior to its own, so it still asked kindly.

“Shark !!!” The Round Land Shark roared angrily, and the energy condensed in his mouth.

Seeing this, even if the unicorn beast could not listen to Lu Shark’s words, he already understood the attitude, and immediately said seriously: “Since this is the case, then I will not keep my hand anymore!” Divine Shot!! ”

One by one, similar qigong bullets were instantly spit out by unicorn beasts.

Seeing that the attack was about to hit the Round Land Shark, the Round Land Shark’s eyes were only full of fighting intent and confidence, which was trust in Ash, but also pride in himself, and absolute belief in the Dragon Star Group’s long-practiced trick!!!


Bang! Bang! Bang!

When the divine shot caused a burst of explosions, countless meteors flew into the sky in an instant, and then fell violently.

“This move…” The unicorn beast didn’t know if his attack worked, but he was surprised by this amazing move. This is a meteorite!

Suddenly cast his gaze, and said in shock in his heart: “Does that small body actually have such a powerful power in it? Why? What makes you work so hard and not admit defeat so much? ”

“No, it’s not right! It’s simply wanting to win, and don’t want to disappoint that Ash. Then I can’t admit defeat either, holy shot! Seeing the domineering eyes that gradually emerged from the smoke, the exclusive horse beast instantly overturned the previous speculation, and immediately understood the idea represented in the little guy’s eyes.

As meteorite meteors fell, unicorn beasts also began to desperately!

A wave of light bombs slammed over.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The attacks of both sides continued to detonate in the sky, and such a big movement also attracted the attention of the children on Taiyi’s side.

“Hey, what’s going on?”

“Is there a fight?”

“Let’s go take a look, maybe Ash is in trouble.”

“Let’s go, you can’t stay here.”

“After all, that guy is also a powerful combat force, if there is an accident, it is not good.”

The children expressed their opinions, but the conclusion was that they all wanted to go to the Infinite Mountain to find Ash.

Taichi hesitated and agreed to the action, although he knew what was going on over there, but the battle should end soon.

“Then let’s go!”

“Yes!” xN


Countless smoke and dust rose in the battlefield, and neither side could see the other’s appearance, but both the unicorn beast and Ash knew that the unicorn beast was injured, and it lost the battle of [Divine Shooting] against the [Dragon Star Group], and it was not the strength that lost, but the moves.

However, if the unicorn beast has not completely fallen, then it cannot be relaxed.

Sure enough, the next moment, a figure rushing over with a light posture illustrated this fact.

The unicorn beast with a tired and weak voice stared at the round land shark tightly: “You are a ‘strong man’, but I will not admit defeat, no matter what the result is, let me fight as much as I want!” Unicorn galloping plus frontal horn spike! ”

“The Round Land Shark can still launch one last attack, Dragon God Swoop!” Saying that, he ordered directly, without waiting for an answer, because Ash firmly believed that the Round Land Shark would not let himself down.

Because the highly consumed round land shark of the dragon star group was constantly panting at this time, but his eyes also did not leave the unicorn beast, and he plucked up the last burst of strength to get up instantly, wrapped in blue light and roared at the flying unicorn beast and rushed over.

“Shark !!!!” The blue light instantly condensed into a phantom mad dragon.

“Give me failure!” The air cut by the high-speed impact brought sparks around the unicorn beast, forming a fiery red Pegasus figure.

The red-yellow Pegasus Radiance and the crystal-blue Overbearing Mad Dragon collided in the air in an instant, and the dream-like attacks were finally intertwined.


An even more violent impact suddenly sounded, and in an instant, even the Infinite Mountain trembled violently, and under the cover of even more intense smoke and dust, the round land shark and the unicorn beast flew back upside down in the direction they came.

The two that fell to the ground seemed to have lost their strength at this time and remained motionless.

At this moment, the round land shark suddenly moved, raised its head with difficulty, barely supported the ground with both hands, and slowly stood up with a trembling body at the slightest distance per second.

“Round Land Shark.” Ash’s fists clenched fiercely.

The unicorn beast that was attracted to attention turned its head with the same difficulty to see this shocking scene, but then it was aroused for a moment of unyielding, and it also trembled and wanted to get up.

It wasn’t until five minutes later that the two managed to stand up one after another.

“No, it’s useless, now, whew… We don’t have any more physical strength, such as, if we keep going, it must be, I will recover first to give the final blow. You…… Throw in the towel. With the only trace of pride left in his heart, the unicorn beast said intermittently like a gossamer.

“Sharks… Shark! First replied weakly, and then the round land shark didn’t know where the strength came from, and actually roared out forcefully again.

Then a white light instantly surrounded the Round Land Shark.

A new Pokémon that slowly grew larger and could still see a trace of a round land shark suddenly appeared, and although it still looked very embarrassed, it was not without the strength to launch an attack.

“Fangs Land Shark!”


PS: Basic four changes, flowers 10,000 a change, collection 1,500 a change, tips 2,000 a change, yesterday all ordered more than 300 more. I don’t guarantee that I will write it to everyone’s satisfaction, but there will be no shortage of pounds in the amount of updates, and this chapter is another 3,000 chapter, which is just an ordinary chapter. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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