Đọc tại sangtacviet.tk

Half a month ago.

The beauty of bringing the Balu beast to this castle alone, like the original, was honored as a princess by a group of strange frog beasts and tadpole beasts because her sweet song could awaken the strange frog emperor.

At first, as in the original book, Meimei still thought of the idea of procrastination to enjoy life until five days ago.

Balu Beast, who was also wearing a princess costume, said casually: “Since Taiyi and Yagu Beast left, everyone else has disappeared one after another, and I don’t know when they will converge…”

Meimei, who heard the word “Taiyi”, was instantly stunned, and even the words behind the Balu Beast were completely unheard.


Mimi Tachikawa’s mind suddenly came up with the boy who had been helping everyone, and once or twice in times of danger, the boy was the first to protect himself.

“Life is really good now…”

“Carefree like a princess every day, I can get other Digimon to do anything for me, but… Why can’t my heart calm down at all? ”

“Taiyi obviously always forces himself to train, obviously not polite at all, does not take care of people at all is a delicate girl, obviously will take advantage of others when training, but…” (Taiyi: It’s so wronged, training you with non-standard movements I just help to correct, how can it become advantageous, don’t slander good people!) )

“But why can’t you get him out of your head!”

“Why can’t I hate him, obviously what he likes is Suna.”

“Obviously he is so powerful, why should I worry about him…”

In this way, for a few days, Meimei’s whole heart was struggling and suffering, even if she could eat the best food every day and use the best living conditions, she was still not happy.

Finally, in the middle of the night yesterday, Meimei, who was sleeping in bed, opened her eyes and looked at the dark ceiling, clutching the soft futon, but there was no warmth in her heart.

Several minutes passed quietly, and the somewhat haggard face that had not been thought of food for the past few days completely turned into a determined look.

“I can’t stay here anymore, and I still can’t forget that villain.” And you can’t let that guy underestimate it, just get out of here tomorrow. It’s not a great environment anyway. ”

Thinking about what life I want for this period of time, Meimei, who is reluctant in her heart, pouted duplicitously and said.

On the next day, Meimei decided to finally wake up the strange frog emperor with her own song and pay off the kindness she took care of during this time.

The thing that turned out was also obvious.

After waking up, the strange frog emperor roared angrily: “I slept soundly, who woke me up~!” ”

After that, the strange frog emperor didn’t let anyone explain at all, and directly punched and kicked, constantly destroying the building, chasing Meimei and the strange frog beast They launched their own attacks.

“It’s over, the strange frog emperor is angry!”

“Run away!”

“Mimi, run away, it’s a full-fledged Digimon.”

“Damn, isn’t this guy a tyrant!”

Following the panicked Balu beast to quickly escape, Meimei said hatefully.

Fortunately, the complete body of the Monster Frog Emperor has strong combat power, strong attack power, great destructive power, and not low defense. It also has a great weakness, which is poor agility.

So even if it chased and killed with all its might, it couldn’t catch Meimei.

Among them, Meimei received training in March, otherwise it would be difficult to support her physical strength for a long time under strenuous exercise.

“Phew, phew, hateful fellow, thanks to the practice, otherwise it is estimated that it would have been impossible to hold on.” At this time, Meimei completely understood the reason why Taiyi was so strict.

“Strange frogs… Magic Sound Fist! ”

The irritable strange frog emperor did not hesitate to launch his move, relying on its sound wave, a vacuum cannonball far more powerful than the air cannon suddenly bombarded Meimei

Meimei, whose physical fitness was incomparable, shrank her gaze, and she hugged the Balu beast and rolled to the side, barely avoiding the attack of the vacuum wave.


The walls burst open, the earth cracked, and even left a trail on the mountain wall that was tens of meters long and several meters wide.

“Ahem, it’s hateful, you will definitely be caught up like this, you can’t run away anymore!”

Raising her head, Meimei’s gaze was raging with anger, waving her small fists, obviously not planning to continue to escape.

This is obviously not what the original little princess can do.

It can only be said that the impact caused by Taiyi is still very deep, in this life, under the leadership of Taiyi, everyone has almost never experienced escape, and there is only constant resistance and resistance…

Then defeat your opponents!

“Meimei, your arm.” Balu Beast looked at Mimi worriedly.


Looking down, Meimei found that her arm had accidentally scratched a layer of skin when she had just rolled away from the ground, and a lot of blood flowed, but she didn’t notice it when she was emotional for a while.

This is simply an unforgivable anger for the little princess who loves beauty.

There was no scream, no collapse, only full of anger, the left hand wiped the blood on the right arm, coupled with the embarrassed figure, the noble beauty of the past rarely brought a touch of heroism, whispered in anger.

“Strange Frog Emperor, you’re dead! Balu Beast! ”

“Yes! Balu Beast Evolution… Cactus beast! ”

The green cactus beast instantly replaced the figure of the Balu beast, feeling Meimei’s anger, the cactus beast exerted its combat power far beyond the past, and directly rushed forward to wave its fist.

“Mach stab!”

The fist with the crimson fist swung over, and the strange frog emperor who was not agile did not dodge, but just squinted his eyes and pushed it out with a palm: “Ha! ”

Then with a sharp force, the trick was useless, and the strange frog emperor pushed the cactus beast away.

“Spike bump fist!” After losing the melee battle, the cactus beast directly launched its own trick.

Looking at such a rapid counterattack, spikes flew towards him densely, obviously unable to block them all.

The strange frog emperor had to launch his own trick in a deep voice, opened his big mouth, and a low strange sound suddenly sounded.

The violent sound wave instantly destroyed the data of those spikes, and the sharp bumping fists were completely shattered before they arrived, and even the cactus beast was seriously affected, half kneeling on the ground, with a face full of pain.


The building collapsed!

At the moment of the attack, the cactus beast suddenly blocked Meimei’s body, and a huge stone pressed on the cactus beast’s body.

“Cactus beast?”

Muttering to herself, the suppressed anger in Meimei’s heart was also completely exploded.

“Strange Frog Emperor! You ungrateful fellow, do you know who brought you back to life? Meimei asked angrily.

“How do I know.” The strange frog emperor said indifferently.


Lowering her head, Meimei sneered.

“I know I’m not great, and I know I have a lot of little temper and a lot of flaws, but…”

Meimei, who was originally speaking in a low voice, suddenly raised her head, her tear-stained eyes full of determination and screamed cathartically: “I won’t admit defeat like this!” Su Na, Senior Sister Su Na is so good, how can I always let people (money) protect ah! ”

“If I keep being left behind by Suna, how can I stand by Taiyi’s side!”

“If being a carefree princess had to give up all that, then I’d rather give it up!” Cactus beast!!! ”

The divine plan changed color instantly, and a strong data shot straight into the innocence badge in the evolution key, and the mysterious digital rune with the innocence mark instantly flew into the sky.

“Cactus Beast Super Evolution!”

“This is, Hyperevolution?” Taiyi and Suna paused one after another, their pupils shrunk, and they looked at the sky.

A circular pillar of light descended from the sky, shooting straight at the cactus beast, constantly rotating around it, and various digital words wrapped around the body of the cactus beast.

The cactus beast was shattered into data.

A petite, lily-like elf girl suddenly appeared, and the four leaf-like wings that grew on her back added a bit of sweetness.

“Flower Immortal Beast!”


PS: Thank you for your support, and finally ask for a little thing, I hope to waste a minute or two of everyone’s time to contribute more clicks, Monday, this book weekly click list fell very behind, thank you. _

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