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The flames were extinguished, and the Zhu Bajie beast that released the blood-sucking demon beast retreated one after another, and sat down on the ground very weakly, and then white light appeared on her body, and soon degenerated into a cat beast.

Yes, it is a cat and a beast, directly degenerated into a juvenile.

One can imagine how depleting this battle was.

On the other side, the blood-sucking monster with smoke in its mouth was standing there like a dead man, its eyes closed, obviously a mode of self-protection.

If it weren’t for the fact that Digimon death would have turned into data disappearing, I’m afraid everyone would have thought he was dead.

“What a tenacious vitality.” Yamato was so amazed.

Seeing this, the others also quickly approached, and Long Gui even ran to the side of the cat and beast, and picked up the cat and cat beast very distressed.

“You little one, why are you fighting so hard.”

“I, I…”

“What’s wrong, is something wrong?”

Yuze Longgui looked at the very weak appearance of the cat and cat beast and suddenly became nervous, the cat cat beast half opened his eyes, and said with difficulty: “Long, Long Gui, I, I’m hungry… Hungry. ”


In silence.

“Poof, you little one.” Laughing and scolding, Long Gui was also completely relieved. 280

The cat beast also showed a knowing smile.

Seeing this, Taiyi on the side also immediately took out two apples and handed them over, seeing the two red big apples in front of him, Long Gui was also stunned for a moment, looked up and saw that it was Taiyi, and after a little hesitation, he showed a hearty smile: “Thank you, Taiyi.” ”

“It’s okay.”

Long Gui had an inexplicable feeling in his heart for some reason, and the right hand that took the apple was carefully feeding the cat and beast.

The cat beast that soon eliminated the two big apples also fell into a deep sleep with a smile on his face.

“It’s really a child.” For this partner, who seems to be like a little girl in any form, Long Gui is also very spoiled, just like his own daughter.

(Isn’t something wrong, you seem to be a little girl yourself.) )

“Taiyi, where did you get the apple, last time, where did you hide melon seeds and soda.” Ah He circled around Taiyi with a suspicious look, as if he wanted to find something like a snack to make a tooth sacrifice.

Taiyi also cooperated with open hands, and his attitude of “you have the ability to find, find it and count you” is also extremely arrogant.

The enraged Yamato also kept observing Taiyi, and in the end he could only look at Taiyi in frustration, obviously not gaining anything at all.

Taiyi smiled secretly in his heart, I have a space ring, do you have it? If you want to find my things, in the next life.

As an “excellent” traverser who puts snacks on space rings, how can Taiyi let people discover horses’ feet.

“Abominable fellow.”


Just as a few people were talking and laughing, the blood-sucking demon beast suddenly opened, looking at the children who were talking and laughing in front of them, and their hearts were also extremely angry.

It’s just that he was extremely injured at this time, what combat effectiveness.

“You guys, abominable… Gremlin! ”

The hoarse voice intermittently entered everyone’s ears, instantly waking everyone up.

In a blink of an eye, it was the blood-sucking monster that had been temporarily forgotten by everyone.

“You’re fine, but I won’t give you another chance, Demon Blood Whip!” Probably because of the anger of being ignored, the blood-sucking demon beast still squeezed out a little combat power, and a blood-colored whip was drawn straight over.

Taiyi’s gaze was disdainful, and without waiting for a few Digimon who had not yet degenerated into a mature stage to make a move, he directly reached out and grabbed the blood-colored whip.


“Imperial Doctor, don’t be impulsive!”

“Go up and help, Sea Lion Beast!”

Not caring about the shouts of others, Taiyi clenched it hard with his own care, and the swift demon blood whip directly wiped a spark on Taiyi’s palm, leaving a white mark, and it never had any effect again.


His pupils shrank, and the vampire beast looked at Taiyi in disbelief.

He thought that his attack would be stopped (ajej), and he thought that he might be defeated due to impulse, but he never thought that a human in Taiyi District would actually grab his trick with his bare hands so much without leaving any damage.

The voices that the other children were about to shout out were also stuck in their throats, unable to say anything, and they all looked at Taichi with a shocked face.

“Your physical body is actually so strong?”

Looking at Yagami, whose face did not change color, Yakuzu, who originally felt that his physical fitness had increased a lot, also had a sense of urgency in his heart again.

“Waveguide?” Shogo Haizaki blinked suspiciously, apparently he didn’t understand what was going on.

Others are even more confused, they have a lot of increase in physical fitness under Taiyi’s training, but to say that they take the attack of Digimon with their bare hands, they feel, cough… It’s still hard to catch.

Not even during the formative years.

After pumping, he found that he could not pull it out, and the blood-sucking demon beast immediately let go, turning this demon blood whip into nothingness. With his legs connected, he instantly moved away from Taiyi, staring at Taiyi with eyes like looking at a monster, and he actually felt a trace of fear in his heart.

A human being who can resist his bare hands without caring is really shocking.

Even if it was the wind demon Kotaro before, he couldn’t do it.

Thinking about it like this, the blood-sucking demon beast instantly regarded Taiyi as a flood beast.

“Oh, not bad. The response is fast. ”

Ignoring the surprised and doubtful gazes of others, Taiyi showed a harmless smile and said gently: “Although I would like to say a set of great principles myself, there is one person’s words that I feel are more appropriate, so let’s borrow them first.” ”

Under the very vigilant expression of the bloodsucking demon beast, Taiyi narrowed his eyes and said, “Why are you putting away the distance? If you want to really hurt me, you should come close to me and attack. ”

“Or are you afraid that any part of my body might disappear from your sight if you get close to me?”

The blood-sucking monster’s gaze tightened, and Taiyi suddenly disappeared from his sight, and quickly raised his head to look left and right, constantly looking around, trying to find Taiyi’s figure.

At this moment, Taiyi’s voice suddenly entered his ears from all directions.

“If that’s the case, it’s nothing more than a superfluous annoyance. The combat distance will be meaningful and limited to the opponent’s equal strength. ”

Suddenly, Taiyi stood behind the blood-sucking beast, turned his back to the blood-sucking beast, closed his eyes and spoke.

“So between me and you, the combat distance does not carry any meaning.”


The scorched black blood-sucking demon beast was half kneeling on the ground, a mouthful of blood spurted out, covering its stomach under the surprised eyes of the children, and the severe pain made his eyes almost pop out.


PS: Collection 2500 plus more, still can’t help but write to Lan Da, eh, it’s really ……_

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