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“Mom and Dad, I may be a little late when I go back today, so you don’t have to wait for me.”

Holding his mobile phone, Mitsuko Lang kept fiddling with his laptop with his other hand, receiving messages and documents from the old man Gennai.

“What’s wrong Mitsukoro, you… You okay. The mother over there listened to Mitsukoro’s somewhat dull tone, and couldn’t help but remember the previous incident.

“It’s okay, I’m going to help my companions solve those Digimon, don’t worry about me.”

“What? Mitsuko Lang is very dangerous, you come back quickly. The mother, who was inexplicably relieved in her heart, also raised her heart again and nervously persuaded.

After carefully examining what Gennai said, closing the laptop, Mitsuko Lang was silent for a while before slowly speaking, “I already know about that.” ”

The mother’s voice over there suddenly froze, obviously questioning but with an affirmative tone: “You… Got it. ”

“Well, don’t worry, I’ll be back safely. Love you guys, Mom and Dad. ”

Without waiting for an answer, Mitsuko Lang turned off his mobile phone, and said to the beetle beast with a very firm gaze: “Let’s go, first follow Gennai’s method so that these Digimon cannot actively attack humans~.” ”

According to Gennai, the digital enchantment can make Digimon unable to find humans within a certain range, whether it is true or not, Mitsuko Lang has to give it a try. Otherwise, by the time the children have dealt with the enemy, I am afraid that many people will already be harmed.

“Mitsuko Lang…” The beautiful young woman at home left a few tears, and secretly prayed to Mitsuko Lang in her heart.


“Shogo, don’t you contact your family?” The little demon beast standing beside Shogo Haizaki looked up and asked.

“No need, this battle will be won!”

Shogo Haizaki, whose gaze did not hesitate, spoke in a natural tone.

“Yes, too!”

“So, just bring back the good news of victory! After all, what heartwarming words are not the words of a ‘bad person’ like me. ”


“The phone you made was not reachable.”

Jodo Jin pressed the phone, his eyes very solemn and whispered: “What’s going on with this kid Asuke, he can’t even get through the phone, it’s really troublesome.” ”

On the other side, Jodosuke, who hung up the phone, breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the Super Sea Dragon Beast that was blasted by the Zuton Beast, and knew in his heart that he could not continue to escape.

After defeating the enemy, the Zuton beast transformed into a Goma beast and came to Asuke’s side, and asked curiously: “Asuke, why don’t you contact your family?” ”


Asuke, who left the crowd with the Goma beast, pondered for a moment, and said with a wry smile: “It’s scared.” ”


“Well, I’m afraid that as soon as I hear my eldest brother’s voice, I will give up my determination to get stronger.”

“Is that so? Have me with you.” Moving his fin-like forefoot, the Goma Beast comforted.

“Haha, too, I’m still a goma beast.”

At this time, Jodosuke really grew in his heart, why?

“Maybe it’s because even a guy like me has a responsibility. Protecting my family’s home is something I have to do, and I can’t put my hope in someone else’s. ”




Just when Ah Wu was full of anxiety, a thick voice said with a little surprise, turned his head to see the comer, and Ah Wu said in surprise.

Awu, who was running around with the Bada beast, was originally very anxious in his heart, and now an extreme Digimon directly led away the orc Garuru, so that he and his brother were separated.

“What’s wrong with Awu, what about Ah He?” Seeing that there were no Digimon around, Ishida Yuaki breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked with some doubt.

“My brother just ran into a full-body Digimon and chased after it.” Ah Wu honestly explained the situation.


Ishida Yuaki said with a frown.

“Don’t say brother, he’s also here to stop those Digimon.” Ah Wu defended Ah He very defensively.

“Then he shouldn’t have left Awu here.”

“No, I’m also very good.”

“That’s right, Ah Wu is also very powerful.” The Bada beast on the side fluttered its wings and echoed, but his eyes looked at Ishida Yuaki curiously.

“You are the Bada Beast, thank you for protecting Awu.”

Looking at the small body of the Bada beast, Ishida Yuaki did not underestimate it, but thanked the Bada beast very solemnly, after all, his son has always been protected by it.

“Hehe, it’s nothing, that’s what I should do.” The Bada beast that flew to Awu’s head said a little shyly.


At this moment, Ah Wu suddenly shouted with wide eyes.

“Awu! I am back! Well? Father? ”

Ah He, who ran over with the Gabu beast, saw his father as soon as he said hello, and the atmosphere suddenly fell silent.

“Ah and what are you going to do?”


“Needless to say, do it if you want, but remember for me, protect your brother, go.”

After speaking, Ishida Yuaki turned away directly under the astonished eyes of his two sons, compared to other parents, Ishida Yuaki has a more crisp personality and trusts his son more.

Until Ishida Yuaki was gone, the sound rang on the mobile phones of the two brothers at the same time.

Opening the phone, a text message appeared on the two brothers’ mobile phones at the same time.

“I have already sent you the map of the center of Odaiba, pay attention to safety.”

“Dad…” clenching his fists, Yamato Ishida looked at his younger brother Take, his heart calmer than ever.

“Call your mother to let me know.”

“Yes, brother!”


“Long Gui, please leave it to me with confidence, Mom and Dad!” Looking at the young parents in front of him, the puppy beast assured with a serious expression.

………. 0

The parents looked at each other, and finally looked at Long Gui, who had already put on his sneakers and broke out of the door, and had to sigh with a bitter smile: “This girl is still moving so fast, forget it, let her be.” Then please, puppy beast. ”

“It’s wrapped around me.”


“Dad, I’m leaving, I still have a battle waiting for me.” Unlike other children, Ichigo Kurosaki, who came home last night, had just been woken up by Yamato’s call.

Ichigo, who quickly sorted out his clothes, quickly ran to the door, followed by the little demon beast.

“Going into battle?” Kurosaki, who didn’t know what to think, suddenly became very pompous and said, “That stupid son must fight for me!” Go, take down all the enemies and show them the manhood of our Kurosaki family! ”

“Yes! Father! ”

This passionate voice was clearly not Ichigo’s voice.

Looking at the little demon beast around him who was inexplicably infected by the emotions of the idiot father, a family helplessly: “Gone, little demon beast.” ”

Until Ichigo actually stepped out of the house, a voice came into Kurosaki Isshin’s ears: “Protect your mother and sister, promise me.” ”

Hearing this, Kurosaki was stunned, and then laughed happily: “This kid also taught me a lesson.” ”

“But does this kid Ichigo know something?”

“Why do you care so much, your own son is not simple than he thinks, the Grim Reaper may not be his end, live a more exciting life, Ichigo!”


PS: All order 400 plus more, the waist hurts. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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