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The flower fairy beast that successfully knocked the blood-sucking demon beast away is simply gorgeous in terms of battle records.

Especially when the mechanical tyrannosaurus beast and the orc Garuru are solved.

When I saw this scene, except for Meimei and Taiyi, everyone, including thousands of brothers on the Internet, were stunned.

“Wow, I always thought that the flower fairy beast only lived by selling cute, but I didn’t expect my goddess to be so powerful!”

“Nonsense, the Flower Immortal Beast has also defeated a lot of Digimon in the past two days.”

“However, it is still a little more ordinary compared to other people.”

“I can’t say that, the Flower Immortal Beast is small, and her physical strength is a weakness, which does not mean that the actual combat effectiveness is poor.”

The Internet also began to have a fierce discussion around the question of whether the flower fairy beast is ordinary strong or super strong.

“Well done, Flower Fairy Beast!” Meimei, who narrowed her eyes with a smile, raised her right hand and praised it coquettishly.

“Sure enough.” Too “two eight zero” said with one heart.

When he understood that the Flower Immortal Cannon had two effects, Taiyi knew that the blood-sucking demon beast was going to be pitted, and sure enough, the damage caused by the pure purification power was extremely low, but the effect on the virus data was indeed very outstanding.

If the blood-sucking demon beast is replaced by a life-killing shout, the flower fairy cannon will not have any effect at all, and even the flower fairy beast will not have any ability to resist the life-killing shout, unless the move is interrupted.

“This, this…” Even Tachikawa Keisuke was shocked and almost speechless.

Originally, after seeing that the mechanical tyrannosaurus beast and the orc Garuru failed to defeat the blood-sucking monster, the father did not have self-confidence in his daughter’s partner.

It turned out to be…

“What a powerful flower fairy beast.”

Yuko Yagami said with shining eyes, obviously very satisfied with the ability and appearance of the flower fairy beast.

Looking at Yuko, who was also not much surprised, Taichi didn’t know whether to say that she was nervous or a little stupid. Well, it may not be good to talk about your mother, but it is.


With his wings spread, the blood-sucking demon beast that streaked across the ground flew into the sky, re-stabilized its body, and looked gloomy at the flower fairy beast that knocked itself away.

That attack didn’t cause any damage to the vampire beast at all, but it made him eat a big deflated again on the way to pretend, which was simply unbearable!

“Ah, oops.”

Seeing the blood-sucking monster unscathed, Meimei widened her eyes and shouted, “The blood-sucking monster is not injured!” Flower fairy beasts should be careful! ”

“It’s useless, Demon Blood Whip!”

The blood-sucking demon beast that pulled out a phantom expression coldly pulled out two blood-colored long whips and continuously swept across the air, constantly pumping at the flower fairy beast.

Syllable! Syllable! Syllable!

Countless sounds of breaking the air sounded in mid-air, attracting the attention of countless people.

Meimei and Jia’er’s hearts were even more tugged, and they were very worried about whether the flower fairy beast could support it.

However, this is clearly what they overthink.



The flower fairy beast looked at the swift and sharp evil whip, there was no trace of panic on its face, it still had that playful smile, and its whole body soared in the air gracefully and agilely, dodging the blood whip blows like a jump.

“Damn flower fairy beast, give me death!”

The misses again and again were like the mockery of the flower fairy beast, making the face of the blood-sucking demon beast darker and darker, and the movements in his hands accelerated several times, but he still could not rub half of the flower fairy beast.

“Evil bloodsucking beasts, introduce the punishment from the flower elves. Flower fairy cannon! ”

Blinking his big eyes and saying the lines of the middle two once, the flower fairy beast found an opportunity to come to the dead corner of the blood-sucking demon beast and directly raised his hands, and the flower fairy cannon instantly condensed.

The green Huaxian cannon fired again.

The vampire demon beast withdrew the demon blood whip with an ugly face, and immediately used his mental power to defend.


A figure flew upside down again.

“Hee-hee, this time it’s a pure physics department’s flower fairy cannon.” The beautiful flower fairy beast like an elf floated in the air and said with a grin.


Taiyi finally couldn’t help but laugh out loud: “Hahahaha, laugh at me, is this blood-sucking monster an idiot?” Wouldn’t it be necessary to hard connect to avoid it? ”

Looking at Taiyi, who laughed inexplicably, the others were also inexplicably embarrassed, but after listening to Taiyi’s explanation, they were stunned, thinking that this blood-sucking monster was indeed too stupid.

There are also many people on the Internet who have become fans of Taiyi.

Titles such as “witty boy”, “smart Shota”, “wise little handsome guy” and so on were instantly added to Taiyi’s head.

Listening to Taiyi’s explanation, Meimei and Jia’er smiled even more.


Su Na, who was fighting with the Gakida Beast, listened to Meimei and Taiyi’s laughter, and her heart was also inexplicably irritable, and she was so angry that her teeth itched, and she also said in an unpleasant tone for a while: “The Gasida Beast solved him happily!” ”

“Understood, Flame Hurricane!”

“Hell Flame!”

The red and green flames were instantly intertwined, and while the sight of both sides was blocked at the same time, the Gakida beast instantly froze, and a powerful momentum rose up.0………

“Shadow Wing Slash!”

The ultra-high-speed vacuum blade was instantly shot out by the Gakida beast, and when the flames dissipated, the indifferent Shalubi beast was about to attack again, but suddenly saw the vacuum blade that was already close at hand.


There was only one word in his mind, and the shadow wing slash instantly collided with the body of the Sharubi beast, directly passing through it.

The Gakida beast, who had completed this action, turned his head without hesitation, not thinking that the Shalubi beast had any possibility of survival.

“I won!” Looking at Su Na in front of him, the heroic Gakida Beast showed an innocent smile.

“Well, I knew that the Gakida Beast was the best.”

“For … Why? ”

Because the left and right hands are composed of heads, the vitality of the Sharubi beast is also extremely vigorous, and until this time, he can hang his breath and ask unwillingly.

“You’re just a three-headed dog in hell, and I… Tenryu Babu’s Galula! ”

Responding coldly, the Gakida Beast dragged Suna with his hand and flew towards Taiyi.

The Shalubi beast who fell to the ground was stunned, and then showed an expression of realization, muttering to himself.

“It’s the program… Am I inferior to you? It’s cruel really! Appearance! Yes! ”

The Shalubi beast, who died with unwillingness and enlightenment, also failed to leave a trace, perhaps only the dilapidated roads and buildings can prove his existence.

4.9 The camera that also filmed this scene naturally broadcast this situation to the world.

Even if it has long been known that the existence of Digimon is based on some myths or creatures in reality, but as Sharubi said, sometimes, some talent advantages are really too unfair and cruel.

Thinking of reality, countless people sighed in their hearts.

For a while, I couldn’t bear this villain who didn’t have many very short words.

“Huh? Yakuzu, you also solved it? ”

Suna, who came to Taichi’s side, looked at Yakuzu unexpectedly, but she didn’t expect that this guy really solved the Dagao beast quickly.


PS: After eating dinner, I went home early, continue to write, as long as it is not really mentally able to hold up, I will definitely solve today’s update today. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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