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“Human? Heroic? Death? Funny and stupid existence, people who cannot face the general meaning of the digital world, put on the mask of fear, and continue to wait until darkness falls and sanctions. ”

A man dressed as a clown observed the human world from the junction of the world through a special telescope, although he was a little surprised in his heart, but more disdainful.

It is foolish to focus on the spirit and death while ignoring the immediate danger.

“It’s great, it’s wonderful, such a world has the value of being conquered.” The clown emperor’s eyes are full of fire, this kind of present world with too many mysteries is interesting.

Otherwise, there is only a group of ordinary people, although they also want to conquer for their own future, but their interests are much worse.

Being able to suppress the four holy beasts (despite the great moisture), the ambition and desire for battle in the Joker Emperor’s heart is also great.

“Why bother!”

A thick voice suddenly came, and a steel dragon head emerged from the sea beside the Clown Emperor, and said in a deep voice with a wave of waves: “Wouldn’t it be good to knock everyone down and crush everyone in one breath?” ”


The Clown Emperor thought with disdain in his heart.

This kind of guy is only worthy of contributing his own combat effectiveness, and the arrogant and stupid guy, even if his strength is strong, he will not be able to survive in the end.

The clown emperor 09 is not a fool, as far as he observes, he has not yet seen that he can defeat himself steadily on the earth, but he can feel a strong threat from several people.

Vlad III, Sakata Kintoki, Orochi no Hana, Blue Dye… Suddenly you are suke!

In the end, the combat power that flashed during the battle with Sakata Jinshi increased, and the others did not pay attention to it, in the digital world with different time flow speeds, the Clown Emperor still found the man’s abnormality under the extremely slow speed multiplier.

Even if he is like this, the steel sea dragon beast that is one level weaker than himself, as far as he appeared before, there are no less than five who can play him to death by strength, and there are several who can threaten him.

I don’t know where this idiot’s confidence comes from.

“Time calculation is different, let’s take it step by step, and solve things in the digital world first.” A wooden doll came in with a small hammer and a wooden cross on his back, but the image of Pinocchio spoke very sensible words.

“Just like that guy.”

As far as he could see was a completely steel-mechanized dragon.

Looking at these three companions, the clown emperor sneered in his heart.

Reckless, dull, weak.

This is what he says about his companions.

The Infinite Dragon Beast is not bad as a loyal dogleg, the puppet beast is wise enough, the strength is poor, and it is impossible to turn over. The stupid Steel Sea Dragon Beast is a thug at most.

“The chosen child is about to return to the digital world.”

Standing up, the bent clown emperor with a weird smile: “I’m also leaving the backstage and going on a performance, I hope this stage play can be more exciting.” ”

“Fall, the curtain of the stage is raised!” His hands opened sharply, the light shone on him, and the ambition to control everything filled his eyes.

At the same time, there are three polar Digimon shrouded in three rays of light.

They are —

Four Heavenly Kings of Darkness!


The children who came to the digital world are dark, and now the digital world is nightly, so the two worlds before the handover of the sky suddenly became gloomy.

“You can also see the appearance of the earth here, and sure enough, the digital world has changed.” Looking up at the sky, Mitsuko Lang immediately came to this conclusion.

Streaming down!

Just as everyone was thinking about what to do next, there was a noise in the grass not far away.

“Enemy?” Yagu Beast looked over with serious eyes.

Others turned their heads as well.

“No, it’s not…” A mouse-like looking Zhimon beast pounced on it, looking very weak.

“Gemon Beast?!”

“Isn’t this the Zhimon beast on Failu Island along with the poop beast?”

The children were a little surprised, Taiyi was a doctor, there should also be a Zhimon beast in the original plot, it should be this one, but the problem is that if he wants to die, he should have died a long time ago, after all, the digital world has passed for several years, how can he maintain a look like he is going to die for several years and has not really died.

This can be explained by willpower, but if you have the willpower not to let yourself die, you always have to eat, and how can it find food every day to last so long with this kind of body.

However, I also had a certain impression of it Taiyi, and I was with the poop beast when I was on Fayilu Island, but because I didn’t care much at the time, I was not impressed.

“I’ll help you treat it first, if you have anything to say.”

Seeing that Meimei was kind and wanted to hold the Zhimeng Beast with a weak demeanor, Taiyi hurriedly intervened to take the lead in grabbing the Zhimeng Beast, with green light in his hands, and used the power of Tokipan to treat the Zhimeng Beast.

The others didn’t think much about it, only Meimei looked at Taiyi and thought of something, and smiled obsessively.

The Zhimeng Beast said with a very sad expression.

Just like the original plot, the general situation is that it and the poop beast were eating well in the garbage heap, and suddenly the earth collapsed, the poop beast fled too slowly and fell into it to die, and it survived.

A lot of dark energy rushed out from the cracks in the earth, and the dark forces descended on Fayilu Island, and then took over the “whole” digital world in an attempt to transform the world.

A spiral mountain rises from the ground, named – Dark Tornado Mountain.

“They say they will bring down all those who disobey their will.” Speaking of this, Zhimon Beast’s eyes were full of fear, and he said tremblingly.

This phenomenon also made Taiyi sure that there should be no problem with the Zhimon Beast.

Then it is very likely that the Zhimon beast can live until now, it is likely that someone did it intentionally.

Is it the Clown Emperor or… Gennai?

“Who are they?” Shogo Haizaki asked with a frown.

The situation is worse than they thought, the entire digital world has been swept by dark forces. 280

“They are … Dark four, four heavenly kings! ”

This unfamiliar title makes people a little confused, but Taiyi quickly analyzed the situation in combination with the original work.

“That means that the real mastermind behind the dark forces of ‘this’ world is the Dark Four Heavenly Kings, and everything before was to eradicate us.”

Taiyi thought about the blood-sucking monster who suddenly got the gate of time and space, and his eyes narrowed: “Maybe even the blood-sucking monster was used by them, and after discovering that we couldn’t be eradicated by the demon beast at that time, they used the blood-sucking monster that had already had a bad intention, and let him lead us back to Earth.” Through the time difference, to complete what they do. ”

“What?” Yagu Beast exclaimed with wide eyes.

The others and Digimon were no better, and they were all taken aback by Taichi’s remarks.

If so, then this Dark Four Heavenly King’s scheming is also too terrifying.


Splashes of gravel.

The children covered their faces with their arms.

“Hahahaha! You guessed it right! Chosen children, have been waiting for you for a long time! ”


PS: Flowers 28000 plus more, phew, today’s update will start immediately, and then all order to add much better, data plus better difficult to squeeze out to write.

New week, please click, please click, everyone read a few times after reading, please. ( ̄3 ̄)_

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