*Danny POV*

I shouldn't have stayed, I should've gotten her settled and then left but no I'm here waiting for her to call me. I feel my pocket vibrate and realize it's my phone. I look at the caller ID and it's Taylor, fuck.

"Where the fuck are you?" He said with a deep undertone growl as if he was really pissed off.

"I'm with her, now fuck off." and I hung up. I don't have the time or energy to deal with his shit today. I just want to be near her which I am and I'm loving it. I lay down on the couch and stare at the ceiling what am I doing. Is she the one? Is she my luna? Can I honestly believe she's the one meant for me? I'll figure this all out later, I've been up since 3 AM yesterday morning and it's now 1 AM Saturday I'm tired. I close my eyes for what felt like a minute and woke up to the smell of bacon. I sat up and got my bearings together and realized she was in the kitchen. I walked over to find her limping around the kitchen making food and coffee I couldn't help but smile.

"Well, you're in a good mood. How're your feet feeling?" I asked her while she plated the food she was cooking. "Well if you must know Danny I feel pretty good, with the exception with sore feet. Thank you for last night by the way." She never even looked at me she kept up what she was doing never missing a step. "That's good and no problem, well I guess I'll hit the road it was nice meeting you Miss. Stormy." I said as I gathered my things and was on my way out the door. "Hey, are you hungry?" She shouted after me. "I can always eat," I said as I turned on one foot to go back into the house. "Here, have a seat. It's the least I could do." She sits the plate and cup of coffee on the counter and I sit on the stool. "So Danny what do you do for a living?" She asks as she sips her coffee. "I work in construction, family-owned business", I said as I ate the eggs and bacon its the best eggs and bacon I think I've tasted since my mom passed. "Family-owned, nice. So you get paid because your name is on the check huh?" She said raising one eyebrow, I'm sure she already has an idea about me and I need to fix that quickly. "Yeah, family-owned but it's definitely not just because my name is on the checks. I get down and dirty with the best of them. I think out of everyone I'm the only one that actually does the construction part of my job. My brothers all decided to do management." I say finishing my plate and she just shrugs her shoulders and clears the counter. "What do you do Miss. Stormy?" I ask her since she wants to play 21 questions. "I'm an Account Manager," She says. I just look at her noticing just how beautiful she is. Her light brown almost hazel eyes shimmer in the light. She's meaty no bones and I love that. She has a little hoop in her left nostril and her long blue hair brushed behind her one ear. She's a little bohemian and I love it. My phone rings breaking my concentration of admiring her beauty, it's Taylor. "Hey, you cool?" He says actually sounding concerned. "Yeah, I'm good. Might be home later, gonna take my date out for a while" "Whatever stupid, don't get all weird" I don't even respond, I just hung up on him. I look up at her and see her smiling. "So I'm going out with you? And what if I don't wanna?" She says as she finishes her coffee. "Well I guess I'd have to sit on your couch until you do," I said getting up to head to the couch to sit down. She came out from around the counter and see she's still in her pajamas little short-shorts and a tank. I can feel my wolf stirring and waiting for the opportunity to ravage her body, take control and spend hours making her legs shake in excitement over and over and over again. I shook my hear trying to get rid of those thoughts and behave like a good boy. "Fine I guess I don't have plans, but don't consider this a date or anything. Just curious of who you really are." As she walked down the hallway and disappeared into her bedroom. I heard the shower running and decided to investigate her home, it's a cute little apartment but I swear I could fit the whole place in my bedroom. I walked down the hallway and into her room looking at the pictures on her dresser, trying to secretly learn more about my luna. She caught me. Damn.

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