He’s As Dazzling As The Stars

Chapter 917: Mrs. Tang Men Shao (3)

Qi Qi couldn't tell what it was like in his heart for a while, and felt more and more uneasy sitting next to Qi Yu, like sitting on pins and needles.

Qi Yu was only trapped in his own thinking, and didn't know what Qi Qi was thinking at the moment. Just continue to mutter: "If he really comes, I will confess to him regardless of last night... Seventh, I envy you and Mo Xun, the dust has settled, no need to wait, no need to suspicion... …"

When he said the last sentence, Qi Yu looked at Qi Qi with a misty gaze, but enviously.

"Sister..." Qi Qi was silent for a while, and said cautiously and carefully: "Didn't you say that he already has a girlfriend, in that case... Why don't you just give up? You don't have to be so painful."

"Give up?" Qi Yu shook his head, "No. I haven't fought, how can I give up? Maybe, as long as I put it through, everything will become different."

"..." The stubbornness and hope in Qi Yu's eyes caused Qi Qi's chest to become blocked, and he couldn't say a word of persuasion.

In the end, she didn't stay too much, found an excuse to go to work, and left in a hurry. Qi Yu is a sensitive person. If we continue to speak, there is no guarantee that Qi Yu will not see anything.


Qiqi returned to the magazine to work, and as soon as she showed up, Ruan Mengmeng kept patrolling her with a pair of eyes, back and forth, making Qiqi a headache.

She held the magazine upright on her desk, blocking Ruan Mengmeng's vision. Who knows, as soon as the chair Ruan Mengmeng was sitting on slipped, the whole person came to her.

"Seventh, last night, I was very enthusiastic~"

Qi Qi blushed, glanced at Ruan Mengmeng, and pushed her, "You are too boring."

"Honestly, who is it that you are so passionate about?" Ruan Mengmeng blinked at her charmingly, and her slender and beautiful fingers flicked ambiguously across her neck and collarbone. "No matter how much powder you put on it, you can't cover up the amorous feelings that the man left on you last night..."

Qi Qi embarrassed.

He closed his clothes tightly again like stealing a bell. In fact, it has no effect at all.

Those marks on the neck cannot be covered. Plus, it's summer again, and even drivers can't wear it. Qi Qi was a bit resentful against Tang Jue, he became self-willed, and she couldn't do anything with him.

"Mo Xun really doesn't look like such a passionate person. On the day of your wedding, you didn't see you come to work with strawberries covered in your body." Ruan Mengmeng looked at Qiqi tentatively like a detective." I left early last night, did you go with Young Master Tang Sect? He left these red marks too?"

"Hush!" Qi Qi pressed Ruan Mengmeng's mouth and looked around for a while before he used his index finger to make a slight comparison on his lips.

Seeing her reaction like this, Ruan Mengmeng was a little excited, her eyes were bright, "You didn't deny it, that means I guessed it right!"

"..." Qi Qi didn't know what to say.

"Then you and Mo Xun..." Ruan Mengmeng looked at her worriedly, and did not ask further.

"Actually, Mo Xun and I ended long ago."

Ruan Mengmeng was shocked again, "Because of Tang Jue?"

Qi Qi simply told Ruan Mengmeng about the marriage agreement with Mo Xun, but retained Mo Xun’s sexual orientation. Ruan Mengmeng was stunned when she heard it, and shook her head, "You people in the city really know how to play, and even get married can play fakes. But..."

Ruan Mengmeng's expression changed, "It can be seen that you have been with the young master now, life is a blessing."

Qi Qi pushed her in embarrassment, "I've heard the gossip, you go back to work quickly."

"But I haven't heard it all yet! Is the young master in bed wild or gentle? What is the size? Can it satisfy the fantasy of girls?"

"Ruan Mengmeng, why are you so lustful!"

Ruan Mengmeng laughed loudly, "You can't just be beautiful!"

Qi Qi pushed Ruan Mengmeng away, and the phone suddenly rang again at this moment. It's a text message.

Qi Qi didn't think much, took the phone over and saw the message, the whole person was stunned.

It is a message from the bank.

Moreover, the above shows that her account income is 100 million in cash. Seventh thought he was dazzled, and then carefully counted the zeros at the back, no more, no less, a full 10 million.

Without thinking, she could guess where the money came from.

Qi Qi took the phone, got up and walked to the open-air balcony. After dialing a series of familiar numbers, the phone rang for a while before being picked up.

"Hey." Tang Jue's voice came from there, not as casual as usual, it sounded a bit serious.

"It's me." Qiqi responded, "Are you in a meeting?"

"Yeah." Tang Jue didn't say much.

Qi Qi knows that he is busy with business. It is estimated that many partners are nearby and it is not convenient to speak. She had to say: "Then we will contact you after you finish the meeting. And... the money has already arrived. "

"Yeah. Just hold it."

Qi Qi was afraid of delaying his business, so he didn't talk to him any more. It's just a headache for such a large sum of money, and it's quite troublesome to transfer it back. You have to make an appointment at the bank first.

Qi Qi was about to call the bank, and the phone rang again.

It turned out to be a text message from Tang Jue.

"Baby, in the future, all your services can only be dedicated to me."

Through the screen, Qi Qi seemed to be able to feel that Tang Jue's coquettish and domineering tone must still be a bit sultry.

"..." Qi Qi couldn't laugh or cry. She was joking last night, he actually took it seriously. This is the real waywardness of wealth!


In the afternoon, Qi Qi had just left work, and when he was walking downstairs, the phone rang.

She glanced at the screen and found that her aunt Jiang Shao was calling. She was worried about what would happen to her uncle, and quickly connected the phone.

"Qiqi, can you do a favor for Auntie?" Jiang Shao said over there first.

"Of course. You say."

Jiang Shao sighed straight over there, "Your sister hasn't known what's wrong in the past two days. Nothing is right. I just went back from the hospital and didn't sleep all day and night. I'm so desperate, I'm afraid that something will happen to her. So. , Can you help me go back to accompany your sister tonight? By the way, make her dinner, I see her like that, so don't expect to cook dinner by yourself."

Speaking of Qiyu, Qiqi sighed.

So, until now, she is still in a sluggish state, hasn't she recovered?

"What's the matter? Is it inconvenient?" Jiang Shao didn't hear the answer, and said again: "I'm going to take care of your uncle in the hospital now, so I can't walk away at all. Otherwise, I'll definitely go back by myself."

"Convenient." Qi Qi returned to his senses, and hurriedly replied: "Auntie, don't worry, I'm off work. I'll take the car back and take care of my sister."

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