"Engagement soon? That is to say, there is no engagement yet! " Jiang Lai's eyes looked her from head to foot, and said, "tut tut You're sure he likes such a fussy and opinionated woman as you are? "

This stabbed Lin Shiyan's pain, and her face suddenly changed. She didn't care about the appearance of a lady. "You're just a bodyguard. How dare you talk to me like that?"

Jiang Lai most hated this kind of words with grade discrimination and professional discrimination, "what's Miss Lin like? Why am I afraid to talk to you like that

"You Lin Shiyan was very angry with her. Her eyes were full of anger and disdain. "Don't think I don't know what you're thinking! Lu's door, Jiang Lai with his head askew, an expression of thorough inquiry, "what kind of woman am I?"

Lin Shiyan saw that she pretended to be stupid, but she could not help tightening her hands.

She seems innocent, but in fact she is pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

"You can think about my proposal. If you think it out, please feel free to call me." Lin Shiyan raised her hand and lifted her long hair. She threw the bait that she thought was very attractive. "I can give you one million yuan as compensation."

Jiang Lai raised his chin, coldly hissed, "Miss Lin, will the position of Lu's little grandmother be too cheap in your heart?"

Oh! It turns out that you don't have enough money?

She knew that there was no problem in the world that money couldn't solve!

If there is, it must be the money is not in place!

"1.5 million."

"Miss Lin, as Mr. Lu's bodyguard, I'd better give you some advice." Jiang Lai bent his big eyes and showed his pure student spirit on his plain face.

Lin Shiyan did not speak, so she stared at her.

Jiang Lai smilingly on her line of sight, "before you shout the price, you'd better ask Mr. Lu whether he will marry you or not. Don't wait for the money to be paid, and you haven't got it. Isn't it the loss of your wife and the loss of your soldiers? "

Lin Shiyan's calmness suddenly disintegrated, and her face became extremely ugly.

However, without waiting for her attack, Jiang Lai continued to add fuel to the fire, "it is said that Miss Lin is also a famous lady in the imperial capital. There's no need to post it so thoroughly for a man

Leaving this, she clapped her hands, turned around and walked away, leaving Lin Shiyan behind her angry face distorted

In the study.

Lu Shiyan looked at the old man Lu sitting behind his desk. "Grandfather, I have recovered. I want to enter the company from tomorrow and learn from my mother and several elders as soon as possible."

Oh! How could it be so easy to obstruct him from entering the Lu family?

Lu Dingchuan looked at the tall and upright grandson in front of him and nodded slowly, "it's really not easy for your mother to marry to the Lu family these years. She can also be more relaxed if you help her share in the future."

Lu Shiyan sipped his lips and drooped his eyes. "Don't worry, grandfather. I won't let you down."

"Grandfather believes in your ability. When you were in poor health, you were absent from class for three days and two days, and you could still be the first in the exam. If you take over the company, I will die in peace. "

"You will live a long life, grandfather."

"Yes! Grandfather is going to watch you get married and have children. You can hurry up! "

That Miss Lin has self-restraint and knowledge, and her appearance is good. What's more, she and Xiaoyan are in love.

Xiao Yan can get married as soon as possible and give birth to a big fat boy. He can also get rid of his single mind.

Lu Shiyan squinted his eye mask. What mood flashed by, "grandfather, I will."

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