Sure enough, being a father is not the same. With a sense of responsibility on his shoulders, he may finally know how to make a better choice for himself and his children.

He looked at the father and daughter on the opposite side and said slowly, "last time an old friend wanted to introduce his granddaughter to you. When I go back to contact him, I will arrange for you to meet him first."

Lu Shiyan looked up and gave the old man a gentle smile. He refused, "grandfather, it's not necessary to have a blind date. I have a suitable candidate in my heart."

Lu Yuxi was surprised to stare round his eyes. His face was full of disbelief. "Elder brother, have you been looking for a good marriage partner in silence? Tell me quickly, who is the daughter of the family? Maybe I know him

In fact, there are only a few people in their twenties who are of marriageable age. As long as they name them, they can basically recognize them.

Lu Shiyan didn't answer her. She just said, "when I chase her to my hand, I will take her back."

"What? Is there anyone else in Huacheng that you can't catch up with? " Lu Xiyu's eyes widened, and his curiosity was completely suspended. "Brother, tell me who it is. Maybe I can help you with your ideas."

Lu Shiyan pulled the corners of his mouth, laughed at her, and politely refused her kindness. "Forget it, you haven't even figured out your own personal affairs, so don't help me."

Lu Xi language pretty face, hum a complain way, "grandfather, you see my brother!"

Lu Dingchuan smile, "your brother said right, you ah, or first to solve their own problems."

All of a sudden, Lu Shiyan felt his sleeve pulled by his daughter's little fat hand again.

"Dad, Dad." Lu Yanbai called to him in a low voice, with an expression of desire and silence.

Lu Shiyan lowered his head and glared at her big eyes, gently asked, "what's the matter?"

"I see mom, and she's here too!" Lu Yanbai stretched out his fleshy little fat finger and quietly pointed to the position at the table separated from them, "Dad, look at it!"

Lu Shiyan looked at his daughter's small face as if he had discovered the new world, and his eyes were soft. "Well, dad saw it."

Lu Yanbai bit his chopsticks and tangled for a few seconds. Then he whispered, "can I say hello to my mother later?"

"Yes." Lu Shiyan moved his eyebrows, thought for a moment, and then added, "you can ask her for her mobile phone number. When you miss your mother, you can call her at any time."

Lu Yanbai listened to the man's suggestion and said, "OK."

"Brother, what are you two whispering about?" Seeing that they were whispering to each other in a low voice, Lu Xiyu couldn't help asking curiously.

Lu Yanbai raised his eyes to her inquiring eyes, pointed to her back and said happily, "I saw my mother!"

Lu Xi language along the direction of her small hand to look at the past, when you see who is sitting there, suddenly showed a surprised expression, "Jiang Lai? How could she be here? "

but as like as two peas, she was in the opposite direction. "How does that man wear the same couples dress as she does? She will not Have you made a new boyfriend

She was about to speak again, but found that the man sitting opposite to Jiang Lai reached for the corner of his mouth.

Lu Xi language immediately turned back to his face and angrily looked at the man sitting opposite with a calm face, "brother, the right person you said would not be Jiang Lai?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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