"It's all about it." Zou Xiao changed his more comfortable posture, glancing at his face, and said slowly, "Mr. Jiang, do you want that young Xun Ji to follow him in the past just to test how much emotion he has for Jiang Lai when he is down the land?"

In fact, Jiang Yihang let Ji shaoxun follow to Huacheng, after all, still have a lot of personal heart.

After all, Ji shaoxun has been chasing her for three years, but Jiang Laihe has never given any response.

This time, it is said to give Ji shaoxun and Jiang laialone the opportunity to cultivate their feelings.

Opportunity, maybe true, but more likely to be the last chance.

As a friend of Ji shaoxun, Jiang Yihang knew that he was sincere to his sister, and once hoped they could be together.

Starting a new relationship is the most effective way to forget the pain of the past.

However, Ji shaoxun should not be just a healing medicine. If Jiang Laihe does not respond later, his brother does not want his friend to hang up on the iron tree of his sister, nor hope Jiang Lais will leave any regrets in his life.

Therefore, he deliberately talks about cooperation as an excuse, let Ji shaoxun accompany Jiang laiback.

One, if they can really wipe out sparks this time, it is naturally a joy.

Second, if Jiang Laihe can not let that person, then he will give them the opportunity to meet, as for whether they can be together in the future, they will see themselves.

Third, if Jiang Lais does not have a half point feeling for jishaoxun, through the hands of Lu Shiyan, he should also let Ji shaoxun die completely.

Jiang Laihe will not be bothered by him again, which is also a way he thought for a long time, hoping to solve their emotional disputes.

At this time, the words of the zoao may be hard to hear, but it is also a fact.

Jiang Yihang didn't think what he thought, but he was expected by the man. His face showed a shocked expression. "Mr. Zoe, what do you want?"

"Mr. Jiang, you asked this question quite interesting." Zou Xiao leaned on the sofa behind him and casually picked the lip corner. "You asked me for a deal. How can I turn around and ask me what I think? You are not a daughter of the people. Can I still rob you? "

Jiang Yihang was really confused by him, "Mr. Zoe, you can tell your purpose directly."

"My purpose is simple, that is to let Lu Shiyan even if the heart itch to be uncomfortable, he can not scratch." "It seems that all the time, he is smiling," anyway, he is going to feel bad. So, you can understand? "

Jiang Yihang nodded and probably heard his intention.

Maybe Lu Shiyan once offended him, so he wanted to make a joke with Lu Shiyan. It was harmless, but he had to make him feel bad.

This idea is really good, after all, that man took care of his sister's failure of duty was also true, and it seems that giving a small punishment seems to be harmless.

After pondering for more than ten seconds, Jiang Yihang looked at him, and asked, "so if I promise your request, you will kill Jiang Zongyi for me?"

"There is no compensation." Zoao nodded, not hurriedly and said, "anyway, it is boring recently. It should be a good idea to go to China to go around."

Recently, Feng Yu'an was found pregnant, and he was forced to sleep with her, and he was eager to be dissatisfied every day. Naturally, he was very angry.

And the recent days are really dull, boring so he wants to find something to do.

Since Jiang Yihang found the door, he robbed Lu Shiyan to kill Jiang Zongyi before he was angry and killed.

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