So, the assistant owl did not hold it for a moment, and then he put his arms around her and lowered his head again.

After a long time, he saw that Feng Yu'an's face was even redder with anger, so he released the hand holding her.

In her lip corner gently pecked two mouthfuls, his soft voice comforts a way, "darling, don't be angry, this is not conducive to fetal education."

"Do you know fetal education?" Feng Yu an didn't have a good temper to white his one eye, "the baby is almost damaged by you."

Xiao Xiao chuckled and said, "it doesn't matter. It's still a fertilized egg that doesn't grow into human form now. It's too early for prenatal education at this time."

Listening to his calm tone, Feng Yu'an raised his hand and tried to beat him. However, thinking that he had only said half of what he said just now, he couldn't help asking, "are you really going to make a matchmaker for Lu Shiyan? What about him? What's his attitude? Also, he and Xiao Lai's daughter is more than three years old. If Lu Shiyan and other women form a new family, then the most injured must be inkstone. I see, I still take the opportunity to tell Xiaolai about inkstone and let her take her daughter away! "

At the beginning, Jiang Lai left Huacheng heartbroken, and Feng Yu'an later came to New York with Zuo Xiao.

She originally wanted to tell Jiang Lai about Lu Yanbai's existence, but Zuo Xiao told her that Lu Yanbai was in poor health, and might become a medicine pot like Jiang Yihan.

At that time, Jiang Lai had accepted the fact that his children had been exiled and was starting a new life.

Feng Yu'an was afraid that she would be happy, so he didn't tell her about Lu Yanbai.

Now if Lu Shiyan really wants to find another woman to marry and have children, then Lu Yanbai can't stay in the Lu family.

"Jiang Xiao's hand is ready to call her

"I don't care if the woman you're going to fix is..." When Feng Yu'an said this, he suddenly realized something and suddenly looked up at him, "what do you say? Are you going to set up Lu Shiyan and Jiang Lai

Zuo Xiao looked at her startled expression and gently pinched her chin. "No wonder you have a saying in China called 'one pregnant fool for three years'. Just after you got pregnant, the characteristics became so obvious."

Listening to his serious tone, Feng Yu'an was depressed. His eyebrows raised and he said angrily, "who are you talking about, Zuo Xiao?"

The assistant owl saw this, bowed his head and kissed her cheek, "wife, please don't be angry. You're joking with you. Don't scare the baby in the stomach."

Feng Yu'an is not really angry. After being coaxed by him, he suddenly thought of something, "by the way, do you say your plane tomorrow? I also want to go back home. Take me back with me. "

"No way." As soon as her voice poured in, Zuo Xiao interrupted her without hesitation, "pregnant women can't fly casually. You'd better stay at home and unload after eight months. You can go anywhere you want."

Feng Yu'an smell speech, frown, a face depressed expression, "you leave tomorrow, then I stay at home alone how boring?"

Zuo Xiao held her cheek in her hand and coaxed in a soft voice, "if you feel bored, I'll call you once a day in the morning, in the evening, and chat with you to relieve boredom."

Feng Yu'an is not that kind of unreasonable woman. After being coaxed by him, he also stepped back.

"And when will you be back?"

"It shouldn't be long." After meditating for a moment, Zuo Xiao added, "of course, the key depends on whether Lu Shiyan can do it. If he can take Jiang Lai in three days, how can we break his heart for him?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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