"Xiaobai, I'm not angry." Jiang Lai mouth with a smile arc, warm voice way, "but, your father he did not pass my permission to come into my bedroom, such behavior is very bad, you understand?"

Lu Yanbai looked at her in a daze, and then seemed to understand her meaning. He hung his head and said, "my master said that the first mistake can be forgiven. Mom, can you forgive dad once

Jiang Lai looks at such a clever and sensible little guy, and the anger aroused by Lu Shiyan doesn't know where to vent.

She touched the back of the little guy's bare back as a sign of comfort and turned to look at the man standing at the door.

Even though she adjusted her mood, she could still see her anger in her warm eyes. "Lu Shiyan, do you have no conscience pain when you use a child like this?"

In her opinion, he was sure that she could not refuse the child, so he did it on purpose.

But didn't he know that when he saw such a big child, a wound in her heart would ache faintly?

At the exit of the cemetery, she was hit by a car and lost her eight month old baby on the operating table. This is the deepest scar in her heart.

Every time he appeared in front of her with this little bald head, it was like salting his wound.

"Use?" Lu Shiyan seemed to have a smile in his lips, and his eyebrows were calm. "Xiaolai, although she was not born in my stomach, I am not able to use a child. It's true that inkstone wants you. Of course, I think you are too. "

Jiang Lai I don't know why, chatting with him seems to be a very difficult thing.

She took a breath and said as calmly as possible, "Lu Shiyan, yesterday at the airport, I think you should have seen it. I have a boyfriend, so I hope you don't disturb my life again. "

She did not know what kind of mentality he was out of to keep such a small child around.

However, she couldn't accept it without heart, because every time she saw this child, she could not help thinking of their unborn child.

Lu Shiyan looked at the change of her face. The color of her dark eyes was not clear. She did not know what she was thinking.

A moment later, he slowly said, "Xiaolai, inkstone, she likes you very much, we come here to invite you to have lunch."

She seems to like inkstone, but she keeps refusing with her children.

To be honest, even he couldn't understand what she meant.

"Treat me to dinner, and you won't call? Not texting? " His explanation was perfunctory. Jiang Lai snorted coldly and then said, "Lu Shiyan, we broke up three years ago. What do you mean now?"

Compared with her anger, Lu shiyanjun's face was always calm.

Lifting his eyes, he looked into her angry eyes and said, "Xiaolai, the unmarried man and the unmarried woman are not married. My Sima Zhao's heart is so obvious that I think you can see it too!"

Sima Zhao's heart?

So does he want to go after her again?

Jiang Lai bit his lip and drew a light arc, "Lu Shiyan, do I not understand enough? There is no relationship between us any more! "

It was shameful and despicable of him to find a child to befriend her!

However, the child is innocent, Jiang Lai does not want their enmity to hurt this lovely little guy.

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