
She called tentatively. Jiang laizheng wanted to reply, but was stopped by Lu Shiyan.

"Leave her alone."

Lu Shiyan certainly didn't want to take care of his sister.

Jiang laibai his one eye, very speechless ground return a way, "is you to call to let small Xi try dress good?"

Lu Shiyan glanced at her. "But, madam, you are not well dressed now. I'm afraid it's not good to be seen."


She would have zipped her wedding dress.

It's not that he has messed up her wedding dress.

Jiang Lai listened to his words, raised his hand to the fitting room door and pointed, "you give me out!"

"I haven't zipped you yet."

Now, he remembered that he had zipped himself in.

Who did you go?

Jiang Lai ignored him, "no, I let Xiao Xi come in and help me."

"No way." Lu Shiyan disagreed. "You are my wife. You can't let others see your body."

Jiang Lai is simply to be his words to gas smile, Lu Xi language is a girl, this man's possessiveness will be too strong?

She moved her lips and was about to return to him.

Outside, Lu Xi's voice sounded again, "brother, little Lai? Are you in there? "

After a few seconds, see no one to answer, Lu Xiyu plans to go to the fitting room here to see the situation.

As soon as I raised my step, there came a deep, sexy voice, "in."

Then there was the sound of confusion. The little girl among them, listening to the rustling sound inside, shook her head in silence.

Her brother is really, how can hunger and thirst to this point, to try a wedding dress are difficult to control.


When Lu Xiyu sighs in his heart, he suddenly thinks of another face in his mind.

Pooh, Pooh, Pooh! What do you want from him!

However, her eyes could not help looking out through the French windows on the second floor, and saw that the SUV was still at the door.

She drove Jiang Yichen to the hotel last night. When she left the hotel just now, Jiang Yichen offered to take her over.

It's really inconvenient to take a taxi at this time, and Lu Xiyu didn't refuse.

Downstairs, Jiang Yichen leaned against the door of the car, pulled out a mint cigarette and lit it skillfully.

The smoke soon obscured his handsome face.

When Lu Xiyu received the call, Jiang Yichen also received a call from Jiang Lai.

I hope to invite him to be the best man on the wedding day.

Jiang Yichen in the heart of this matter is actually want to refuse, but on the mouth but ghost of the promise down.

As a brother, it's like meeting her wedding wish.

On the phone, Jiang Lai invited him to try on the dress, but he refused.

But still sent Lu Xi language.

He took a puff of peppermint smoke in his hand and puffed out circles of smoke.

He is a very sensitive man, so when there is a sight down upstairs, he feels it at the first time, but pretends not to know.

On the second floor, in the fitting room.

Jiang Lai has sorted out the wedding dress and walked out of the fitting room, looking at Lu Xi language standing in front of the French window in a daze, "Xiaoxi, are you coming?"

Lu Xiyu heard her voice and turned to look at her. When she saw Jiang Lai wearing a white wedding dress, she suddenly exclaimed, "Xiaolai, how beautiful you are! Oh, no, from today on, I'll have to call you sister-in-law

Jiang Lai laughs and shakes his head, "sister-in-law is not pleasant to hear, you still call my name."

Lu Xi nodded and said with a smile, "good! Where is the bridesmaid dress? I'll try it. "

Jiang Lai pointed to the dress hanging on the hanger, "I don't know which one you like, so I ordered three."

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